Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Clockwork Orange...


Source: Meta Meme

Link: Wikipedia/A Clockwork Orange (film)

© June 23, 2024, the Griot Poet


The “Kubrick Stare,”

Became so iconic that the director, Stanley Kubrick’s name is attached to it.

It is a method of shot composition,

Where the main character stares into the shot, his head at a forward tilt,

A subtle technique to show the viewer that the character is at peak derangement.


Now, look at the mugshot from Georgia.

The “Kubrick Stare” has been co-opted.

The cult made t-shirts out of it.

And coffee mugs,

And koozies’,

Don’t forget the golden, graven image.


Word of the day: trumpery.

Trumpery derives from the Middle English trompery and ultimately from the Middle French tromper, meaning “to deceive.” (You can see the meaning of this root reflected in the French phrase trompe-l'oeil-literally, “deceives the eye”-which in English refers to a style of painting with photographically realistic detail.) Trumpery first appeared in English in the mid-15th century with the meanings “deceit or fraud” (a sense that is now obsolete) and “worthless nonsense.


Less than 100 years later, it was being applied to material objects of little or no value. The phrase trump up means “to concoct with the intent to deceive,” but there is likely no etymological connection between this phrase and trumpery. Then, in the 1900s, it came to mean “showy but worthless.”


Today, it is equated with “treasonous shit weasel.”

You must love how detailed the English use of curse words is!


His family should have stayed with their German translation.

What’s in a name?


He pumped birtherism.

Question: What the HELL is a “black job?”

Does it count if you have a PhD in Nanoengineering?


He pushed conspiracy theories and flirted with QANON.

Then, he latched onto white Christian nationalism.

He has no redeeming qualities, personal philosophies, or core values, NONE, other than “winning.”

He’s demonstrated that he will go to any lengths to achieve it.


What’s my evidence for this?

After the January 6 insurrection, when he left office,

CIA assets and agents started “disappearing.”

A gentler version of “KIA”: killed in action.

Black stars on an anonymous wall in Langley for remembrance.

Russian intelligence assets were probably visiting his bathrooms in Mar-a-Lago.

All the FSB agents needed were smartphones.

He’s a 34-count convicted felon.

But the case I was interested in is in Florida,

Question: Why was “Reality Winner,” Air Force Staff Sergeant,

Imprisoned for four years, disseminating the lowest level of classified information – For Official Use Only, about Russian interference in the 2016 election?

A federal judge who was previously a correspondent for Miami flamingo dancing and yoga instruction is holding up the Florida espionage case.

Whose husband, Josh Lawrence, is a mob lawyer for John Rossatti,

A New York mobster and friends with you know who!

Maybe it’s me: I think there might be a problem with that.


Forgot about the debate.

It’s been a superfluous spectacle for six decades.

John Kerry beat “W” in every contest,

Four years later, we were in a financial crisis.

Hillary mopped the floor with the orange shit stain!

Four years later, we were IN the pandemic!

Can you see why I DISDAIN corporate media debates?

They’re all show, no substance, no policy discussion.


If you were on the planet and listened to the 1960 debate between Kennedy and Nixon,

You would have sworn Nixon won it.

But Kennedy looked young, tan, and fresh, and Nixon was nursing an infection.

Television beat substance in this first case.

Before 1960, we somehow managed to pick our future leaders without them.

I’m sure we could figure out how to do it if we had to again.

That’s if we HAVE elections that mean anything!


We’re not in a reality television script, but we’re being forced through one with very low ratings.

Fun fact: “MAGA” means “witch” in Latin.

We’re not voting for “Uncle Joe” because we love him!

We’re voting because democracy is on the ballot!


Snapshot: A 15-year-old blogger was arrested for criticizing the Putin government on Telegram,

And sent to the Gulag as punishment.

He’ll be in his twenties before he sees daylight again.

If he survives it.

The Russian people don’t “like” Putin.

They live in constant fear of running afoul of his Russian Gestapo regime.

“I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat!” The T-shirt said.

Do me a favor, Key-Mo-Sa-Bee: emigrate!

(We’ll do a GoFundMe and HELP you pack!)


Do you want an example of Christian nationalism?

“This is what autocracy looks like!”

Don’t think of “1984” as occurring in black and white,

Dystopia is in technicolor and has beautiful sunrises,

As people spontaneously fall out of high rises!


Think about your neighbors’ houses boarded up because they’re being “disappeared” for online displeasing a petulant potentate!

Think about the Palestinians, where Netanyahu’s “final solution” resembles the one Hitler had for his ancestors!

Think about Obergefell vs. Hodges[1] snatched away like Roe vs. Wade was (they’re coming for contraception and IVF next)!

Think about people of color giving up their seats again on public transportation.

Think about women, regardless of sexual orientation, becoming broodmares for the state!


Hillary Clinton used “super predators, and so did Maxine Waters.

Joe Biden used “predators” as a generic epithet, but that’s just semantics!

I still voted for both. We can fix democracy later – the goal is function and survival.


The goal of the Russian government is to dismantle the liberal democratic order,

That’s been in place since the Japanese surrender.

Which is why they’re sticking their noses in every democratic election on the planet.

This means it’s against laws protecting women, human rights, equality, and freedom of expression.

Before this 15-year-old kid, Putin jailed Pussy Riot!


Democracies fall into autocracies in a fortnight in the blink of an eye.


“America wasn’t Gilead until it was, and then it was too fucking late.” June, season four finale of “The Handmaid’s Tale,”

A Hulu series based on Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel first premiered in 2017.

The first year of his fascist regime.

We’ve been in this one-man “tribulation” for seven years.


Sinclair Lewis’s “It Can’t Happen Here”[2] was a warning:

Vote for democracy, not autocracy.

Vote for democracy, not enslavement.

Vote for democracy, not third-party spoilers.

Vote for democracy, which means now, Joe Biden.

Stuttering, shuffling, lost at times, but smart and humble enough to surround himself with competent leadership.

His Vice President is smart enough to replace him - and you don't have to like her either!

We might have been in this same place with Bernie Sanders.

Hold your nose and pull the lever.

Or we’ll all be trapped in the hideous world of “A Clockwork Orange,” with no real hope of escaping!


Carl Sagan said: “Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.”

We must decide to survive.

Piles of ashes have no hierarchies.

I prefer conquering inequality by NOT dying.

BE the exception: VOTE.

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