Sunday, June 09, 2024

Convicted Felon...


© June 5, 2024, the Griot Poet


He is a convicted felon.

That’s how I’m going to refer to him.

Twelve jurors in a Grand Jury saw enough evidence to warrant bringing charges in New York State for fraudulent records,

Just like the twelve Grand Jurors in Florida for the theft of classified documents,

Just like the twelve Grand Jurors in Georgia for requesting 11,780 votes be fraudulently flipped to him,

Just like the twelve Grand Jurors in Washington, DC, for [the] January 6, 2021, insurrection HE started!


Unique in the New York case is it was

In service to another crime: holding back info of the two affairs he had.

Revealed after the “Access Hollywood” tape.

He conned his lawyer into paying $130,000 hush money for the first slip-up.

He conned David Pecker into paying $150,000 to a Playboy Playmate.


He paid his lawyer, who served his sentence in Otisville Prison during the pandemic.

He stiffed Pecker (I can’t believe I’m saying that in a sentence), who he treats with kid gloves: what’s he got on him?


Then, post-Grand Jury,

Twelve jurors were selected to judge the evidence presented in a trial.

The accused had the right to defense.

The accused suggested he would take the stand.

News flash: he didn’t.

He glowered and farted through most of it.

Only speaking to cameras to gaslight and spin.

He attacked the judge, the judge's daughter, the jury, and the prosecution.

And whines about how it was “unfair” to him.

He’s proof of a two-tier justice system,

Anyone else would have BEEN in prison!


The burden was on the prosecution.

One of the jurors got his news directly from “Lie Social” (if we’re being honest).

And THAT person was down with the 34 counts against:


The convicted felon.

That’s how we should refer to him.

America: How does it make SENSE for a convicted felon to get the nuclear codes?


He will be sentenced four days before he accepts his hijacked party’s nomination.

Because he didn’t debate in the primaries, it looks more like a coronation.

Prepare yourself for a rambling, embarrassing, gaseous, dystopian address,

That their echo chamber will gaslight to Gettysburg status.

I’m spitting this piece so that you won’t forget:


He is a convicted felon.

That’s how we’re going to refer to him.


He was a Democrat before the black president won his elections.

Democrats were the original conservative party in the South.

Strom Thurmond walked out of the Democratic Convention in 1948,

After they started to address Civil Rights,

Declaring himself a “Dixiecrat,”

Which is why “Captain Bone Spurs” was still a Democrat until 2008.

Which is why Fred was arrested at a Klan Rally in 1927 in New York.

He got his fee-fees hurt at the White House Correspondents Dinner,

Who made fun of his co-opting Orly Tate’s birtherism fib,

“I’ve got people in Hawaii. You wouldn’t believe what they’re seeing!”

The sane among us didn’t.

He said Obama was the “founder of ISIS.”

Well, “stable genius” is the godfather of QAnon!

I’m putting these rhythm and poetry couplets together so you won’t forget.


He is a convicted felon.

That’s how we’re going to refer to him.


Prior to his racist conniption fit,

Against Kwame Jackson on “The Apprentice,”

He openly supported a woman’s right to choose.

He donated to Senators Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton.

She and Bill attended his third wedding.

(Who was his affair on his then-wife Marla Maples, who was his affair on his then-wife Ivana.)

Chelsea and Ivanka (their daughters) were close friends.


But, just like everything else in this conman’s life,

The only thing that matters is him.

I repeat with no chagrin:


He is a convicted felon.

That’s how we’re going to refer to him.


In front of his gaudy, self-named Tower of Babel,

A New Yorker gave me his local nickname: “Dumbo Gambino.”

An acknowledgment by the Gotham resident that,

He IS a criminal, just not a very good one.


Perhaps if he had been disciplined by his parents.

Perhaps if he had been diagnosed with a learning disability.

He wouldn’t have so many self-esteem issues.


He wouldn’t be cheating like he breathes.

Lying as his “love language,”

Murdering millions of people during the pandemic from benign neglect and incompetence.

As a malignant narcissist, he is compelled to create a false reality where he always “wins.”

He couldn’t be bothered to study in college,

Preferring to be in New York on the weekends,

Understudying with Roy Cohn and criminal syndicates,


Marketing Professor William Kelly said:

“He was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” He came to Wharton like he knew everything and was noted for his arrogance.


To recap:

Dumbo Gambino wasn’t convicted by a Soros-backed “deep state” conspiracy.

He was tried by a Grand Jury that found enough evidence to bring charges,

He was tried by a jury of his New York peers, finding him guilty of 34 counts.

Between Florida, Georgia, and DC, he has 54 charges to be adjudicated.

This was the “weakest case,” according to the “experts,”

Abased before it was finally elevated.

In the only case, he couldn’t procedurally delay:


He is a convicted felon.

That’s how we ALL should refer to him.


I would say that saying he’s a “convicted felon” would drive him insane,

But, to use a well-worn golf trope:

“That’s not a drive; that’s a very short putt!”

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