Saturday, February 26, 2022

Corrupt Absolutely...

 © February 25, 2022, the Griot Poet


The Russian bear charged into Ukraine,

Fifty-three cities in Russia demonstrated,

Against their government,

And Vladimir Putin,


Able-bodied Ukrainian men 18 to 60,

And a lot of women,

Took up weapons and Molotov cocktails

To defend their nation,

1,700 Russian citizens were arrested,

Disappeared to a Gulag existence,

Or, erasure as irrelevant,

We either saw the first shots of World War Three,

Or, the dawn of another chapter of humanity,


The Political Personality of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, Aubrey Immelman, and Joseph V. Trenzeluk, Department of Psychology, Saint John’s University


“This paper presents the results of an indirect assessment of the personality of Vladimir Putin, president of the Russian Federation, from the conceptual perspective of personologist Theodore Millon.


Following the guidance of


“The Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (MIDC), and Millon Index of Personality Styles manuals:


“Putin’s primary personality patterns were found to be Dominant/controlling (a measure of aggression or hostility),

“Ambitious/self-serving (a measure of narcissism),

“And Conscientious/dutiful, with secondary Retiring/reserved (introverted) and Dauntless/adventurous (risk-taking) tendencies

"And lesser Distrusting/suspicious features.

“Putin’s profile’s blend of primary patterns constitutes a composite personality type aptly described as an 'expansionist hostile enforcer.'


That Tucker Carlson,

Laura Ingrate,

Mike Pompeo,

Cheeto Mussolini,

Reich Wing echo chambers

Are “rooting for Putin.”

It is disgusting and disqualifying for public office or citizenship,

Spouting Kremlin talking points,

Simultaneously calling themselves patriots,

Like the defecating idiots on January 6,

That find themselves going to prison

For insurrection,


It’s like cheering for “Dr. Evil,”

As if you didn’t grasp Mike Myer’s shtick,

Or like Rudy Giuliani,

Who thought “Borat 2” was serious,

Then posed in front of the Four Seasons Landscaping, next to a dildo shop,



How is Jewish Ukrainian President Zelinsky a Nazi in his nation?

Whose paternal grandfather and his family DIED in The Holocaust?

Putin has a kill list of him, his family, activists, and LGBT presented,

Just like the Nazis had of homosexuals, scientists, poets, and Gypsies,

(Stalin was with Hitler before he wasn’t),

Putin even threw in Zelinsky’s a drug addict,

Hell, I was waiting for:


“The Ukrainians are bringing drugs; they’re bringing crime; they’re Nazis and rapists.”


It sounds like we need a readout of transcripts from the translator’s notes that got eaten, flushed, or spirited to Mar-a-Lago.


Putin, like Mango Munchkin, is a malignant narcissist,

Surrounded by toadies and yes men,

All made fabulously wealthy by him,

Crooks and thieves like him,

Knowing that at any moment, he could make them poor or kill them,

Believing in paranoid conspiracies,


Stepping on the necks of Russian citizens,

He can’t allow “free and fair elections,”

Because he’s likely to lose them,

And wind up dead without thug protection,

He lies about his Judo prowess,

His Uke flops on camera without consequence,

He refers to himself as a “stable genius,”

Tell me if this ALL sounds familiar?


Ukraine, for him, is Noam Chomsky’s “threat of a good example.”

Democracy on his doorstep,

While ruling as a kleptocrat,

It is intolerable for a sociopath,

Since the fall of the Soviet Union,

Former Warsaw Pact satellite nations are under NATO,

The attack on Kyiv is deeply personal,

He is the state, and the state is him,

He thinks he has a personality cult over eleven time zones,

And a messianic complex,

Imagine his surprise at all the resistance,

Within his borders,

And over the planet,

On the UN Security Council,

China abstained a vote: peace out, bro!


Putin is deranged by his [own] success,

Suppressing democracy and representative government across the planet,

“We the people” is Gollum’s kryptonite,

He has led Russia through five presidents,

He could care less if the president is Biden,




Or, Dumbo Gambino,

Or, his fascist cult following worshiping him,

For American liberty, he has deep contempt,

He’d rather flush The Constitution down a golden toilet,

Good luck exercising your Second Amendment rights after that!

1,700 Russian citizens were arrested that doesn’t have the FIRST!

The only ones well-armed will be the goons loyal to him.

Patrick Swayze transitioned, and “Red Dawn” has an alternate ending.


Drug dealers “shouldn’t get high on their [own] supply,”

Putin has mainlined absolute power for a quarter-century,

Actual democracy gives him delirium tremors,

And he has glibly threatened nuclear annihilation,

Putin often cites a well-known Russian saying: “for Russians, even death is beautiful.”

Threatening like some crackhead, ranting and raving,

If Finland or Switzerland joins NATO,

He’s encouraged the OPPOSITE of what he’s stated,

His threatening, psychotic speeches made them consider membership,

For peace and security,

For the first time in their noncommittal histories,

We are on a hair-trigger from extinction,

A duel between Delta, SEALS, Spetsnaz,

Regular forces,

And Mutually Assured Destruction, because of a megalomaniac drunk on power, corrupted absolutely.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Graven Images...


Donald Trump is This Generation's Golden Calf, Zach Fredman, The Wisdom Daily

© February 12, 2022, the Griot Poet


I hate to be the one to tell you this,

You are simply what an African looks like

After 200,000 years without direct sunlight,


Your ancestors didn’t require a preponderance of Melanin,

To survive glacial climates,

You’re a human, like me,

From the planet Earth: you adapted,


That evolution is driven by,

Your environment, and what you consume,

Kinky hair is thermodynamic in equatorial tropics,

Protection against intense UV light,

You need straight hair to mat and trap heat in during the Ice Age,


From your lack of vitamin D,

You might have to consume a preponderance

Of dairy,

Making up for your deficiency of sunlight,

Eliminating evolutionary lactose intolerance,


Every human does this,

That’s why we have diversity,

We’re still working on the “equity and inclusion” part,

Take this to heart:

There are no “chosen people,”

Special ones,




Only humans,

Living on the same planetary residence,

Adjusting to our various environments,


Coffee did come from the Mother continent.


Think of what an Elon Musk Martian will look like 100 years hence,

Less than half of Earth's gravity,

Their bones will be less dense,

Further away from the sun,

Their hues will be different,

But, they will be human,

Just another variation,

There’s a strong likelihood that after separation from Mother Earth, they’ll develop their [own] language,

That will rock a poetry slam, but we’ll require Google Translate!



The world was not made near to the world tree, Yggdrasill,


AuĂ°umbla did not sustain the frost giant Ymir with her milk,

Licking away salty rime rocks,

Giving rise to Buri, grandfather to the gods,

Vili, Ve, and Odin,


The condensation of an accretion disk formed our solar system,

We’re at the “Goldie Locks” sweet spot to both form a planet,

And have life on it,

Our oceans are probably from the impact of comets,

Carrying water and likely, the rudimentary elements of life,

Speaking of the Periodic Table: most of the elements that are in our bodies were spewed from the guts of dying stars light-years hence,

Why some elements are rare, given value, and called “precious.”


You and I are, as Carl Sagan said, made of “star stuff,”

We are here to bear witness to the universe,

Whether by poetry or quantum mechanics,

The limited resources we have,

Should be allocated, not hoarded,

So that the human species can benefit,

No one should be starving,

Healthcare should be called “humanity care,”

As we are each a part of it,

Income inequality is evidence of theft,

You needn’t do that,

We are all part of this universe and the planet we inhabit.


We have more in common than we have differences,


“Us against them” are fables spun by those who have enriched themselves stealing our resources,


Isn’t it high time we called them on their BS?


If we want to get to The Fifth Dimension's

“Age of Aquarius,”

“Harmony and understanding” is a prerequisite,


And like Asa,

We should pull down Asherah poles of graven images,

Worshiped as gods when they are

Whitewashed sepulchers,


Graven images may raise your fragile self-esteem,

Graven images may make you feel like gods or supermen,

Graven images may give you a superiority glow,

Graven images might increase your stock portfolio,

Graven images have one significant lack:

Graven images will not save the planet.


Mahatma Gandhi said with an insistence:


“We no longer have a choice between

violence and non-violence.

The choice today stands between non-violence or non-existence.”


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., with his riff, took us to school:


“We must either learn to live together as brothers, or we are going to die together as fools.”

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Free Dumb Con Job...


Arrests in Ottawa as Canadian truckers block main bridge to US, Tracy Lindeman, The Guardian

© February 11, 2022, the Griot Poet


The nation of Canada is 80% vaccinated,

A shameful comparison to America’s insolence,

So are the majority of their truckers at 90% proportional rates,

Blocking the bridge between Windsor, Ontario,

And Detroit, Michigan,

The ingrates

Flying the fascists’ flags of Dumbo Gambino,

And the Confederacy,

Selling red hats and t-shirts,

MAGA in Canada,

Are a fringe minority,

Made to appear mighty,

And falsely in a more significant majority than their actual numbers,

By Fox Propaganda and other Reich Wing outlets,

The economy is booming,

Yet, Biden’s numbers are sinking,

Like he’s not receiving enough votes

On “Dancing With the Stars,”

Or, “The Masked Singer.”

What is this?


White male oligarchs own media outlets,

Themselves fantastically wealthy,

Purveyors of the “I’ve got mine, you get yours” mentality,

Even though, mathematically,

“Billionaire” status

Is just empirical evidence of grand theft

On scales that would embarrass avarice,

Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley

Two of the January 6 cheerleaders,

And objectors to the certification of the 2020 election,

Are the biggest recipients of the largesse,

From the Club for Growth,


Who spent nearly 3 million dollars for Hawley to run against

Then-incumbent Claire McCaskill of Missouri,

She lost.

Club for Growth spent 1.2 million to defeat Beto O’Rourke, who eventually lost narrowly to “Cancun Cruz.”

They will do the same as Beto runs for Governor against “Wheelchair Nazi” Greg Abbott,

Don’t be fooled,


Republicans supported by the Club for Growth,

Still voted to challenge the election results,

Even after insurrectionists stormed the Capitol,


So, of course,

Cancun is on

Fox Propaganda,

Talking up the free dumb con job,

Republicans are cheering for the apocalypse,

And the destruction of civil society and order,

From the party of “family values” and “law and order,”

Because they have no agenda other than absolute power,

Moscow Mitch doesn’t want to talk about it,

Until “after the midterms,”


Think of it:

He’s arrogant enough to think,

His minions will move like Pavlov’s dogs,

Programmed by Reich Wing echo chambers and blogs,

To block borders, tank the economy,

Tucker Carlson is gleeful it’s hurting the auto industry,

How is Rupert Murdoch’s Pravda Network

Exercising the First Amendment,

And is jokingly, “America’s network?”


U-Line Shipping,

Owned by Richard Uihlein and his wife, Liz,

His family founded Schlitz Beer,

He funded Mall pedophile masher,

And Georgia senate candidate Roy Moore,


The Mercer family funded Cruz

Kelly Anne-alternate-facts-Con Job

Advised him,

Before she and the Mercers switched to Orange Satan,

As a better bet for their conquest,

Of a representative republic,


Jeff Nesbit wrote “Poisoned Tea,”

The so-called “Taxed Enough Already” Party,

Funded by the Koch brothers and Shelton Addelson,


The Civil War,

The attempted coup against FDR,

The Tea Party,


Anti Vax Truckers,

All astroturfed,

Question: Who financed January 6?


All brought about conveniently,

During democratic administrations,

The plan is to burn the building down,

Then blame the nation’s residents for their pyrotechnics,


“Gangsters of Capitalism” by Jonathan Katz,

Documents the heroic defiance of Marine Major General Smedley Butler,

Recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, TWICE,

Outing the coup planned against,

FDR by American gangster capitalists,

Who didn’t like the “New Deal.”

Minimum wage,

Or, Social Security,

Designed to address [the] poverty,

Of the Great Depression, THEY CREATED,

By their financial speculations,

AKA: legalized gambling on Wall Street,

They sent out Propaganda Pamphlets,

Paid off preachers,

The foundation of so-called “prosperity ministry,”

Collective action demonized as socialism,

Civil Rights as creeping communism,

Stop me if this sounds familiar?

Libertarian republics are fantasized about,

Ayn Rand its mistress; Gordon Gecko, their prototype fascist,

“Trickledown” in this mania is legit,

An irascible, five-year-old fantasy,

Lauded by adherents, that doesn’t exist,


The free dumb con job has been financed since the Civil War,

By plantation oligarchs,

Like the Koch Brothers,

NFL team owners,

And, Rupert Murdoch,

Propaganda is convenient to control the masses,

Blame all ills of society on “the others,”

Raking in dollar bills for sociopaths.

They hate education,

Because intelligence is capable of resistance,

Brainwashing and indoctrination is the only thing they respect,


“Social media” is antisocial,

It’s empowered, fascists and sociopaths,

They want to prove democracy can’t solve problems,

By staging demonstrations of disorganized chaos,

Until we give up freedom from sheer exhaustion,

Pummeled by real and stochastic terrorism,

Into disinterested, utter silence,


“Government isn’t the solution: government is the problem,”

It wasn’t just Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address,

It was the prototype of “American Carnage,”

And the beginning of four decades of the grift,


Orange Satan wasn’t making an observation,

His first of 30,000+ lies was his Oath of Office,

“American Carnage” wasn’t an observation:

It was a projected promise!

The only one he’s ever kept.


Resist the “free dumb con job,”

Democratic republics are fleeting at best,

As a species, we’ve spent our brief existence

Under kings, tyrants, dictators, and plantation oligarchs,

Once the fascists get what they want,

Your actual freedom is also irrelevant,

They will “qualify” who can exercise the Second Amendment,

Or, any other in The Constitution,


You won’t “own the libs,”

But you will own the consequences!

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Legitimate Political Discourse...


Source: The Tucson Sentinel, article and artwork by Clay Jones

© February 7, 2022, the Griot Poet


January 6, 2021,

According to the FNC:

Fascist National Committee,

Because republicanism has ceased to exist,


Is “legitimate political discourse”


That means, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols killing,

163 citizens; many children,

Detonating an IED,

At the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma, City

In 1996,

Engaged in “legitimate political discourse,”


Hundreds have been prosecuted,

Since January 6, 2021,

For crimes beyond the First Amendment,

They admitted: “they came for the president that summoned them,”

Conjuring spells in 140 characters, or less,

“It will be wild!”

The truest thing he ever said.

“Defund the police,”

Never spread feces at the Capitol,

There were outside radicals framing BLM,

That did most of the damage,

Yet, no windows were broken,

At the Million Man March,

No Capitol Police died from it,


Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger,

Have been censured,

By the Fascist National Committee,

Masquerading as their former party,

For following their oaths of office,


To “protect and defend The Constitution,

“Against all enemies,

“Foreign, AND domestic,”

Like the January 6, 2021 insurrectionists,


Without accountability,

There is no peace or justice,

The “rule of law” becomes a suggestion,

A sick, cosmic joke,

Or a farce,


Cut their heads off!”

Ryan Nichols said,

Marching to the Capitol,

Spewing epithets,

He was not Antifa,

(Which means “anti-fascist”)

His lack of Melanin didn’t ally him,

With Black Lives Matter protestors,

Neither Antifa nor BLM,

Ryan Nichols s a fascist:


Noun: a political ideology and mass movement that dominated many parts of central, southern, and eastern Europe between 1919 and 1945 and that also had adherents in western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East. Europe’s first fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, took the name of his party from the Latin word fasces, which referred to a bundle of elm or birch rods (usually containing an ax) used as a symbol of penal authority in ancient Rome. Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common: extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in the natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation. Merriam-Webster


Without accountability,

Violence becomes “legitimate political discourse,”

Not of a political party, but

Of a Congress of Sociopaths,


The “party of Lincoln,”

Started March 20, 1854,

In Ripon, Wisconsin,

Former members of the Whig Party,

Opposed the expansion of slavery,

Into the western territories,


Republicans won 11 of 16 states in the 1856 election,

1857, the nine-member Supreme Court rendered the “Dred Scott Decision,”

Two Republican members dissented,

The Republicans were the progressives then!

The script has flipped since then.

With presidential candidate John C. Fremont,

The southern, democratic-led states,

Promised to secede,

If Republicans won the 1860 election,


Six weeks after Lincoln did,

South Carolina was the first state to secede,

All the insurrection states wrote the reason in their documents: slavery.

“States rights” pertained to the right to own humans in perpetuity,

By the way:

What in “states rights” to defy the government makes this country “United?”


Illegitimate political parties,

Intrinsically know that their views are unpopular,

Illegitimate political parties,

Eventually, dismiss any semblance of a platform,

Or guiding principles to let an electorate know what they are against,

Or, for,


“If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.”


A quote from Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower,


Such a party might ram through the nominations

To the nation’s highest court,

Of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett,

Their judicial judgment reduced to a partisan “finger in the wind,”

Knowing the base’s public opinions like a divining weather vane,

Despite Gorsuch joking about being a member of the young fascists in college,

4,500+ credible tips on the character of Kavanaugh,

And the lack of experience by “Aunt Lydia” Barrett,

Or, the ramrodding of lifetime appointments,

The National Bar Association ranked as unqualified,

Glossed over by Moscow Mitch,

A fascist party might ignore good advice and logic,


“If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.”


Such a party might suppress the votes of marginalized citizens,

Such a party might write laws to make voting difficult,

Such a party might know it no longer can convince a plurality of the electorate to vote for it,

Such a party might want to ban books on actual history,

Such a party might get behind a failed real estate magnate, and make him a graven image of a Golden Calf, literally,

Such a party might want to jettison said failure but fear their radical, armed constituents,

Such a party might not care about the appearance of hypocrisy or unfairness,

Such a party, which we call fascist, might think violence is “legitimate political discourse."

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Bomb Threats...

Howard University campus in Washington DC. Photograph: Jacquelyn Martin/AP, Gloria Oladipo, The Guardian

 © February 1, 2022, the Griot Poet


Sheila P. Moses prosed

So They Burned the Black Churches,”

The cowards were Zoom bombing with porn in Bible studies,

Before the 2020 election,


How did THAT work?

News flash: Like Jimmy Kimmel said,

"Fatty Labelle" lost.


The Greensboro Four:


David Richmond, Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair Jr. (Jibreel Khazan), Joe McNeil

Several Bennett Bells,

And Dudley High School students


Staged the first popular sit-in

At the F.W. Woolworth counter,

February 1, 1960,

These young people endured,


Cigarette burns,

Spilled food and drinks,



Four years from that, we got the Civil Rights Act,

Five years from that, we got the Voting Rights Act,

Eight years from that, we got the Fair Housing Act,


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT seen,” Hebrews 11:1


Young African Americans




Hosed in the streets,

Trying to enact the philosophies of Henry Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King,

The antithesis was Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and Huey P. Newton,

The synthesis is to let freedom ring,


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal,”


ALL: a predeterminer refers to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.


To tell us we are NOT a part of all:

You better have a damn good, logical argument WHY we’re not human!


Alcorn State University

Coppin State University,

Edward Waters University,

Fort Valley University,

Howard University,

Jackson State University,

Kentucky State University,

Mississippi Valley State University,

Morgan State University,

Spelman College,

Rust College,

University of the District of Columbia,

Xavier University,


All recipients of bomb threats,

Disrupting classes,

On the FIRST day of Black History Month,

A relatively safe space

Where we train our future leaders,

In their majors, true history, and activism.


Historically Black Colleges and Universities exist,

Because Primarily White Institutions didn’t want them,

The same reason black churches, black sororities and fraternities, and Order of the Eastern Star, and Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons exist,


Because the truth and the human spirit cannot be diminished,


“I’ve known rivers:

I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.


My soul has grown deep like the rivers.


I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.

I built my hut near the Congo, and it lulled me to sleep.

I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.

I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I’ve seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset.


I’ve known rivers:

Ancient, dusky rivers.


My soul has grown deep like the rivers.”


Langston Hughes told us this,

“The Negro Speaks of Rivers,”

He, too, was born on February One,


We know our place is to be in the sun,


We have sacrificed for this country since Crispus Attucks,

We have fought for rights that were never extended to us,

Since the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the First World War, the Second World War, The Korean War, the Vietnam War, Grenada, Honduras, the Gulf War, the War on Terror, Afghanistan, Iraq,

And not ONE bone spur!


So They Burned the Black Churches,”

You Zoom bombed Bible studies during a pandemic,

You’ve been in a panic since Deion Sanders scored the NCAA first-round draft pick,

At Jackson State (I noticed it was on the list),

Now, your genius move is to threaten the places where our leaders are trained?


Your pedigreed PWIs got their start with slave money,

Our HBCUs were started on faith, in the basement of churches,

You know, the ones you tried to firebomb and burn?


The March for Civil Rights began

With our ancestors, aunties, uncles, and grandparents,

We have heroes now that “didn’t appear on any stamps,”

Your cowardly moves are what Public Enemy prophesied:

“Fear of a Black Planet.”

The baton was passed to us,

To see the vision come to pass.


So They Burned the Black Churches,”

You Zoom bombed Bible studies during a pandemic,

And, you think some bomb threats on February One are going to stop us?


Are you just that thick?