Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mendacious Mathematics...


Image source: Quora

© March 10, 2021, the Griot Poet


A single person,

Making one hundred thousand annually,

Will earn a million dollars at the end of ten years, eventually,


It would take that SAME person,

Ten thousand years,

To repeat that feat to one billion dollars,


That’s 133.3 lifetimes

At an average age of 75 living,

Millionaire didn’t enter the lexicon until circa thirteenth century,

Billionaire, a natural extension of the math, soon followed this,

Histories richest men, Mansa Musa and Solomon,

Did not use these as self-descriptions,

It’s more likely they hadn’t amassed as much wealth,

As Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, or Jeff Bezos,


It’s no wonder at Davos,

They publicly state their aversion,

To pay their fair share of taxes,

Michael Dell pointing to

The Dell Foundation,

Like his gangster co-conspirators,

“Foundations” are a tax dodge,

That’s never built one school, road, or bridge,

But has alarming investments in for-profit prisons,


A single person,

Making one hundred thousand annually,

Will earn a million dollars at the end of ten years, eventually,


It would take that SAME person,

Ten thousand years,

To repeat that feat to the FIRST billion dollars,


Suggesting “billionaire” isn’t a natural phenomenon,

Evidence of blessings, or brilliance,

Chutzpah, or providence,

More likely,

It’s grand-scale evidence of grand theft,


Rupert Murdoch owns Fox Propaganda,

To keep a segment of the electorate angry,

“Wars on Christmas,” to Potato Head sexuality shtick,

A sleight-of-hand, Jedi Mind Trick,

Attacking education and expertise,

Making college another path to indebtedness,

Making a hospital stay a path to debtors prison,

Turning back hard-fought voting and civil rights legislation,


Calling climate and the Coronavirus,

Liberal hoaxes,

Spewing smog from truck smokestacks to “own the libs,”

Idiot! Do you NOT live on the same planet?


Raising the minimum wage,

Pulls away Simon LeGree’s whip,

From the backs of 330 million slaves,


Is the New Rome equivalent,

Of crucifixion,

As scarecrows of state-run, abject terrorism,

Against a nation’s citizens,

Asian, black, white, straight, gay, Hispanic/Latino, Native American: all math division,

Designed to keep us all in a state of tribal derision,

Us choking each other are the oligarchs’ plans

With none for governing or solutions,

Other than Hoover vacuum tax cuts for the one-percent,


From bought-and-paid-for politicians,

They support truly their kowtowed-to constituents,

Their support of the January 6, 2021 insurrection,

Is obviously,

A ploy to conceal their complicity,

In trying mightily

To overthrow democracy,

Because of doing the math, we’ve all discerned your mendacity.

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