Sunday, February 13, 2022

Graven Images...


Donald Trump is This Generation's Golden Calf, Zach Fredman, The Wisdom Daily

© February 12, 2022, the Griot Poet


I hate to be the one to tell you this,

You are simply what an African looks like

After 200,000 years without direct sunlight,


Your ancestors didn’t require a preponderance of Melanin,

To survive glacial climates,

You’re a human, like me,

From the planet Earth: you adapted,


That evolution is driven by,

Your environment, and what you consume,

Kinky hair is thermodynamic in equatorial tropics,

Protection against intense UV light,

You need straight hair to mat and trap heat in during the Ice Age,


From your lack of vitamin D,

You might have to consume a preponderance

Of dairy,

Making up for your deficiency of sunlight,

Eliminating evolutionary lactose intolerance,


Every human does this,

That’s why we have diversity,

We’re still working on the “equity and inclusion” part,

Take this to heart:

There are no “chosen people,”

Special ones,




Only humans,

Living on the same planetary residence,

Adjusting to our various environments,


Coffee did come from the Mother continent.


Think of what an Elon Musk Martian will look like 100 years hence,

Less than half of Earth's gravity,

Their bones will be less dense,

Further away from the sun,

Their hues will be different,

But, they will be human,

Just another variation,

There’s a strong likelihood that after separation from Mother Earth, they’ll develop their [own] language,

That will rock a poetry slam, but we’ll require Google Translate!



The world was not made near to the world tree, Yggdrasill,


Auðumbla did not sustain the frost giant Ymir with her milk,

Licking away salty rime rocks,

Giving rise to Buri, grandfather to the gods,

Vili, Ve, and Odin,


The condensation of an accretion disk formed our solar system,

We’re at the “Goldie Locks” sweet spot to both form a planet,

And have life on it,

Our oceans are probably from the impact of comets,

Carrying water and likely, the rudimentary elements of life,

Speaking of the Periodic Table: most of the elements that are in our bodies were spewed from the guts of dying stars light-years hence,

Why some elements are rare, given value, and called “precious.”


You and I are, as Carl Sagan said, made of “star stuff,”

We are here to bear witness to the universe,

Whether by poetry or quantum mechanics,

The limited resources we have,

Should be allocated, not hoarded,

So that the human species can benefit,

No one should be starving,

Healthcare should be called “humanity care,”

As we are each a part of it,

Income inequality is evidence of theft,

You needn’t do that,

We are all part of this universe and the planet we inhabit.


We have more in common than we have differences,


“Us against them” are fables spun by those who have enriched themselves stealing our resources,


Isn’t it high time we called them on their BS?


If we want to get to The Fifth Dimension's

“Age of Aquarius,”

“Harmony and understanding” is a prerequisite,


And like Asa,

We should pull down Asherah poles of graven images,

Worshiped as gods when they are

Whitewashed sepulchers,


Graven images may raise your fragile self-esteem,

Graven images may make you feel like gods or supermen,

Graven images may give you a superiority glow,

Graven images might increase your stock portfolio,

Graven images have one significant lack:

Graven images will not save the planet.


Mahatma Gandhi said with an insistence:


“We no longer have a choice between

violence and non-violence.

The choice today stands between non-violence or non-existence.”


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., with his riff, took us to school:


“We must either learn to live together as brothers, or we are going to die together as fools.”

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