Sunday, October 04, 2020


Image Source: A Nixon biographer explains how Trump compares, John A. Farrell, Vox

© 3 October 2020, the Griot Poet

Nixon was done in by his own admission,

On the Watergate tapes,

On his contrition,

In subverting The US Constitution,

Barry Goldwater came and told him,

You don’t have any votes avoiding,

Impeachment and removal,


This was before Ted Turner approved, and launched CNN as “infotainment,”

Neil Postman said:

Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business

When the Internet was still a DARPA project,


Roger Ailes gave us polar opposites,

In 1996,

Of Fox and MSNBC,

To split the American electorate,


Orange Satan swore by Oath to protect and defend,

His first official lie: he didn’t mean it.


Now, Bob Woodward’s bombshell missives,

Record him in his admittance,

He knew that the dangers of this pandemic,

Was more than the flu,

In February,


Which means, he knew,

It affected citizens,

Of color, who mostly didn’t vote for him,

So, like California wildfires,

He gave us happy talk and magic,

His obfuscation has been tragic,


The relationship algebraic:

Equation y = 10x.

20,000+ lies, 200,000+ dead,

The only linear relationship in this exponential pandemic,


Democracy is the political equivalent,

Of the Scientific Method:


Null hypothesis,

Alternative hypothesis,

Design experiment,

Test experiment,

LOOK at the results, examine the evidence:

Does it support, or refute the null, or alternative hypothesis?

Yes? Repeat and verify.

No? Form another hypothesis.


That is why it is called the “democratic experiment,”

Republics have to be based on evidence,


Now, Melania is on record,

Saying “fuck” the children caged at the border and Christmas,


I have a question:

WHAT are evangelicals getting out of this?

81% of you supported the vagina-grabber,

Who in their right MIND would listen to you,

On any “advice” to stay “faithful and true”?


Your support is evaporating,

Amongst the young, who are needed,

To replenish your flock with tithes and offering,

Aging congregations and mortgages are your reality,

Get help with your plight,

Floating loans from Franklin Graham, Paula White,

Or, any of the “prosperity gospel” variety,

Fleecing their flocks of needed pennies,

Shepherds as wolves in sheep’s clothing,

Driving Bentleys and flying planes,

While people are starving,


I gift you a simple logic,

The Scientific Method:


Null hypothesis,

Alternative hypothesis,

Design experiment,

Test experiment,

LOOK at the results, examine the evidence:

Does it support, or refute the null, or alternative hypothesis?


Yes? Repeat and verify.

No? Form another hypothesis.

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