Saturday, May 29, 2021

American Wakanda*...

© May 29, 2021, the Griot Poet


At the corner of Greenwood, Archer, and Pine,

Made famous for its existence,

By the GAP Band in the eighties,

The descendants of slaves took advantage of toxic segregation,


Businesses, churches, schools, museums, theaters,

An interdependent infrastructure

In Tulsa, Oklahoma

That came to be known as

Black Wall Street,


The New York one,

Originally a slave auction block,

Karmically fell eight years later,

To greed, and amok stock trading,

Causing the karmic Great Depression,

Causing many to dive to their deaths off,

The Empire State Building,


But in 1921,

All it took was an accusation of rape,

Of a so-called white woman

On an elevator:

It never happened,

She didn’t exist,

But mobs don’t like facts,

Just an excellent made-up story,

To whip them into action,



Began looting businesses,

Burning churches,

Shooting residents,

Be they men, women, or children,

Because mobs aren’t selective,

Imitating their “heroes.”

In the silent film “Birth of a Nation,”

Who President Woodrow Wilson

Said on its viewing at the Executive residence in 1911

Was “history written with lightning,”


That quote likely,

The inspiration for turpentine bombs

Dropped from planes,

Razing the project of self-sufficiency

In a hellish blaze,

The dead piled high like logs in massive,

Unmarked graves,

Replicated during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita,

Official records burned,

Or stolen from libraries,

It’s not surprising,

Wanton criminals, nor their descendants

Want to be reminded,

Of the recompense they still owe,

One hundred years hence,


The three living survivors:

Viola Fletcher, 107, her younger brother Hughes Van Ellis, 100, and Lessie Benningfield Randle, 106,

Are our modern “drum majors for justice”

Viola lives with the massacre every day,

A century of PTSD,

In fragile health,

She wants to see justice,

For her and her descendants,

While she and the survivors are still on the planet,

The progeny of arsonists,

Still hold the levers of power and wealth,

One hundred years hence,


Rosewood in Sanford, Florida,

Home of Trayvon Benjamin Martin,

Fell two years later, in 1923,

To an accusation of (wait for it) rape of a white woman,


Before that, in 1919,

The Alabama Coronavirus pandemic,

We now know as H1N1,

Because American troops trained there,

Farms and animal waste not far from them,

Erroneously named the Spanish Flu,

Because Spain was the only nation correlating,

Troop movements to the spread of pathogens,


In 1919,

The “Red Summer” inaugurated,

In black townships across the nation,

(Mob violence during a pandemic: imagine that?)

As American soldiers came home,

From defending the nation in WWI,

Many African American soldiers lynched for the “affront” of wearing their uniforms,

That they wore in theater defending the nation,

Violence because the more skilled veterans

Were in honest competition,

For factory and agricultural jobs,

That the vets on merit were winning,


The right’s resistance to reparations is simple:

People like “Moscow Mitch”

Who’s Kentucky home family built its wealth on slave labor,

Would ultimately have to foot the Bill,


They barely keep a straight face,

When they tell us to

“Lift ourselves by our bootstraps,”

When they know their ancestors stole them,

Or burned Wakanda* to ashes,

Stole its Vibranium* riches,

Michael B. Jordan’s as Erik Kilmonger*,

Made a villain have a point, and sympathetic,


And it’s not just personal wealth,

As to why they oppose reparations,

To the descendants and last three surviving witnesses,

Of a domestic white terrorist massacre:

Like the thread of a quilt,

One stray strand

Can unravel

The 400-year tapestry,

Of white supremacy,


Dismantling income inequality,

It’s why the right is terrified,

Of a Star Trek “post-scarcity” economy:

Without wanton theft and murder,

What would the so-called self-made “wealthy” have left?


May 31, 1921, the Memorial Day Black Wall Street Massacre.


This piece I dedicate to the survivors and descendants of Black Wall Street: reparations NOW!


*Characters, places, and objects created in “Black Panther ™,” a Marvel Studios product by Jack Kilby and Stan Lee.

Friday, May 28, 2021

They Are with Them...

US News, and World Report, Paul Shinkman

© May 28, 2021, the Griot Poet


September 21, 2001,

Ten days later,

“President Bush stood before Congress and vowed to use every resource available to defeat global terrorism.”


Though he could have taken the Taliban’s offer of Osama Bin Laden, I digress.


The president’s words were blunt:


“Our grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done,” he said.


“I know many citizens have fears tonight, and I ask you to be calm and resolute, even in the face of a continuing threat,”


“The Taliban must act and act immediately. They will hand over the terrorists or they will share in their fate,”


“Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists,”


May 28, 2021,

Thirty-five fascists,

Beat a total of 54 patriots,

With the antebellum, antidemocratic filibuster,

Thirty-five decided they are with the terrorists,

Who decided to derail democracy,

January 6,

One hundred, forty-four officers injured,

Brian Sicknik died of "natural causes,"

(Stroke by attack and bear spray)

Callously ignored the pleas of his mother, Gladys,

One lost eye,

The other three fingers,

One suicide,

STOP with your "family values" bullshit,

Criminals won’t vote for commissions,

That would expose them complicit,

With a modern-day insurrection,

Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley,

Over one hundred in the House,

Voted to decertify an American election,

The violence was already done,

To the Constitutional, peaceful transfer of power

Before “the storm” at the Capitol,

Matt Gaetz,

Likely statutory rapist,

Is egging on "Second Amendment remedies"

Because [an] indictment,

In a nonfunctional democracy,

He knows,

Means nothing - it doesn't exist,

He’ll still get paid,

He nor his party wants functional government,

They [just] want to continue the grift,

Dim Bart,

Fox Propaganda,


Lies Max,

Stormtrooper Front,


Are the digital descendants,

Of propaganda pamphlets,

Published by “southern gentlemen,”

Fake news, yellow journalism,

For the rubes to consume, and

Fight the Civil War

Against the north:

On behalf of the class sipping mint juleps from their porch,

The duped rubes got missing limbs and PTSD;

The plantation oligarchs got reparations,

The duped rubes are getting arrested for the insurrection,

The oligarchs are buying half-billion-dollar yachts,

(And a spare for the helicopter)


The people who fly the flag of treason could care less about that,

“America first,”

It was always about white nationalism,

They tell themselves what they WANT to believe,

Without a shared reality,

There is no democracy,

Or E Pluribus Unum,


I rewrite W’s blunt statement,

As this moment’s precedent,

Because the war on Christmas is a myth,

And the war on democracy is not finished:


“The Republicans, or, what’s left of them must act and act immediately. They will hand over the terrorists, or they will share in their fate,”


“Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with [the] January 6 insurrectionists.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Poverty Pimps...

Image Source
Koch Brothers vs. Rupert Murdock: The Fight for the Tribune Newspapers
Conner Simpson, The Atlantic

 © May 24, 2021, the Griot Poet

(Listening to Moral Monday, Dr. William James Barber II)


“Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made, and it can be overcome and eradicated by the action of human beings. Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. While poverty persists, there is no true freedom.” Nelson Mandela


It is the reason,

The ultra-rich’s opposition

To reparations, a living wage,

Universal healthcare,

A universal basic income,

The 1619 Project,

Accurate history,

Basic human decency,



[This] is about control,

Of resources,

Of money,

Of where you live,

Or, who you love,

Of life and death,

Of standing pat in our assigned castes,

For generations,

Since the founding of the republic,

It’s why the KKK isn’t on the FBI most wanted list as domestic terrorists,

It’s why from the slave patrols to police unions, qualified immunity can’t be touched,

It’s about power, not justice,

Concentrating wealth,

In the hands of the one percent,


Billionaires are poverty pimps,

As taxes go, they don’t pay shit,

Ask Jeff Bezos about that,

Intervening in the seemingly innocuous,

Like school board elections,

Their direct minions

Work in the Senate and the House of Representatives,

150 separate corporate entities controlled what went in newspapers, magazines, radio, television,

In 1980,

In 2021: that number is SIX!

Six control the content

We see

In newspapers, magazines,

Radio, television, Internet,

PARTICULARLY social media,

[Where] malevolent confederate fascists,

Can openly plan an insurrection,

In plain sight,


“There was no insurrection. Calling it an insurrection is a bald-faced lie. If you didn’t know the TV [footage] was from January 6; you’d actually think it was a normal tourist visit.” Andrew Clyde, (R-GA), May 5, 2021


[This] is the same dimwit,

Photographed freaking out

Behind Secret Service,

Guns were drawn to greet the group of “normal tourists.”

Who spread feces and urine?

In the halls of the Capitol,

Killed a police officer,

Another committed suicide,

One lost three fingers,

Another an eye,


I’m sure it happens all the time

At Disney, Universal, Six Flags, and Carowinds!


[In HuffPost] D.C. Police Officer Michael Fanone says Republican riot-denial “is an assault on every officer that fought to defend the Capitol.”

The insurrectionists tried to kill him with his [own] weapon,

He rightly called out their bullshit,


It’s easy to amass wealth,

Just keep the masses warring with themselves,

Don’t let them think,

Read about science, write poetry, music, meditate,

Keep them on a knife’s edge,

“Cancel culture” is the new “war on Christmas,”

With made-up separations,

“Us,” versus “them,”

Blanche versus Melanin,

Crack addicts, versus opioid crisis,

Right, versus left,

Big Lies, versus truth,

Local, cable, versus streaming video,

Atomize the masses into tribal factions,

While Grand Pooh-Bah potentates

Lives behind high gates,

In heavily-armed Cul de sacs,

The plan is to build their dark utopia,

On the carcasses of the unfortunate damned,


I end this piece with a quote by David Attenborough:


“If you take 100 red ants and 100 black [ants] and put them in a jar; nothing will happen. If you were to take that jar and shake it violently and leave it on the table, the ants will start killing themselves!


Red believes that black is the enemy, while black believes red is the enemy when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.


The same is true in society.

Men vs. women

Black vs. white

Faith vs. Science

Young vs. old


Before we fight each other, we must ask ourselves:

Who shook the jar?”

-David Attenborough

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Trial By Combat...


Source: Business Insider

© May 22, 2021, the Griot Poet


He went to law school,

Changed from a democrat to republican,


Bagging mob figures,

“Giuliani time”

In NYC, and Samuel L. Jackson’s “Shaft,”

“America’s mayor”

After 9/11,


Ran for senate

Against Hillary Rodham Clinton,


It’s been downhill

From that point since,


One bright shining moment,

On a dark day of terror,

A legacy he couldn’t ride,

To the presidency,

As Biden quipped:

“A noun, a verb, and 9/11.”


Followed a fool,

Making himself a tool,

In Ukraine,

Acting as insane,

As his malignant narcissist client,

Whose history says,

He won’t pay for his legal expenses,

(Nor collect from him one red cent)

Tried to manufacture dirt,

On the opponent his client feared the most:

The 46th President Joe Biden,


His golden years,

Of whatever’s left of them,

Of his stay on the planet,

Going to Rykers Island,

Where he sent mob clients:

Not cool (for him),

FARA: foreign agents registration act,

You think he would have read it before his trip,


“Trial by combat,”

By a leaky-haired wombat,

Pants gripping in Borat 2,

Staging a stupid stunt

In front of the

Four seasons, and a porn shop,

How’s following an orange dingbat,

Working out for you?

Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Monster They Made...

© May 16, 2021, the Griot Poet


It’s the kind of speech,

That defines the point beginning,

A presidential run,

It sounds principled, noble, statesmanlike,

It’s also superfluous bullshit.


Her father is Richard “Dick” Cheney,

[Self]-admitted “Dark Lord of the Sith,”

“Twenty-Four” with Kiefer Sutherland,

Was the Fox Propaganda Entertainment Complex hit,

A weekly injection of Tom Clancy action-adventure,

Without giving his estate credit,


Richard “Dick” Cheney,

Sexed-up the intelligence,

Bullying CIA analysts,

To agree with his fantasies,

Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction,”

He put up Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and W to buttress it,

“Smoking guns and mushroom clouds,”


That didn’t exist:

That was a lie.


Saddam, Uday, and Qusay,

May not have won honorable mention,

In “Better Homes, and Gardens,”

But, they kept the crazy at bay,

That we now know as ISIS,

Over here, they were the Tea Party cum QAnon,

If you checked out the gas prices,

Scrambling Iraq didn’t get us any extra gas,

Or make a decent omelet!


Abu Ghraib was applying “Gitmo” sadistic strategies,

The United States military, and CIA,

Committing human rights violations,

Scripted on the Fox Propaganda Entertainment Complex,

Encouraged by Darth Vader,

Cheerled by his daughter,


Who VOTED 97% for a demagogue’s sadistic agenda,

As well as his re-election,

The RNC had no agenda,

Except for fealty to him,

Congresswoman Cheney didn’t see this as a problem,


Muslim bans,

Voter purges,

Rescinding the rights of LGBT like her sister to serve openly in the military,

Babies in cages,

Ignoring the existence of Palestinians,

Wasn’t a line,

Until the January 6, 2021 insurrection,

When her life and the Republican Vice President’s threatened,


On September 16, 2001, Vice President Cheney appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press and talked about what it will take to deal with the terrorism threat: “…We have to work the dark side if you will. Spend time in the shadows of the intelligence world,” Cheney said. “A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion.”

PBS Frontline: The Dark Side


Karmic: Dark Side the name of Russian hackers

That shut down the eastern seaboard,

Sent gas prices soaring,

But, alternative energy and Green New Deals for fossil fuel barons are patently ridiculous,

Five million dollar ransoms the cost of admission,

Transferred dutifully to the pump, ultimately paid by consumers,


This dark side was one of many “Big Lies,”

Starting with Reagan’s wink-and-nod to racist “state’s rights,”

And selling the boondoggle “trickledown voodoo economics,”

Forty years now without a return on this pseudo investment tripe,

In Iraq:

Thousands of American troops and Iraqis died for a lie.


Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstein: the Modern Prometheus,”

During the 1818 pandemic,

Asiatic cholera,

Beginning near the city of Calcutta

Spread through South and Southeast Asia, the Near East, eastern Africa, and the Mediterranean coast,


Prometheus in Greek mythology is a Titan.

His name means “fore thinker.”

In lore, he’s credited with creating mortals and against the gods’ will, giving us fire.

The punishment for this affront by Zeus was the creation of Pandora.

Meeting Epimetheus (hindsight), he fell in love with her, despite Prometheus’ warnings.

She is famous for the box unleashing evils, hard work, and disease on the face of the earth.


Liz Cheney would have to admit,

She and her father had a hand in causing,

The conditions leading to the Capitol insurrection on January 6,


But that would take an admission,

Heretofore unrepresented,

In Republicans elected to office:

Before Prometheus’ [fore] thinking vision,

Avoiding this current dystopian blowback division,

Before 20/20, a specific vision was a prerequisite: hindsight.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Neo Confederate...

© May 14, 2021, the Griot Poet


Member of the defunct,

“Know-Nothing” Party,

John Wilkes Booth thought he was a patriot,

When he assassinated the 16th president of the United States,

At Ford’s Theater, April 14, 1865,

On Good Friday,


He heard of Robert E. Lee’s surrender,

To Ulysses S. Grant

Two days before at Appomattox,

Hearing Lincoln state he would give suffrage,

To former slaves,

The would-be assassin stated:

That would be the last speech Abraham Lincoln would ever make.


He gaslighted himself heroic,

Yelling the Latin phrase:

Sic Semper Tyrannus (thus always for tyrants),

Attributed to Brutus,

At the assassination of Caesar,

He injured himself when the getaway horse

Fell on the

Wannabe confederate action figure,

A one hundred thousand dollars bounty put on him,


1.67 million in 2021 dollars,

Woods scouted by American troops,

The reviews in newspapers unflattering:


“Accursed devil,” “monster,” “madman,” and a “wretched fiend.”


Frederick Douglass rightly called it an unspeakable calamity,


Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston said Booth’s act “a disgrace to the age,”


Robert E. Lee,

Who’s surrender on behalf of the defeated south,

Inadvertently inspired the sociopath,

Said he regretted Lincoln died,

At Booths’ delusional hands.


Cornered in a tobacco barn,

His getaway accomplice David Herold surrendered,

Booth, Homo Stultus, and defiant to the end,

Authorities set the building on fire,

Shot him through the neck in the blaze,

The insurrectionist died of his injuries,

“Tell my mother I died for my country,”

Gaslighting to the bitter end.


John Wilkes Booth thought he was a patriot: he was not.

Lee Harvey Oswald murdering Kennedy from a Dallas library repository thought he was a patriot: he was not.

Charles Whitman, UT Tower shooter, killing 15 (including an unborn child), wounded 31 others; he thought he was a patriot: he was not.

Neither are the savages who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021,

Or, the demagogue they followed to overthrow the republic,

Each should receive proper recompense for their actions,

If we’re a nation of laws and equal justice,


Mass shootings are the product of fearful men,

Masking their impotence in violence,

They are more dangerous now than when

Booth shot the salvo,

Inaugurating violence,

April 14, 1865,

On the worst “Good Friday” on record,

(If you discount the first one)

As “accepted” political discourse,

Calling the callous “patriots,”


Relying on alternative facts,

Romanized treasonous acts,

Smeared feces compared to heavenly golden streets,

Urine in Capitol hallways to lands flowing with milk and honey,

Assault of Police Officers compared to “rowdy tourists,”

Twisting scripture to fit their needs,

Gaslighting themselves with QANON shamans,

Every action projection, and confession,

Neo Confederate fascists,

Lying to first themselves and others,

Shouting ancient Latin: Sic Semper Tyrannus!

Sunday, May 09, 2021


Nebulous, PlayStation


© May 8, 2021, the Griot Poet


You can’t expect,

The people who can’t get [over],

Their orange orangutan losing,

To accommodate reality

And accept facts:


Their grandparents,

[Haven’t] gotten over,

Robert E. Lee’s surrendered,

To Ulysses S. Grant

At Appomattox,


“The Lost Cause” narrative,

Post Civil War gaslighting,

Kept a twisted “hope” alive,

For nativists,


Proto fascists,

Salve for savages,

History revisionists,

Railing against critical race theory frameworks,

That wouldn’t exist, except for

Middle fingers for

Middle passages,


Trails of tears,

Master-to-servant rapists,

Siring mulatto servants,

Insurrectionists from

April 12, 1861, to January 6, 2021,

Pious hypocrites,

Projection specialists,

Cloaked in “respectability” politics,

They couldn’t even convince themselves of their [own] bullshit,


Defined yourself “superior,”

To everyone’s “inferior,”

Gaslighting history,

Creating the pseudoscientific,

White supremacy,

Biologically imbecilic,

Homo sapiens are ONE species,

Separation by pigmentation

Is ridiculous,

And for shared survival, counterproductive,

Because specifics,

Confound magical thinking,

And Flying Spaghetti Monster worship,


They had to hide the stench,

Under religious symbolism,

Eventually masked with hoods, red hats, burning crosses, and tiki torches,



Trails of tears,

Master-to-servant rapists,

Siring mulatto servants,

Pious hypocrites,

Projection specialists,

Cloaked in “respectability” politics,


“Legal” domestic terrorism,

Jim Crow, and voter suppression,

Draconian legislation,

Taking the country backward seventy years from the present,

Because the future is so frightening,

When you have no control over it,

Traveling backward violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics,


The problem with your simple illogic:

Is that you never had control in the first place,


Do you want a better tomorrow?

The future is determined by what we do in the present.