Saturday, July 17, 2021

Smokestacks and Psychopaths...


Images Source: Daily Kos

© July 16, 2021, the Griot Poet



(a poetic derivation from a prose blog post by the same author)


In the south, you’ll see some lummox proudly spewing black smoke

From the back of his pickup truck (it invariably is always “his/he/him”),

Tricked out with dual black smokestack pipes to “own the libs,” spew smoke in the air, and cause environmental bleeding heart tears over caring about climate change.


Indeed, Adam Sewer, “the cruelty is the point.”


I guess Germany and California don’t get a vote in this,


Smoky seems to miss the point he’s still on the same planet he’s ruining.


I’m down for him shooting his [own] foot: that would generate first a gasp as his talus explodes through his boot, then a guffaw.

I will call 911 and tie him a tourniquet.


The defining philosophy,

Devolved from Ayn Rand,

“Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged”

“Trickledown” boondoggle economics,

Limited government,

Still too long,

In Spark Notes,

Our attention spans too deficit,

To memorize in rote,

Nihilism in soundbites is much quicker,


It’s better to get

“How to be an asshole” lessons

From Tucker Carlson’s,

Nightly propaganda fascist’s rants,


Rupert Murdoch’s boob tube is

Easier than reading,




Like hogs in slop, it's easier wallowing,

Marinating in the juices of your 1% designed hatred,

Ayn Rand by the way was a terrible writer and worst person,


Tennessee wants to halt vaccines – not just COVID, but everything!


They fired the health commissioner because she was doing her job during a pandemic,

That’s killed almost as many Americans as the 1918 H1N1 equivalent.


Florida governor Death Santis is selling merch Don’t Fauci My Florida.”

After a beachside condo imploded from decaying (say it with me now: “infrastructure”),

Banning Critical Race Theory that’s not taught,

And he’s second in US COVID numbers for the Delta variant.


Luckily, Disney is streaming Loki because I think the Mouse may have to shut down again.

 “Kids get long haul COVID too.”

Someone needs to Fauci Death Santis’ brain.


Fox Propaganda is pushing vaccine hesitancy as likely every anchor and crew member is fully vaccinated and following COVID protocols.

(As well as their owner, Rupert Murdoch.)


Of course, this follows the script of [a] Russian disinformation [campaign],

So the Wall Street Journal claims,

That every opinion pundit at the Ministry of Pravda on New York’s Avenue of the Americas seems to parrot,

“America’s newsroom” has a Russian accent.


The conclusion of the Kerner Commission was we were “two Americas”: one black, one white; separate, and unequal.


We are two Americas still: one vaccinated, one unvaccinated as a Delta variant spreads in mostly red states,


Where they’re trying to equate,

Accurate teaching of history,

With Critical Race Theory,


Imagine being so ashamed of your ancestors’ true history that [you] make it illegal to teach it?


What you’re doing is cynical and psychotic,


The party in power always gets the blame if an economy falters, for good or ill.

Look at what they’re willing to do to “win”:

They are willing to expose their voters to the Delta variant,

They are willing to sacrifice the lives of their voters as “collateral damage.”

2022 and 2024 political strategy is a twisted calculus,

Not because the criminal enterprise masquerading as [a] political party has any “ideas”:

It is the political equivalent of a binky for colicky, psychotic children;

It is the desire for power for power’s sake!


Not realizing, Smoky,

Their direct descendant makes history with every soot belch

With his tricked out truck and stereo smokestacks,

Starting with the Tea Party wanting to “take their country back,”

After the historic election of

A black president they loathed, the personification of changing demographics,

Metamorphosed to fascists in red hats,

Trying desperately to change the Second Law of Thermodynamics,

“Time’s arrow” points ever forward, not back,

"Racism is so American; when we protest it, everyone thinks we’re protesting America!"

(A Facebook meme said that!)


Like James Baldwin, I source to recite:


“[We] love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, [we] insist on the right to criticize her perpetually,”


Until she gets it right,


If after four years of:


Lies, covfefe,


Mangled/slurred sentences,

Guttural cursing supported by Evilgelicals,

Having a callous First Lady with the personality of Natasha Badenoff in “Rocky & Bullwinkle.”

Saying President Obama SPIED on him,

Evilgelicals prayed Psalms 109 verses 8 through 10 on him,

Olympic-level obfuscation,

Children in cages,

White supremacists in Charlottesville,

Evidence the 2016 election was a Russian intelligence operation,

(Enabled by an easily tricked, mentally-challenged “useful idiot,”)

Fawning obsequiousness to every dictator from Putin to Kim Jong Un he could find under a rock,

The unanswered murder and dismemberment under his watch,

Of Jamal Khashoggi;

Rubber bullets and teargas against mostly peaceful protestors

(1st Amendment – look it up),

Haphazardly constructed border wall boondoggles like his six bankrupt businesses,

Tax cuts for no-one-that-looked-like-YOU, or live in your neighborhoods,

Six hundred thousand deceased Americans,

The Delta, and other variants waiting for the rest of the Greek alphabet,

You STILL voted for him,

And want him BACK,

After what is now the “I Alone Can Fix” January 6, 2021 insurrection,

Shaping up to have been an attempted, klutzy coup,

That says less about me and a WHOLE lot more about you!

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