Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Thirty-Nine Minutes...


Langston Hughes:

© October 16, 2024, the Griot Poet 


For 39 minutes,

He decided to stop taking questions,

Or talking,

He “danced” to what I guess was his Spotify list.

I got “It’s a Man’s World” by Godfather of Soul, James Brown because of his instinctual misogyny.

But has anyone ever told him the LGBT origin of the Village People disco hit, “YMCA?”


“Young man, there's no need to feel down

“I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground

“I said, young man, 'cause you’re in a new town

“There's no need to be unhappy

“Young man, there's a place you can go

“I said, young man when you're short on your dough

“You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find

“Many ways to have a good time.”


Because, when this song came out, he WAS young.

And now, he’s the oldest candidate to run for the office.


Freudian slip much, Sparky?

You’re kind of admitting that you’re sad, and broke.

My friend, Lost in Thought,

May have had his moniker “rhythmless nation” stolen,

With Propecia dead ferret head,

Bobbing and weaving like a rusty weathervane,

In a very public example of decomposition:


Definition: “Mental health decompensation is when a person's mental health worsens, often due to stress, and they can no longer maintain their normal functioning. It can occur when a person's coping mechanisms fail to handle a new stressor, or when there are changes in medication or treatment.”[1][2]


He doesn’t have a clue.

He’s not the “father of IVF,” he’s the grand dragon of abortion bans!

He doesn’t have a plan to solve the world’s complex problems.

Remember: He has “concepts of plans.”

For example: “Infrastructure Week,” which never happened.

He starts “weaving” when his mind loses the plot.

He would rather wave his hands and ignore problems.

He’d rather traffic in conspiracy theories than listen to experts and take instructions.


His latest public pancake at the Chicago business forum with Bloomberg editor John Micklethwait,[3]

He reminds anyone who ever taught any subject in high school,

When the student shows up unprepared and tries to bluff his way through it.

He’s the kind who would pull a fire alarm, or phone in a bomb threat to get out of taking a test.



The election is a “horse race,”

Because that’s how corporate media wants to frame it.

Between an overqualified woman, and a mentally disturbed lightweight.


Who sees his path to victory diminishing.

Don’t take anything for granted and opt out of voting.

Like the “purists” in 2016,

Did they know that 2020 and COVID-19 would happen?

The “purists” who pulled the lever for the wasted votes on Gary “Aleppo” Johnson[4] and Jill Stein,[5]

The latter appears to be back to cash her second check from Putin and interfere with this election.

I have no idea what Cornel West is doing!


He decompensated for 39 minutes.

Because his mind terrifyingly couldn’t focus.

He was slurring before we all got to see his swaying dervish.

He knew he couldn’t talk anymore and opted for listening to music.

He focused more when he launched a mob on the Capitol,

And sat on his ass for 187 minutes,

He was watching the destruction of our secular temple on flat screens with DVR replay.

Because like pyromaniacs, he glees at watching everything burn.


Matthew Remski,

Has written about the connection between toxic yoga instructors and conspiracy theories,


As stated in his observation on “X”:

“Him surrendering tonight's Q&A to 30 minutes of his fave songs while standing on stage, awkwardly conducting at times, echoes MANY instances of cultic leaders who, exhausted, ill, and at the end of their cognitive rope, outsource their emotional dominance subroutines.”


Or, in this case, to music.

He promptly canceled a likely softball interview on CNBC.


Because his mind is broken.

Yet, some want this broken man to have the nuclear codes.

He or his campaign canceled the interview.

Because he would be compared to his more qualified opponent who agreed to an interview on his (former) FAVORITE news outlet!


He’s selling $60 Bibles MADE in China!

He’s selling $99 NFTs with his anatomy modified to superhero proportions!

He’s selling $400 sneakers that might as well be called “Air Treason!”

Taylor Swift wrote a 5 million dollar check for Helene victims, but “I’m [really] rich” had his staff start a GoFundMe!


Yes. This to a point, is sad, and funny.


Don’t underestimate the Republicans.

They will try to drag him across the finish line, Fugue State,[6] or not.

And before he gets his narcissistic ticker-tape parade,

His hand-picked Vice President,

Will invoke the 25th Amendment,[7]

And install himself as President.

The orange fascist to save face will pretend that was the “plan all along.”

All the former “Party of Lincoln” cares about is power.


Despite his bluster, he’s aware that could happen.

Despite his bluster, he knows that he’s losing.

Despite his bluster, he’s worried that he’s going to spend the rest of his life in prison.

So, Home Slice has a lot to worry about!


Check your registration.

Still vote, early if you can.

(The cool thing is, once you vote, you’ll stop being texted by both parties!)


“A vote is a kind of prayer for the kind of world we desire for ourselves and [for] our children, and I think our prayers are stronger when we pray together.” Senator Raphael Warnock


Vote for the future you want.

Vote for the climate.

Vote for bodily autonomy.

Vote for IVF.

Vote for Candi Miller[8] and Amber Nicole Thurman.[9]

Vote for justice.

Vote for democracy.

Vote for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

E Pluribus Unum.

Thank you, Langston Hughes: We too, are Americans. Let’s end this!

[4] Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: ‘What is Aleppo?’

[5] Jill Stein Defends Appearance At Russian Dinner With Putin,

[8] Afraid to Seek Care Amid Georgia’s Abortion Ban, She Stayed at Home and Died. Kavitha Surana,

[9] Abortion Bans Have Delayed Emergency Medical Care. In Georgia, Experts Say This Mother’s Death Was Preventable. Kavitha Surana,

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