Sunday, October 18, 2020

Minority Rule...


© 18 October 2020, the Griot Poet

They are rushing Amy Coney Barrett,

On the Supreme Court bench,

To fill a lifetime appointment,

As McConnell has 128 federal judges,

He prevented President Obama from filling,


The American Bar Association gives most low marks as unqualified,

That is not the evil turtle or his criminal enterprise masquerading as a political party's motivation,


It is the same aim when:

They reduce drop off options to single boxes,

In every Texas county,

When they cut the cable on voting machines in Virginia,

When they post fake boxes to harvest ballots during a global pandemic - a federal violation,

When they close voting precincts on college campuses or in counties predominantly BIPOC,

Voter purges, voter suppression to the point of armed aggression,


They know they can't legitimately win a plurality of the voters in any election,

The judges - all in stolen seats - from the country's only black president,

Are insuring numerical minority rule.


Nelson Mandela,

And other black South Africans,

Were seventy-five percent of the population,

During the height of Apartheid,

Think of it:


Antonin Scalia was an “originalist,”

Which "sounds" reasonable.

What was the founding fathers' original intent when The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution were written?


I'm glad you asked!


Looking back on it cynically,

Through the lens of history,

Only rich, white male property owners,

The same who defined my ancestors as three-fifths human,

Were to be into perpetuity,

The only citizens who would exercise the franchise of voting,


Like their psychotic ancestors,

Their descendants STILL don't want to pay taxes,

Not to drooling tyrants like King George in "Hamilton,"

But roads, schools, healthcare, and potholes,


"We the people" wasn't originally meant to be ecumenical,

Inclusive of black men, women, black women in 1965,

The rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender to just BE: exist

And be left alone without violence,


Mobilizing during a pandemic,

To fill a seat stolen first from Merrick Garland,

And his nominating president,

Read our founding documents,


The nation was initially a confederation,

Until debates ironed out the kinks,

Whether my people were humanity,

Was tabled,

We were labeled

Perpetually inferior to make it all fit,


This 6-3 is one judge from 7-2,

That decided Dred Scott:


Ruling The Missouri Compromise


That prohibited expansion of slavery,

In western territories,


Chief Justice Roger Taney (1857),

Born to the southern aristocracy,

Wrote the majority opinion that:


"[African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it."


Regarded as the worst Supreme Court opinion,

Is an "originalist" view in the tradition,

Of Antonin Scalia, and his protege Amy Coney Barrett,

Who not only has problems with a woman's bodily autonomy,

But is miffed the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments,

Didn't include the opinions of the treasonous southern states in them,


The "gang of Putin" is WAY past pretending,

They want an honest debate about the issues and opinions,

They are pushing the country back to a future of tyranny,

A new southern aristocracy

Of minority rule.

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