Sunday, January 17, 2021

Patriot, or Pussy...


Broke Back Donald

© January 17, 2021, the Griot Poet

“You can go down in history as a patriot, or a pussy,” Putin’s puppet to Mike Pence,


The siege of the US Capitol,

It began with an Access Hollywood tape,

Billy Bush giggling,

As a fake toupee billionaire talked about “grabbing them by the pussy,”



Toxic masculinity,

And, Internet trolling personified,


He got eighty-one percent,

Of the white evangelical vote,

Who should now be known as Evilgelicals,

Losing their preeminence forever,

To give people a prescription,

To philosophy,

Of brown-skinned Palestinian prophets,

They more likely would crucify,

Or, place on his neck an authoritarian knee,


This stance is more than contrarianism,

It’s a mix of authoritarianism,

And too many testosterone-boosting supplements,


It’s not deference to experts or evidence,

But as Carl Sagan said, a “celebration of ignorance,”


Or, Eric Blair,

Penname George Orwell,

Immortalized in the popular refrain

Of “Nineteen Eighty-Four”:


“War is peace,”

“Freedom is slavery,”

“Ignorance is strength,”


The ignorant were lit,

January 6, 2021,

A fire sparked by,

The lies of a fake president,

Who’s toxic masculinity lost,

The White House, the Senate, and the House,


He “said what they were thinking,”

But laws and polity kept them silent,

Not because they changed their minds,

But because of the loss of jobs, esteem, and positions,

Seen as too costly to opine,


The willfully ignorant

Spent decades ignoring,

Dr. Carter G. Woodson,

Or his “Miseducation of the Negro” treatise,


January 18, 2017,

Women descended on the Capitol,

Defiantly wearing pussy hats, some running for and winning seats in Congress,

A larger crowd worldwide than the previous day’s pitifully attended inauguration,

Of a carnival barker,

That darkly spoke of “American Carnage,”


The statement was then strange and off-putting,

We didn’t anticipate it prophesy,

Four years later,

Armed insurrectionists,

Couldn’t accept that toxic masculinity,

Didn’t expand their chances electorally,


He gave them license to “be their true selves,”

Without guilt or apology,

License to be racists, homophobes, sexists,

Their “great again” mythology,


Bring back jobs from overseas,

Decided by white men like them,


Put white women back in the kitchen,

Barefoot and pregnant,


Make African Americans slaves and servants,

Put the LGBT community back in the closet,

Make Native Americans evil savages,

Send Asians and Indians back to their countries,

Build a wall to keep out Mexicans underhanded agribusiness, builders, and meatpackers solicited,


Oligarchs have forever manipulated,

The “bewildered herd.”

With their hatred and prejudices,

“Astroturf” is just the modern word,

For four-hundred years of gasoline and gaslighting,

Generationally hiding the theft, they’ve been committing,


It’s why we can’t do the simple remedy,

Of wearing a mask during a pandemic,

Their orange graven image snatched his mask off on a balcony,

After groundbreaking treatments by doctors at Walter Reed,

It’s why they adhere to “alternative facts” and conspiracy theories,

It is to their Golden Calf they bend,

It’s why they insist on super spreader events,



As their cell phones will place them,

At the heart of this insurrection,


Their pride won’t let them reflect

Until magistrates render twenty-year verdicts,

The price of their seditious acts,

They may then count the cost,

As bailiffs lead them away in handcuffs,

Their toxic masculinity,

Will forever list them historically,


Not as patriots: but as pussies.

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