Monday, March 15, 2021

A Question...

Image Source: Facebook

 © March 15, 2021, the Griot Poet


I noticed:

Southern states had no problem with undocumented immigrants,

Shepherded over on “the good ship Jesus,”


Nor did they complain

When uncompensated labor,

Built the Executive Mansion,

Plantation manors,

Made cotton and sugar cane king,

Fostered a southern aristocracy

Antithetical to a fledgling democracy,

And the wealth of a nation,

“Four score, and seven years” before

From Abe Lincoln’s observations

In the Gettysburg Address,


Not a peep,

When Chinese immigrants,

Built the transcontinental railroad system,

Braving death by falls, or dynamite explosion,

Built Chinatowns to live in,

It didn’t stop you from passing the

Country’s first piece of immigration


Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882,

Without a hint or an acknowledgment of hypocrisy,


The Civil War

Spread opium addiction,

The Union Army prescribed 1 million pills for its soldiers,

After the battle, high numbers addicted,

Dealing with,

Shell shock (PTSD),

Ghost, and real wounds,

By the late 1880s,

Women made up 60% of addicts,

The government passed the first drug laws

Targeting Chinese immigrants,


Nor did you wince,

When you interred

Americans of Japanese descent,

During WWII,

One of the occupants:

George Takei,

Mr. Sulu of Star Trek,

At least you didn’t separate him from his mom and dad,


Okay, white supremacists:


Say, you kill all the Muslims,

Say, you kill all the black people,

Say, you kill all the Jews,

Say, you kill all the Asians,

Say you kill all the Pacific Islanders and Polynesians,

Say, you kill all the Hispanics,

Say you kill all the LGBT,

Say, you kill all the women who said “no” to your unwelcome advances and hurt your sensitive, incel “snowflake” feelings,

Say, you kill all the artists, dancers, musicians, painters, scientists, and poets,


Cadavers begin decomposition after rigor mortis,

The stench from corpses will be hard for you to comprehend,

Diseases from dead bodies spread faster than the Coronavirus,


The mass funeral pyres,

Will darken the skies,

With soot, methane, and carbon dioxide,

Trapping heat accelerating global warming,

More violent swings by the Polar Vortex,

Weather non-patterns that will have you vexed,

Bubonic and Dengue will be your subsequent tests,

You might have killed the scientist,

That could have solved the problem,

Your hubris invented,


Xenophobia does not lead to utopia,


Racism is a mental illness,

It is a form of narcissism,


And, just like Narcissus,

Can lead to one’s own destruction,


Narcissus died worshiping his reflection,

The only witness to his demise: an imp named Echo,


Who only repeated his last word: goodbye.

Anarchy is the opposite of E Pluribus Unum,

Republics aren’t usually smoldering ruins,




Will flow in from Cuba and Europe,


Nikita Khrushchev,

Slammed his shoe on the podium,

At the United Nations

Giving an apocalyptic prophecy:


“We will bury you without firing a shot,”


And they only needed one “useful idiot” to do it.



If it wasn’t already obvious,

My most important question is this (it's actually two):

If you managed such “Turner Diaries.”

American Carnage,


How do you plan to dispose of the bodies properly?


Who’s going to help you clean up the mess you will have created?

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