Sunday, October 04, 2020



Image Source: Spreadshirt

© 2 October 2020, the Griot Poet

48 hours no less,

Planning another super spreader event,

In Wisconsin during a pandemic,

The Democratic Governor would rather not have it,

He finally tested positive,


How many are affected by the arrogance,

Of this sociopath and his sycophants?


“The chickens have come home to roost,”

Malcolm's quoted words from Robert Southey have never been so true,

He KNEW Hope had symptoms,

As early as Tuesday,

Just like he knew this was airborne in February,


It’s not just that Orange Satan is sick:

This is a national security risk,

That hydroxychloroquine will not relent,

Our command structure is now at risk,


What self-defense can we execute,

When soldiers can’t get in tanks,

Sailors can’t staff submarines or ships,

Airman can’t get in bombers,

Missileers can’t staff silos,

In the instance of a Red Dawn event,


It’s hard to tout a “plandemic”

As “fake news” during a pandemic,

Mike Lee, Thom Tillis, and Ron Johnson

Senators for the confirmation of Amy Barrett,

Have all tested positive,


When the high potentate of obfuscation,

Had to take,

A LONG, masked stride to Marine One,

In the waning light of the Washington sun,

To take an emergency ride to Walter Reed,

With supplementary oxygen and Remdesivir,

Previously refused compliance,

Because he didn’t heed:

“Karma keeps receipts,” and

The sage advice of science.

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