Thursday, January 07, 2021

This is Fascism...


© January 8, 2021, the Griot Poet 

This is why

Eighty-one percent of evangelicals,

Voted for the pussy-grabber,

Southern Baptist enabled,

The slaughter of Native Americans,

And the enslavement of the African diaspora,

Twisting and misquoting scriptures,

From a brown-skinned itinerant minister,

They lie they revere every Sabbath,


This is fascism!


“The Southern Strategy” had a shelf life,

Born in 1960s strife,

Three years past the Civil Rights Act,

Two years after the Voting Rights Act,


In 1968,

Post LBJ’s contrition,

Due to his Vietnam obfuscations,


Running on “law and order,”

Pulled in the former Dixiecrats,

Into the former “Party of Lincoln,”

Who didn’t want to share power,

With the descendants of the African diaspora,


Nixon won the election,

And inaugurated “wink and nod.”

Genteel politics,

That gave the Republican Party,

Plausible deniability,


As they expanded their territory,

Sweeping the south for the first time in their history,

In his 1972 re-election,

Then, Watergate the plumbers,

And hubris blew the expansion,

The fact we had only three television stations,

We got our news without guile or spin,

Nixon went from winning 49 out of 50 states,

To resigning in disgrace,


The Grand Old Party, however, expanded their case,

With the evangelical base,

That was initially okay with Roe vs. Wade,

They didn’t want to obey,

The government order to desegregate,

Christian private schools generated,

After Brown vs. Board of Education,

Disseminated at a slower pace,

Than “all deliberate speed,”

Would for many like me, take decades,

Abortion gave the fig leaf,

To their miscegenation bigotry,


The GOP further expanded their greed,

For raw power,

By going against the LGBT,

During the AIDS crisis,

The first coronavirus,

Because just bigotry against black and brown bodies,

Was slowing down

Party expansion,


They always solicited endorsements,

From the wealthy 1%,

And sold their souls,

For an election paycheck,

Bending the arc of the moral universe and public service,

To self-service,

And fascism,


Now, at the bottom of the barrel,

The “gang of Putin” has enlisted,

Flat Earthers,


Crackpots, and conspiracy theorists,

That think the planet is 6,000 years old,

Climate change is a “Chinese hoax,”

And, fear demographics foretold,

That they would lose their numerical foothold,


Hence, the sense of urgency,

The fear of losing their supremacy?

When a black preacher from Ebenezer,

The same pulpit where Martin Luther King ministered,

And led the Civil Rights movement,

And, the son of Jewish immigrants,

A protege of the late John Lewis,

Flipped over the Georgia Senate,

From the ghoulish 1%

Pandemic stock traders,

And the grim reaper control of Moscow Mitch,


The party expansion reached an impasse,

No one is buying their bullshit,

About trickledown, and expecting,

American exceptionalism,

To magically happen,

For everyone,

And bring old jobs back,

Automation, computers, and robotics replace that,


We should have BEEN preparing,

Democratic and Republican constituents,

For these eventual industrial,

Political and demographics shifts,


An insurrection attempted,

On December 37, 2020,

Didn’t let us peacefully participate,

In the electoral college certification

Five total dead,

One more person killed,

Than, in Benghazi,

That generated endless hearings,

And eleven hours of testimony,

Ruining a political career, revealing nothing,

Except for the sadism of Kevin McCarthy,


Now, we’re

Trying to get out of the nightmare,

Brought by their “dear leader,”


Chewbacca in a bikini,

And a Buffalo hat appendage,

Gross gremlins and Gollum’s,

Defecated in the Capitol,

And, tracked feces through offices,


This is fascism.

Desecration of the symbols of our sovereignty,

Is their first order of business,

This hatred is learned in kitchens,

From “credible others,”

Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers,

Who wants slavery to re-begin,

Their thought of “making America great again.”

Just like the knights of the Ku Klux Klan,



Their special status,

As privileged sociopaths,

Is thwarted by inevitable progress,


They are willing to give over their sovereignty,

To an unqualified, treasonous potentate,

Of avarice, lunacy, and chaos,

Give our country to Russian power,

For the illusion of “white supremacy.”

Get over it, Grand Poo-Bah of the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos,

Stop trying to ruin The Flintstones,

We’re all earthlings, family, and humans!

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