Monday, July 05, 2021


An unidentified flying object, as seen in a declassified Department of Defense video, DoD

© June 25, 2021, the Griot Poet


Unidentified Flying Objects, or

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena:

Shakespeare in “Romeo and Juliet”

Opined, “what’s in a name?”

The United States government has no explanation

We have a defense budget that eclipses nations,

The [largest] fighting force to have ever existed,

Even added the obnoxious and Star Trek logo-stealing “Space Force” to it,

Has no explanation,


The New York Times states:

“The Pentagon and intelligence agencies have eschewed the term U.F.O. and refer instead to U.A.P.,”

With no explanation of what either is,



“Eigenfunctions are in differential equations,

Such an equation, where the operator, operating on a function, produces [a] constant times the function, is called an eigenvalue equation. The function is called an eigenfunction, and the resulting numerical value is called the eigenvalue.”


We know this.

Can teach college students about it.

After 50 years of “Star Trek,”

“Lost in Space,” “Star Wars,” “The Invaders,” “V,” “Battlestar Galactica,” “Starship Troopers,” and “Independence Day,”

Landing on the moon, Mars,

Probes through sulfuric Venus clouds,

Sending spacecraft past the Oort Cloud into interstellar space,

A.I. on social media constructing virtual voodoo dolls from every monetized click we make,

We have no idea what this is?


Flatland” was science fiction,

Written by Edwin Abbott Abbott,

(Yes, his name repeated)

In 1884, for ninety-six pages,

Under the pseudonym “A squared,”

Billed as “a romance of many dimensions.”


The gist:


“The book used the fictional two-dimensional world of Flatland to comment on the hierarchy of Victorian culture, but the novella’s more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions.”



If we were two-dimensional beings, then we would have difficulty perceiving the third.

We could not perceive height, nor depth,

Just a “slice” of an object’s cross-section,

The slice is the only thing 2D beings would see,

Of the “finger poking through paper” analogy,


We, [in fact], exist in four dimensions:

Length, width, height, and the fourth: time,


My hypothesis:

If we are four-dimensional beings, then would we not have difficulty perceiving a fifth or higher?


Even if we walked through a fifth-dimensional Tesseract room: could we see it?

With limited inspection powers,

Might we perceive only a “slice” of an object’s cross-section?


In other words:

It might register on a pilot’s trained visual acuity,

Instrumentally on radar, sonar,

Register elements on spectral analysis,

And like the paper/finger analogy,

Seemingly wink out of existence,


Unidentifiable aerial and water phenomena,

So-called “flying saucers.”

Hypersonic without a boom, or wink,

Speeds that would crush humans in them into pancakes,

Seemingly breathing laws of physics,

That for higher dimensions than ours don’t apply, or exist,

They could be joyriding teenagers,

As far as invasion,

These beings from higher dimensions,

Might not perceive us as consequential,

Our resources fossilized, and limited,

Our society is based on a

Sociopathic hierarchy

Of haves, have nots, and bridge under dwellers,

Of degrees of Melanin and Carotin,

Determining one’s place in society,

And the outcomes of wealth accumulation,



Survival of a pandemic,

Ayn Rand cult of selfishness,

Worshippers of billionaires,

Faux Apprentice, or actual,

That in any dimension, or morality,

Mathematically shouldn’t exist,

Race, class, and poverty are social constructs,

Meant to justify grand theft,

Enriching an aristocratic one percent,

Higher-dimensional beings have already evolved from this,

Stepping in and out of four dimensions,

A stellar gateway to the destinations where they’re going,

We’re regrettably quick, slide through, side-eye tourism,


Hate to burst your bubbles:

Our feelings so easily bruised and egotistical,

E.T. is probably not going to save us,

Likewise not the least bit interested in invading us,

They probably long ago judging us ruled by malignant narcissists,

Incapable of thinking beyond business quarters about long term impact,

Ignoring our impact on the climate,

Nuclear triad “mutually assured destruction” since Hiroshima, and Nagasaki on that list,

And are to our chagrin and summer blockbuster Sci-Fi fetishes:

They’re probably just not that interested in primitives.

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