Sunday, April 16, 2023

Insurrection Insurgency...

"The January 6 Insurrectionists Aren't Who You Think They Are," Robert A. Pape, Foreign Policy

© April 8, 2023, the Griot Poet

The second insurrection post-secession and Civil War was not on January 6, 2021.


On March 16, 2016,

President Barack Obama,

Nominated Merrick Garland,

Then, the Chief Justice of the United States Court of Appeals,

As his pick for Supreme Court Justice,


To replace conservative Justice Antonin Scalia,

Who had unexpectedly perished,

The court, for the first time, would have been a liberal-leaning 5 to 4 majority,

Garland was seen as a moderate,

Mitch McConnell denied it.

“Moscow” wouldn’t even give him a hearing,

That aberration of The Constitution was the first salvo in the modern insurrection.

Article II, section 2:

“He shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States


The Senate utterly ignored it.


“Evil Turtle,” said the next President should have the duty to appoint the next Associate Justice.


Unless, of course, that person was Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.


The Republican Senate was willing to keep the seat open, in perpetuity, until the election of a Republican president!


If not 2016, then 2020.

If not 2020, then 2024.

“On, and on till the break of dawn,”

Until The Constitution is in tatters,

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat in this alternate reality would also be absent.


The political punditry has blown off this fact,

By blocking the appointment of Merrick Garland,

The GOP had already staged an unprecedented attack on The Constitution,

An insurrection and insurgency,


It was a bloodless coup in 2016, then,

“Moscow Mitch” blocked any attempt to mention outside Russian interference,

Facebook, Twitter, Social Media manipulated by the GRU in the Kremlin,

Now: TikTok is a gaslight distraction tinged by Asian racism.

Putin pumping out propaganda and spreading lies,

Chief purveyor:

His compromised “Manchurian Candidate.”

Before “The Big Lie,” a free and fair election was stolen.

And, we’re worried about the “useful idiot’s” collusion?


Stoking the fears of “great replacement,”

By demographics and immigration,

On Fox “Not” News,

Railing about,

Groomers as LGBT and drag queens who don’t exist,

But missing priests and ministers posing as "profits,"


Fascism is like a slow-boiling crab or lobster,

Each thrown in a bubbling cauldron,

Whether creature or republic, the changes in temperature are slow and subtle,

Lobsters and crabs, in this metaphor,

When one of the creatures tries to escape the death trap,


The one is pulled back,

Probably hearing, in crustacean language:


“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Everything’s fine.”

“All is well!”


When the crustaceans or society realizes the danger,

They’re already in hell!


Joy Reid, on her TikTok, sounded alarm bells.


Don’t get complacent if you’re not black, Hispanic,

Or, you are, and are affluent,

Or white women,

Or LGBTQ in the majority,

They are coming for you next!


Overturning Roe vs. Wade makes sense to force women to have babies,

They want to stop all immigration except [from] Scandinavian nations,


North Carolina, with a turncoat Democrat switching parties,

Now has a veto-proof Republican majority,

It just repealed the need to get a permit to buy a weapon.

Meaning: any lunatic with the money can get them.

Right after the Tennessee shooting,

Right before Louisville, Kentucky,

Florida did the same thing.

Look for the next gun massacre in my home state.


Their goal is to terrorize citizens,

Their goal is to make us constantly fearful,


At school, at the mall, at the movie theater, at work, at the bank, at libraries, at worship, at parks, at clubs, at book signings,

Breonna Taylor died while sleeping!


Because when you’re afraid, you’re not rational,

It’s why they oppose history and education,

So we won’t have a framework or information to fight them,


George Carlin: “Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking. They want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.”


They are reconstituting slavery in the 21st century.

The first forced births of this nation were my African ancestors,

This time, they’re applying diversity, equity, and inclusion!


Congresswoman Michelle “crazy eyes” Bachmann,

Wanted to eliminate the minimum wage.

Because why would you pay wages to re-enslaved people?

Her party has been on a rampage since 1981,

When Reagan said, “Government isn’t the solution: government is the problem.”

This snag is the reason why they oppose reparations.

The only gods they worship are Mammon (greed and avarice) and Moloch (sacrifice children on “cremations of care,” or in the modern, gun massacres).


Octavia Butler’s prophecies in “Parable of the Sower” and “Parable of the Talents” are coming to pass.

Democracy, however, doesn’t have to be on its last gasp.

We used to skip the off years and vote in the general,

Don’t sit out voting for [dog] catcher!


Humans have spent most of our existence under the rule of kings, sheiks, emperors, potentates, authoritarians, psychopaths, despots, and demagogues.


Democracy matters!

It’s not “self-evident” or automatic!

Bring Moscow Mitch and these insurgent insurrectionists to their political Appomattox.


The only way they come to their senses is by losing winnable elections.

The only way they diversify their party is to see racism isn’t profiting.

The only way we stop this dystopian nightmare is to vote them into irrelevance!

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