Friday, January 15, 2021

Zeus, Psychopaths, and Krakens...

Live Science: What is a Kraken? Benjamin Radford

 © January 15, 2021, the Griot Poet

The Greek king of the gods

Like most deities of the past,

He was a raging sociopath,


The Kraken

Was a tentacled mythical beast made famous in two versions of “Clash of the Titans,”

The iconic phrase uttered, “release the Kraken.”


The sovereign deployment of

A weapon of mass destruction,

Against humanity, and generally,

Anyone who hadn’t sufficiently kissed his ass.


“Release the Kraken,”


Is announcing crazy shit is about to happen,

Like the factions showing up at the Capitol,

With the stated goal of negating a free and fair election,


These are the same demons that told us,

“Fuck your feelings.”

And “get over it” in 2016,


Antifa means “anti-fascists,”

PROFA is its polar opposite,

It takes a special kind of stupid,

To think the former would dress as the latter,

Storm and trash the nation’s Capitol,

In an election, they had WON the House, the Senate, and the White House,


Franklin Graham solidified

His straight-to-hell express strategy,

As the high priest of anti-Christian Evilgelicals,

Following their Orange Julius Iscariot,

When he compared the ten House republicans,

Following The Constitution,

To the people who executed Jesus,


He’s going to get people killed,

Much like Sarah Palin

Contributed to the deaths of nine in Arizona,

And almost murdered,

Congresswoman Gabby Giffords,

With Palin’s “don’t retreat: RELOAD!” comment

Jared Lee Loughner

His diseased mind took this as holy writ

From atop Mount Olympus,

Acting with murderous intent,


Or, Bill O’Reilly

Between his scripted “war on Christmas,”

Lamenting “Tiller, the Baby Killer,”

On his Fox propaganda nightly shtick,

Until Dr. George Tiller WAS killed

By Scott Roeder,

Ironically, while serving as an usher in his church,


Pretty much clarifying,

Franklin’s calls to “salvation” is a snake oil act,

He won the sperm genetics lottery,

Graham’s just his last name,

He rides and uses to grifting fame,


His father is with poor Lazarus,

And he will be rewarded with rich men in sulfurous flames,


From Crispus Attucks to Eugene Goodman,

We have defended this republic since its inception,

We want “law and order.”

And the country to follow The Constitution,

Fairly applied across the board,

Without the former slave patrols killing us,

For the deadly weapons of:

Loose cigarettes, toy guns, rap music, jogging, sleeping, cell phones, or Skittles,


From the SCLC to BLM,

We are working towards a “more perfect Union,”

And shown ourselves willing to defend it,

Against all enemies “foreign and domestic,”


That means German Nazis,

And bullhorn helmet bullshit fascists,

Who require “organic meals” after capture

For sedition against the flag and nation,

They each pretend they’ve always held in high elevation,


The 30,000, or so of racist seditionists,

Didn’t read sedition is illegal in The Constitution,

Their confederate ancestors the reason for section three of the Fourteenth Amendment,

Or that doxing yourselves on social media

Isn’t the mark of “stable geniuses.”

Nor is leaving DNA samples of their feces,

Who didn’t learn anything since Charlottesville,

The Klan wore hoods for a reason,

Nor anyone who claims supremacy,

Because of a lack of Melanin,


After showing their asses at Capitol Hill,

Tracking feces through the halls of Congress,

Building a gallows, not in effigy,

But to execute the Vice President and Speaker of the House,

This junta started with “American Carnage,”

Ended just as jacked up as The Apprentice,


“When someone shows you who they are the first time: believe them,”


Oh, Dr. Maya Angelou, had we applied this knowledge,

We wouldn’t be daily at the precipice,

Of a constitutional crisis,


When arrested

And charged for the crimes they FILMED themselves committing,

Displayed abject stupidity and cowardice,

Excusing themselves like the snowflakes they are,

To a woman and man saying:


“I just got caught up in the moment!”

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