Thursday, March 11, 2021

Con Job...


Image Source (satire has a kernel of truth): Deadline

© March 11, 2021, the Griot Poet


“The Confederacy was a con job on whites, and still is,” by Frank Hyman, News, and Observer,


A con job

By definition, it is:

“an act or instance of duping or swindling. an act or instance of lying or talking glibly to convince others or get one’s way.”




The Confederacy

Is a con job on poor whites,

Who only sees America as a pie slice,

Of which, they only have a thin part,

The majority of the largesse defying gravity, “trickling up,”

To the bank accounts of American oligarchs,

Whose plantation ancestors gave this lie its start,


Any gains in education mean blacks were being “too smart” in their quest for upward mobility,

The made-up word for this: “uppity,”

In its native tongue of Euro-hillbilly,

Denying themselves any opportunities,


Healthcare can’t be universal,

That would mean awarding it to the Melanin “them,”

Denying it to brown, black, and Native Americans,

Not realizing to their chagrin,

They shoot their feet and reject the bandages or splints,


It doesn’t take a Nobel Prize Economist,

Forcing one-third of a workforce into uncompensated servitude,

Will drive DOWN the wages of the impoverished, white rest,

The south was more prosperous at that time than most nations,

Except ironically, England,

The coverup of civility recently pulled off by Harry and Meghan,

Southern oligarchs would call their kids Mullato children,


You fly “Don’t Tread on Me” Gadsden flags, and

Robert E. Lee’s North Virginia battle regiment,

Ensign as your flag of rebellion,

Taking it to your insurrection,

January 6,

You say, your ancestors fought under it,


Do you know who didn’t?


The one-percent plantation oligarchs,

Didn’t lift a finger, or leave their porch,

Sipping their cups of mint tea julep,

Draft dodging before we had one,

Yet, you’re the first on a mention of reparations for slave descendants to have a hissy fit,


Do you know who got them?


The aforementioned, one-percent plantation oligarchs,

Your ancestors got body bags, bullet wounds, missing limbs, and shell shock!


Your compensation prizes:

Gadsden and Rebel flags,

Faux “supremacy” due to lack of Melanin,

Your wages since the Civil War STILL not living, or keeping up with inflation,


Plantation oligarchs,


An analog version of gaslighting,

Pamphlets, novels, and magazines,

Extolling the virtues of slavery,

That its benefits would eventually

“Trickle-down” to the south’s poor white, duped constituency,


“Tick Tock!”


Why wouldn’t they teach this to their progeny?

They’ve managed to maintain this con job 400-years,

Arrogantly ignoring a plethora of “trails of tears,”


Upgrading the con,

To Internet modems and websites,

“Think tanks” like

The Cato Institute,

Reason Magazine,

Rush Limbaugh,

Talk Radio,


Storm Front,


And Fox Propaganda,


Racist slogans regurgitated

From Adolf Hitler,

And Ronald Reagan:

Make America/Germany Great Again,

This sloganeering is gaslighting with a Twitter foghorn,


President Lyndon Baines Johnson said:


“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best-colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


It’s way past time to flush this,

Down the toilet for oligarchs’ bullshit,

“Us,” versus “them” has had 400 years,

It’s time to put it to an end,

Instead of being puppets, start living,


Place this psychopathic bullshit,

On the rightful shelf of insignificance,

We can’t fight each other, and climate change,


Or, save our only planet,

Or, address income inequality,

Or, correct an injustice system,

Or, close all for-profit prisons,

Or, ensure free and fair elections,


If we’re still the Pinocchio puppets of Pinochet/Putin fascists,


We have to focus on putting this manipulative hate in the past,


We can finally eliminate designer stress,

Work together to perfect our union,

And live up to the spirit of E Pluribus Unum.

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