Saturday, February 18, 2023

Killing Fields...

Image Source: Instagram

© February 15, 2023, the Griot Poet

Inspired by “An Economic Civil War to Stop Mass Shootings,” Countdown With Keith Olbermann’s podcast, I-Heart Radio, 2/15/23.


Sports commentator

Jemele Hill’s saved tweet,

Sums up our national sociopathy:


Quoting Dan Hodges: “In retrospect, Sandy Hook marked the END of the gun control debate. Once America decided that killing children was bearable, it was over.”



[Who] on December 14, 2012,

[Had] every right to dream about a white Christmas: they lived in Connecticut,

And New England is known for its winter weather.



[Who] on December 14, 2012,

[Had] every right to dream about what they would be when they grew up: a scientist, a writer, a poet, a musician, a lawyer, a teacher: all possibilities lost.



Who were six,

You do the math: they should be graduating from high school and getting ready to be first-year students in college.

We don’t get legislation,

We get the reflexive “thoughts and prayers” shtick,

Knowing full well that the only gods these monsters respect are Mammon and Moloch!

Personifications of greed and avarice,

And the sacrifice of innocents on “cremation pyres of care,”



One of which, her parent,

An IBM researcher,

I witnessed his mad dash out of the facility at the news of another gun massacre:

His daughter didn’t make it.



Another parent at Sandy Hook,

A jazz musician,

Jimmy Greene,

Composed in his, and his wife, Nebla Marquez’s grief,

An ode to their daughter, Ana Grace Marquez-Greene.


Twenty children, who should be freshmen in college,

And six teachers, who should be with us, and eleven years closer to retirement.


Alex Jones made mountains of cash,

That would make Midas blush,

Saying that Sandy Hook was staged,

That there were no dead children,

That they were “crisis actors,”


Where are the teachers, Alex?

Where are the children enrolled in college?

Why are you filing for bankruptcy to escape accountability?


The day before the fifth anniversary of the Parkland massacre,

We get Anthony McRae,

Who should not have been allowed to purchase or possess a weapon,

He goes to Michigan State University,

With no affiliation,

He killed three and severely wounded five,

Before the police could arrest him alive,

The coward took his own life.


One of Anthony’s victims,

She was a survivor of Sandy Hook.

Jackie Matthews,

A senior at MSU,

“We can no longer allow this to happen. The fact that this is the second mass shooting that I have lived through is just incomprehensible. We can no longer [just] provide love and prayers. It needs to be legislation; [needs] to be action. It’s not OK.” [1]


David Hogg,

Survivor of Parkland,

“I’m just so frustrated at the fact that we’re still in the same place. I have a special message for the Republicans and conservative gun owners who don’t agree with me in the first place. Look, I can respect people who don’t agree with me, but I can’t accept that there is nothing that we can do as Americans to keep the number one thing we all care about, which is our loved ones and especially our children, safe.” [1]


The debate is over: we’re a nation led by sociopaths.


They are part of a ghoulish death cult cheering for the apocalypse.

Which means that we can’t do anything about gun violence or climate change,

The kind that pimps out their gas-guzzling trucks with smokestacks to “own the libs,”

Like they’re breathing oxygen on another planet!


Ghouls don’t mind a good bloodbath,

Because if you look at the stock market after,

Every gun massacre,

Indexes like Smith and Wesson,

After the smoke clears,

Perform at their peak,

They care far less about their voting constituents,

And more about the Gun Lobby,

Who, after the Orwellian “Citizens United,”

Are getting bags of money from government lobbyists,

Who have their conservative audience-tested talking points,

So, like automatons, they don’t have to think about it when they recite them.


Young women in high school are showing signs of depression,

Heterosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender,

Some have expressed suicidal tendencies,

This phenomenon has nothing to do with their sexuality [2]

Maybe it’s because

Since kindergarten, they’ve been doing “run, hide, and fight” drills.

Some of it you can blame on social media,

Creating avatars not reflecting reality,


Or maybe,

The girls realize that they live in killing fields,

Each morning they say, “I love you, mommy,” which might be their last.

That the young man whose affectionate advances they’re not feeling,

He might bring a weapon to class to express his Incel grievances,


People who tout the Second Amendment,

Live in gated communities and Cul de Sacs,

In “Leave it to Beaver Villes,"

Nothing ever affects them, or ever will,

All the massacres are the byproduct of doing business,

Who cares if your children are massacred?

“Thoughts and prayers” are free; legislation isn’t.


“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


Alito, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Roberts, and Thomas,

All of you aficionados of “original intent.”


Riddle me this:

Where are the words “purchased” and “ownership?”


For the security of a free state,

The people have a right to see their babies grow up,

For the security of a free state,

We have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,”

It shouldn’t be a matter of deep philosophy,

To experience liberty and happiness, LIFE is a prerequisite!


I have a right to see my grandchildren enter college,

I have a right as a citizen to see them pursue their dreams and knowledge,

Freedom for gated communities and killing fields everywhere else is tyranny,

If you cannot [just] “be," then freedom isn’t freedom.

This aspect of American life has always been what freedom meant to my ancestors and me,

And as sad as my grandchildren may be,

I’d rather live to see them say goodbye to and bury me.

Vote these fascist ghouls out of office for our children and democracy.

In Swahili,

Hebu Uhura pete: let freedom ring.





Sunday, February 05, 2023


Robert Reich: Substack

 © December 2, 2022, the Griot Poet



If you were enslaved in 1850,

You learned the skill of sending messages,

In songs that gave subtle instructions:


“Swing low, sweet chariot,

“Coming forth to carry me home,”


It sounds like a song sung by the enslaved at a wake or a funeral,

Until you get to stanzas like:


“I looked over [at] Jordan, and what did I see?

“Coming forth to carry me home,

“A band of angels coming after me,

“Coming forth to carry me home.”


It sounds bittersweet.

Unless you realize that there is a river nearby,

And the angels were conductors,

Like Harriet Tubman,

On the Underground Railroad,

1850 to 1860,

Thirteen trips from Canada to the United States, freeing seventy enslaved people,

Including members of her family,


Braiding hair,

Seen by overseers and plantation oligarchs,

As the habits of savages,

Unless you looked closely at the artistry:

The knotted maps guided them along the river and the Underground Railroad to Canada, Goshen, and freedom,


My ancestors did not write down The Coded One Hundred(s):

It’s an intricate way of communicating through,

Braided hair,

Gospel songs,

Drum beats,

Fiddle songs,

Talking jive,

And smoke signals,

My ancestors called upon the spirits of a people,

From Alkebulan - “Mother of Humankind,” “Garden of Eden,”

Before the Roman conquerors named the continent to describe the region of Tunisia, Africa,

Ancestors who they never met,

But created cryptography,

More intricate than Alexander Graham Bell’s telegraph,


“Stay woke.”

Something that the runners said to each other,

It meant staying alert in your surroundings,

Theirs were the river, trees, bloodhounds, and the precursor to the police called enslaved catchers,

Reading moss, which grows on the north side of trees,

Orienting the persons pursuing freedom,

To a celestial body, in Swahili, Nyota Uhura: Star of Freedom,

Which they followed to Canada,

And Gene Roddenberry thought it so intriguing,

He named Nichelle Nichols’ Star Trek character with it.


“Stay woke” is from,

People who they thought couldn’t read,

Because plantation oligarchs made it illegal,

Frederick Douglass’s enslaver said that it would “ruin” him,

And lashed his wife with a whip for introducing it to him,

At threat to his [own] life,

Frederick continued reading and writing,

Frederick became a Republican abolitionist,

The progressive party back then,

Now, they’re banning books about him, like Nazis,

Except, they would prefer that you not call them Nazis, please?


Ron Death Santis plans to run for president.

He thinks killing “woke” plays past the northern borders of Florida.

He’s lawyer enough to know that Donald will probably be in prison.

He’s not reforming the Republican system.

They’ve been playing footsies with extremism,

Since the ads, Bush Sr ran on Willie Horton.


For Death Santis,

Killing “woke” has nothing to do with the bruised feelings of so-called white children.

It has to do with the fact that he’s a white supremacist.

It has to do with the fact that he’s a sociopath.

Florida HID their Covid infections and death rates,

Death Santis used taxpayer money to ship asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard from Texas,

And he STILL got re-elected!

What criminal do you know that wants to see evidence of his ancestors’ crimes?

What criminal do you know that wants to be held accountable for crimes he committed in plain sight?

Culpability makes them responsible for reparations,

Paying for them has never been on the table.

They’re stressing about 2050 when the so-called “white” population shrinks to 47%!


It’s about control and continued dominance.


Once they lose it, we’ll have universal healthcare.

Once they lose it, we’ll have a few less useless billionaires.

Once they lose it, we’ll have less income inequality.

Once they lose it, crime rates will naturally decrease,

Once they lose it, we’ll have enough resources for decent living,

Once they lose it, the human species might not cease to exist!


Wars from sticks, stones, and nuclear weapons,

They have always started with words and phrases,

Obfuscations that “other” people,

Because history shows what you demonize, you can exterminate!


We have been “staying woke” since 1619, since 1850,

Ron Death Santis has a Nano penis,

We are going to keep spitting history, jokes,

Poetry, music,

We’re going to celebrate Black History Month,

Black Lives Matter,

LGBTQ, Women, and Hispanic History Month,

Because the new majority isn’t going back into the closet,

You’re banning books because,


Scientia potentia est

Knowledge is power

Francis Bacon wrote in “Meditationes Sacrae” (1597),


ipsa scientia potestas est

Science itself is power.

Thomas Hobbes wrote in “Levitation” (1651).


We frame Western society on the foundation of denying access to it,

After which, they gripe about “bootstraps,”

When most of them cheated on the SAT or bribed their way into college,


“It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his [own] bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his [own] bootstraps.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


So, spare me about your anti “woke” crusade,

Death Santis is going to find out about his escapades,

Won’t reach beyond his peninsula,

Just try after you lose not to start an insurrection!


To the Tea Party governor of Florida,

Grand Pooh-Bah of Death Santis-Stan:


We’re going to teach African American History,

We're going to teach Asian-Pacific Islander History,

We’re going to teach Native American History,

We’re going to teach Hispanic History,

We’re going to teach LGBTQ History,

We’re going to teach Women’s History,

Because it’s all HUMAN history!

Because the best disinfectant to fascism and disinformation is knowledge,

Because you don’t back down from bullies when they try to intimidate you,


Do you know what ELSE we’re going to do, Ron?




We’re going to “stay woke.”

And you’re going to stay a high water, knicker pants joke!



Reading Group: Do you really know what 'Orwellian' means? Sam Jordison, The Guardian

© February 1, 2023, the Griot Poet

We laid Tyre Nichols in peace,

On the first day of Black History Month, 2023,

The cowardly College Board picked THAT DAY,

To strip down AP African American History,

Bowing to the presidential ambitions of Ron DeSantis,

Who must kowtow to the crazy,

To survive in a GOP primary,


Gone are:

Black feminist theory,

Queer theory,

In Florida and Texas, February 1st is the first day of *Blank* History Month,

Reference to the enslaved substituted in Texas with “migratory workers.”

“Woke” is how Florida refers to history, math, science, reality, and AP courses,


Gone are:

The debate on Reparations,

Diamond and Silk replacing Bell Hooks,


Gone are: Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Langston Hughes, Nicole Hannah-Jones, Tony Morrison,

Notice the pattern?


Ron DeSantis is nakedly afraid of ideas,

That challenges the status quo patriarchy,


Censoring certain African American authors who challenged white cisgender supremacy and power,


Crispus Attucks was the first to die for The American Revolution - barely a mention,

They treat Medgar Evers like he never existed,

Malcolm’s name [subtracted], leaving an algebraic “X,”

Dr. King’s’ efforts to unify the country’s rural and urban poor deleted,


They ignore American history, looking squarely at our virtues and our faults,

We can’t say,

“Black Lives Matter” (because they [obviously] don’t),

But the College Board that makes the AP, GRE, and SAT added a NEW feature: black conservatism, to do class projects.


Question to the College Board (in the letter I plan to write):

Does that include Clarence Thomas,

His addiction to pornography,

His sexual harassment of Anita Hill,

Him falling asleep at numerous Supreme Court arguments,

Until January 6th, and the release of files from the National Archives,

That implicates his conspiratorial wife,

The one “no” vote out of nine in rare, bipartisan unanimous consent,

His refusal to recuse in matters of insurrection and Ginny Thomas?

Some AP students should start writing about that!


Clarence Thomas was the boring, Step-n-Fetch, dumbed-down replacement,


For an actual jurist: Thurgood Marshall,

Who led the NAACP Legal Defense Fund,

Who fought to end segregation in the public school system,

Who won 29 of the 32 civil rights cases he argued before the U.S. Supreme Court,

Back when getting there meant riding on the back of the bus,

Who WON Brown vs. Board of Education,

In front of the place where he would finish his life’s work, making history,

Both as the first African American Supreme Court Justice,

An inspiration for Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson,

Marshal, an alumnus of Howard University,

A History Block College and University,


Clarence had no such activism or resume,

He attended Yale Law School,

Bush Sr’s Alma Mater,

He wasn’t a member of Skull and Bones but a fraternity brother of Holy Cross,

He led the EEOC when he sexually harassed Anita,

Before that, he had authored eight legal opinions,

Bush Sr appointed him,

Not too long after the Willie Horton ad,

And Clarence said nothing.

He didn’t want to care.

He was under the spell of his cult leader Ginny then,

Whose parents said he was “nice for a black guy,” the only one they had ever met,

He’s the kind of turncoat who pretended to be with you on the Underground Railroad,

Shouting at the right moment for runners to be found,

And collected cash for diming you out,


Don’t insult our intelligence with your tokenism,

Byron Lowell Donalds

He was never going to be Speaker of the House,

Matt Gaetz wasn’t serious about that,

Byron’s just as much a token as Lindsey Graham’s mascot, Tim Scott!


White supremacy in burnt cork face is minstrelsy,

Aaron McGruder made his framework in “The Boondocks’” Uncle Ruckus,

He was a caricature fashioned to warn us,

The enablers of fascism are sometimes among us,

Dr. Nathan Hare referred to them as “Black Anglo Saxons.”

I don’t know why they think they can get away with this bad joke,

Let me sum this up with Ebonics:

“All skin folk ain’t kinfolk!”


The Missouri legislature instituted a dress code for women,

Maybe they’ll introduce hijabs and Handmaid’s Tale bonnets next,


Libertarians and Republicans used to believe in,

Personal Liberty,

Limited Government,


Stop looking for the idiots carrying Confederate flags, wearing swastikas, and goose-stepping,

Fear instead the wolves of Wall Street possessing positions and pedigrees,

Fear instead the people owning propaganda outlets and calling them “news.”

Democracy is a kryptonite to sociopaths.

“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” means that the mean kids in the ivory towers have to share resources.


“CRT,” “woke,” and anything else are smokescreens.

They plan to obliterate the progress of the mid-20th and 21st Centuries,

Reestablishing old-world toxic oligarchy and patriarchy,

A “lords and serfs” autocracy,

And make sure you’re too anxious and depressed to think your vote means anything,

I’m here to tell you, like the rapper Common:

It does: That’s why they’re hellbent on blocking it!

If it’s “a pox on both houses,”

If you’re “too woke to vote,”

If voting doesn’t matter,

Why are wealthy Americans voting and trying to block you from doing it?


George Santayana said:

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


The anti-George Santayanas are saying quite bluntly:

“It’s not condemnation if repeating it is our intent!”