Saturday, February 26, 2022

Corrupt Absolutely...

 © February 25, 2022, the Griot Poet


The Russian bear charged into Ukraine,

Fifty-three cities in Russia demonstrated,

Against their government,

And Vladimir Putin,


Able-bodied Ukrainian men 18 to 60,

And a lot of women,

Took up weapons and Molotov cocktails

To defend their nation,

1,700 Russian citizens were arrested,

Disappeared to a Gulag existence,

Or, erasure as irrelevant,

We either saw the first shots of World War Three,

Or, the dawn of another chapter of humanity,


The Political Personality of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, Aubrey Immelman, and Joseph V. Trenzeluk, Department of Psychology, Saint John’s University


“This paper presents the results of an indirect assessment of the personality of Vladimir Putin, president of the Russian Federation, from the conceptual perspective of personologist Theodore Millon.


Following the guidance of


“The Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (MIDC), and Millon Index of Personality Styles manuals:


“Putin’s primary personality patterns were found to be Dominant/controlling (a measure of aggression or hostility),

“Ambitious/self-serving (a measure of narcissism),

“And Conscientious/dutiful, with secondary Retiring/reserved (introverted) and Dauntless/adventurous (risk-taking) tendencies

"And lesser Distrusting/suspicious features.

“Putin’s profile’s blend of primary patterns constitutes a composite personality type aptly described as an 'expansionist hostile enforcer.'


That Tucker Carlson,

Laura Ingrate,

Mike Pompeo,

Cheeto Mussolini,

Reich Wing echo chambers

Are “rooting for Putin.”

It is disgusting and disqualifying for public office or citizenship,

Spouting Kremlin talking points,

Simultaneously calling themselves patriots,

Like the defecating idiots on January 6,

That find themselves going to prison

For insurrection,


It’s like cheering for “Dr. Evil,”

As if you didn’t grasp Mike Myer’s shtick,

Or like Rudy Giuliani,

Who thought “Borat 2” was serious,

Then posed in front of the Four Seasons Landscaping, next to a dildo shop,



How is Jewish Ukrainian President Zelinsky a Nazi in his nation?

Whose paternal grandfather and his family DIED in The Holocaust?

Putin has a kill list of him, his family, activists, and LGBT presented,

Just like the Nazis had of homosexuals, scientists, poets, and Gypsies,

(Stalin was with Hitler before he wasn’t),

Putin even threw in Zelinsky’s a drug addict,

Hell, I was waiting for:


“The Ukrainians are bringing drugs; they’re bringing crime; they’re Nazis and rapists.”


It sounds like we need a readout of transcripts from the translator’s notes that got eaten, flushed, or spirited to Mar-a-Lago.


Putin, like Mango Munchkin, is a malignant narcissist,

Surrounded by toadies and yes men,

All made fabulously wealthy by him,

Crooks and thieves like him,

Knowing that at any moment, he could make them poor or kill them,

Believing in paranoid conspiracies,


Stepping on the necks of Russian citizens,

He can’t allow “free and fair elections,”

Because he’s likely to lose them,

And wind up dead without thug protection,

He lies about his Judo prowess,

His Uke flops on camera without consequence,

He refers to himself as a “stable genius,”

Tell me if this ALL sounds familiar?


Ukraine, for him, is Noam Chomsky’s “threat of a good example.”

Democracy on his doorstep,

While ruling as a kleptocrat,

It is intolerable for a sociopath,

Since the fall of the Soviet Union,

Former Warsaw Pact satellite nations are under NATO,

The attack on Kyiv is deeply personal,

He is the state, and the state is him,

He thinks he has a personality cult over eleven time zones,

And a messianic complex,

Imagine his surprise at all the resistance,

Within his borders,

And over the planet,

On the UN Security Council,

China abstained a vote: peace out, bro!


Putin is deranged by his [own] success,

Suppressing democracy and representative government across the planet,

“We the people” is Gollum’s kryptonite,

He has led Russia through five presidents,

He could care less if the president is Biden,




Or, Dumbo Gambino,

Or, his fascist cult following worshiping him,

For American liberty, he has deep contempt,

He’d rather flush The Constitution down a golden toilet,

Good luck exercising your Second Amendment rights after that!

1,700 Russian citizens were arrested that doesn’t have the FIRST!

The only ones well-armed will be the goons loyal to him.

Patrick Swayze transitioned, and “Red Dawn” has an alternate ending.


Drug dealers “shouldn’t get high on their [own] supply,”

Putin has mainlined absolute power for a quarter-century,

Actual democracy gives him delirium tremors,

And he has glibly threatened nuclear annihilation,

Putin often cites a well-known Russian saying: “for Russians, even death is beautiful.”

Threatening like some crackhead, ranting and raving,

If Finland or Switzerland joins NATO,

He’s encouraged the OPPOSITE of what he’s stated,

His threatening, psychotic speeches made them consider membership,

For peace and security,

For the first time in their noncommittal histories,

We are on a hair-trigger from extinction,

A duel between Delta, SEALS, Spetsnaz,

Regular forces,

And Mutually Assured Destruction, because of a megalomaniac drunk on power, corrupted absolutely.

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