Thursday, January 28, 2021

Reflections of Insurrection...

© January 28, 2021, the Griot Poet


“If an attempted coup goes unpunished, it becomes a training exercise.”


Because the first attempt never sticks.

The German Nazi Party attempted it,

Got arrested,

Hitler in prison,

Sat down and wrote “Mein Kamph,”


Ten years later:


A ninth-grade high school dropout,

Staged the Reichstag Fires,

With a prison rap,

Got elected chancellor,

Fear of instability motivated German citizens,

To trust a weird, mustached imbecile,

Who had simple answers for EVERYTHING complicated,


Because fascism is for the lazy,

Democratic republics require an informed citizenry,

Shared facts and a shared reality,

Once in power, he got busy attacking,


Liegende presse: lying press,

The early version of “fake news” and labeling journalists as “enemies of the people.”

He obliterated the Weimar Republic Constitution,

Manipulating circumstances to be declared Fuhrer,


He didn’t have Twitter,

He had Marconi’s invention: the radio,

A popular form of entertainment, he turned to gold,


Ranting and raving incoherently,

To the disturbed, he seemed like a savior,

Someone who licensed their bigotry,

Gave them a group to gravitate,

The “Mark of the Beast”: a swastika, proto red hats,


Any coup attempt without consequences is a dress rehearsal,


It won’t take a decade,

If we look the other way,

Bullies and fascists,

Are the same:


Give them a centimeter’s wiggle room,

And, they will take kilometers,

The only book he ever bothered to read,

“My New Order” – the sequel to Mein Kamph of Hitler’s speeches,

And the pattern of how he whipped crowds into a mobbed frenzy,


Their goal is to conquer,

Those they perceive weak,

Don’t give him a salary,

Travel allowance,

Secret service protection,

Or a platform to speak,


More importantly:

Snatch away his ability to run again for president,

Better yet,

If the Constitution means anything,

Convict him,

Send him to prison,

For inciting violence, death, and sedition,


Make real the words of Isaiah:


Isaiah 14:16-17


“They that see you shall narrowly look upon you, and consider you, saying, ‘Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms,


the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?”


The alternative:


He will make himself,

A president in exile,

Of his Neo-Confederacy,

Red state Governors,

Will stop obeying,

Federal mandates,

Like masks, while traveling,

Listening to him,

Because it’s contrarian and apostate,

“Owning the libs,”

Prolonging our exit from this pandemic,

The proverbial thorn-in-the-side of this body politic,

A bone spur coronavirus that will not quit,

A blood tick on the ass of the republic,

Until he settles scores,

Inspires domestic terrorists,

Move radicals from insurrection to insurgency,

I, for one, don’t want to look like Northern Belfast and the IRA,

Before you know it,

Instead of Epstein engines or Cochran warp drives,

We’re reaching for our automatic rifles,

And the country is plunged into Civil War,

Because ripping things apart is what he is truly known for.

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