Sunday, October 30, 2022

So What?...


© October 29, 2022, the Griot Poet


Trevor Noah,

The host of Comedy Central,

Who helmed the show after Jon Stewart’s brilliance,

He has sadly also announced his retirement,

And desire for life, love, and other projects,


In his freestyle framework, “Between the Scenes,”

He opined about the angst of the human species,

On sharing power and resources equitably:


“Watching this story of Rishi Sunak,

“The first prime minister of color, of Indian descent,

“And then, seeing the backlash,

“Is one of the more telling things about how people view their role in history,

“And what I mean by that is this:

“You hear a lot of people saying,

“‘Oh! They’re taking over!

“Indians are going to take over Great Britain,

“And, what’s next?

“And, I find myself asking the question: so what?”


So what?

What are you afraid of?


There are a lot of things to criticize Rishi Sunak about,

The richest member of Parliament,

A net worth of 800 million pounds,

A former trader with Goldman Sacks,

Wealth made by dwindling the United Kingdom’s middle class with austerity measures,

That will likely gut the National Health System,

Into nonexistence,

Exacerbating inequality, poverty, climate change, and human continuance,

There’s a lot to criticize Rishi Sunak about,


Any concerns or contemplations about his complexion are irrelevant.


“The Hindu belief says that the people are classified into four castes,

“And these castes define what jobs they can do, duties and privileges they have.

“These four castes are:

“The Brahmins (priests, teachers),

“Kshatriyas [shuh tree uhz] (rulers, warriors),

“Vaishyas [vase yas] (landowners, merchants)

“And Sudras (servants),

“And the 5th group is the group of the untouchables, called Dalits.”


“Dalits-Caste communities that were forced by Caste apartheid into slave and bonded agricultural labor, and undignified sanitation work like manual scavenging.

“Branded untouchable for jobs considered spiritually polluting, they struggle against extreme violence and discrimination.”


Great Britain, and the United States of America,

Set up a caste system of white supremacy,

Similar to fascist Germany and Italy

The Ziggurat base is populated by Dalits, Gypsies, Hispanics, Jews, Immigrants, Indigenous People, LGBT, and African Diaspora,

A pseudoscience based on taxonomy,

Placing themselves at the social construct’s apogee,

Then tortured the people put under their thumbs and boots for centuries.


From Benito Mussolini, Bull Conner, Bill Wallace, Adolph Hitler, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, Rupert Murdoch, David Duke, Tucker Carlson, Richard Spencer, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin,


The refrain is the same:

“We can’t let THOSE people get political power!”


So what?

What are you afraid of?


You repeat the same refrain,


“We can’t let THOSE others lead!”


So what?


No wonder you’re heavily invested in book banning,

Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” consistently rewrites history and facts,

What before and now is embarrassing,

To you and your fragility,

Because it doesn’t fit the self-delusional narrative,

The first Platonic Noble Lie is American exceptionalism,

The Big Dumb Lie is someone suffering from Anosognosia [a nos sog nos sia] who can’t admit that he lost an election,

A word of Greek origin roughly translates to “without knowledge of the disease.” You may also hear it called “lack of insight.” What it boils down to is that the person is unaware of their condition and unable to accept it.


Using the same illogic barring enslaved people from reading,


“Slaves, be obedient to your masters,”


The only thing you bothered teaching my ancestors,

But not

That persnickety vignette

From a brown-skinned Palestinian prophet about “setting the captives free,”

That one

You conveniently omitted it.


So what?

Are you afraid that if given power,

The formerly oppressed groups will be as sick as their sadistic former masters?


Your example is former Apartheid South Africa,

Where the formerly oppressed people pursued:

A truth and reconciliation commission,

So that they could function as ONE country in the spirit of forgiveness,

It sounds like it was [really] dark and threatening!


For eight years, the NRA claimed,

President Obama was confiscating everyone’s firearms,


They made more profits than with their Manchurian Candidate, Orange Satan!

They lost money while he was supposed to be “making America great again!”

We lost a million citizens during the pandemic!

How is that anything BUT a con and sadistic?



It’s not in our nature to be sadistic or vindictive.

All we, women, Hispanics, the LGBT, immigrants, and Indigenous people, want to do is live as full citizens in peace.

That’s what you want in multicultural, multiethnic democracies,

We’ve heard Paul Pelosi was attacked by Antifa, that Pelosi’s staged it, or he “had it coming.”

This illogic isn’t cogent, coherent, or realistic,

This crap is the gaslighting of fascism!


As Trevor observed,

You’re [kind of] giving away the game

By saying the “quiet part out loud,”


Maybe instead of vindictiveness,

You’re afraid that the people you’ve tormented,

Will show more empathy, Christian charity, and “family values,”

Than you’ve ever exhibited,


So what?


As Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky observed of the real politick of nation-states,


Do you fear that indigenous peoples are better equipped to manage the environment?


Do you fear that gay or lesbian parents might be better than our cisgender archetypes?


Do you fear that blacks or Hispanics aren’t all drug traffickers or rapists?


Do you fear the witness of reality and facts will defeat your stereotypes?


Do you fear “the threat of a good example” that makes your claims of righteousness and innate superiority impotent?


So, what other than facts are you [actually] afraid of?

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