Sunday, July 30, 2023



Source: American Rhetoric dot com

© July 7, 2023, the Griot Poet

“Oh, I say, and I say it again. You’ve been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! This is what he does!”

Malcolm X (1992)


Malcolm X’s speech to Harlem,

Reprised by Denzel Washington in Spike Lee’s joint,


History might not rhyme, but it has a rhythm,

A con man peeped past “genteel politics,”

And “wink and nod” plausible deniability of racism,

For something more dark and blatant:

“Make America great again” was first said by Klansmen!


This con man uses your [own] prejudices as his weapon.

You’re scared of the demographic changes that are eventually coming,

Because you couldn’t conquer the New World without First Nations peoples, Hispanics/Latinos, and Africans.

America set up a caste system based on complexion,




The government cast off talks about reparations with a shrug,

And perceived privilege is a hell of a drug!


Ask yourself some questions:


Why didn’t he pardon the thousands arrested, indicted, and convicted after January 6th?

Answer: He wanted leverage.


He needs just enough to believe that he’ll do it to become president again.


If he was such a great businessman, why didn’t he sell MAGA masks during the pandemic?

$25 times 70 million voters equals 1.75 billion dollars!

Answer: He’s not a great businessman nor a “stable genius.”

He pushed, injecting bleach, shining flashlights up our rectums,

Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine,


His only talent other than prolific lying:

He won the Sperm Lotto,

He inherited a few bucks,

Without any of these acts of chance,

He’s that guy in Central Park,

Grabbing his crotch,

Talking to ghosts in the dark,


The only difference is,

You get to see his stream of consciousness on Twitter (um, “X”) and the Orwellian “Truth Social.”

This is like consuming “Q-drops,” which don’t amount to anything useful,


We almost went into a depression during the pandemic!

We went into personal depression, seeing a million citizens perished.


He’s not a billionaire, but he’s rich.

He’s the descendant of the same plantation oligarchs who called you “white” in the first place!


They used a “false teaming” strategy on the peasants with their complexions.

They gave your ancestors shiny badges and made them hunt humans running from their enslavement.

You thought that gave you power. News flash: it didn’t.


Before the Internet, plantation oligarchs used pamphlets to spread propaganda to raise an army for insurrection.


Your ancestors got “shell shock,” and Robert E. Lee’s flag of his North Virginia regiment,

The “pamphlet-publishing-oligarchs” got reparations FROM the U.S. government!

You get to Cosplay “what-if” scenarios in the park,

Their descendants pay ZERO in taxes for their lark.

The oligarchs’ descendants are richer,

And, you’re where you’ve always been for centuries.


The 1% don’t want you to know this.

This is why dark money is pushing for a ban on books.

Democracy has informed citizens.

Dictatorships have ignorant peasants!


You’ve been had! Ya, been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! This is what he does!”


And he pointed all of you like a blunt instrument on January 6th,

And he pointed Taylor Taranto like a blunt instrument at the president’s home address, who clowned him at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

In both cases, we’ve been incredibly blessed.


I’m not [just] trying to save the republic: I’m trying to save you.

Every caste system, whether Brahmin or complexion, is a framework for grand theft from the masses!


Lyndon Baines Johnson said:


“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best-colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


First, it was the black man,

Then, Native Americans,

Then, the woman,

Then, Hispanic/Latino,

Next, immigrants and Muslims,

Now, the LGBTQIA,


It’s 2023, and they’re still doing it!

Why would they stop if you keep falling for it?

They upped their game from paper to the Internet!


We are humanity.

We have different complexities, complexions, languages, cultures, spiritual practices, and sexual orientations.

One percent of us have made [their] wealth by dividing the rest of us for centuries and generations.

Caste systems are theft and insanity.

We rise or fall together: billionaires, kings, oligarchs, and sheiks are irrelevant to the survival of humanity.


The first thing that I want you to do is stop being fooled.

First, I need you to open your eyes and stop being bamboozled!

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