Sunday, October 25, 2020


 The Atlantic: What Really Bugs the Birthers? Edward Tenner

© 23 October 2020, the Griot Poet

So-called skeptics,

Made apoplectic,

By the ascendancy,

Of a descendant of Akebulan,

To the US presidency,

Hanging visages of him in burning effigy,

Bone-through-the-nose affordable care act witch doctors,

Or, short-mustached Adolph Hitlers,

Because “skeptic” is a little easier to absorb,

Than abject racists,


Orly Tate was the first,

Lawrence O’Donnell thought she was the worst,

On “The Last Word,”

Needing a vacay for his sanity,

But the crazy is like Bebe’s kids,

Robin Harris said:

“They don’t die; they multiply,”

And put on MAGA klan red hats,


Obama was symbolic of what they hate: Hope and Change, and democracy

Evangelicals became numerical minorities in 2017,

Millennials and Generation Z,

Have reached equivalency,

With Baby Boomers who will be,

Leaving the scene in decades coming,


It vacillated between Sarah “mama grizzly” Palin,

One hit wonder pedophile Ted Nugent,

A bombastic racist college dropout and OxyContin moron, Rush Limbaugh,

Rage Queen Alex Jones,

The Astroturf Tea Party,

Finally settling on a six bankruptcy,

Five-deferment draft dodger,

Who fancies himself, Al Capone,


Or, The Godfather’s Michael Corleone,

When he’s more like Fredo,

Insisting that “he’s smart, he’s smart.”

Or, a “stable genius,”

He’s a criminal monster and malignant narcissist,


The host of “The Apprentice,”

He leaped at when his luck was spent,

With legitimate bank businesses,

That refused to lend to a risk,

So, at the death of his dad Fred,

He sought “friends with benefits,”

From Russian oligarchs,

That flattered the narcissist,

Giving “golden showers” with prostitutes,

And dangling billionaire-promise carrots,


It’s not hard to sell your soul when you don’t have one,

And, you hate your predecessor because he’s smarter,

More beloved by his one wife than he will ever be by his former two, or current third,


Melania refused to hold his hand after the third debate,

Counting down to her and Baron’s passport,

Out of the country after this clown,

Who’s obviously going down, and she,

Will cash in on her renegotiated prenup agreement,


She was a birtherism truther, as well as he,

Plagiarist of Michelle Obama’s speeches,

As well as programs vaguely sounding like hers,

Because originality would be too much work,


Despite his steady diet of junk food and trans fat,

Twitter Gollum hasn’t croaked yet,

So her second best,

Is taking his settlement,

And booking flights for her family,

Back to Slovenia,

Before his arraignment,


Karma keeps receipts on this strife:

Birtherism, like “Southern Strategy,” racism has a shelf life.

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