Thursday, October 10, 2024


Benedict Arnold - Biography and image on Britannica 

© October 9, 2024, the Griot Poet 

“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

John Kenneth Galbraith


Giving COVID tests to Putin when no other Americans had them?[1]

No vaccines and thousands per day were dying?

Our options were the horse wormers hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?

Our options were shining lights up our rectums and drinking bleach?

That’s beyond special: It’s sadistic.

How many examples do you need to compare competence and insanity?


The GRU, Russian intelligence, is flooding your social media feed with bullshit.

Just like they did in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022.

You’re confused about what sources of information to trust: that’s the goal of it.


So-called “strongmen” are malignant narcissists.

They hide behind football field-length desks and take shits in golden toilets because they want to be worshipped as deities.

Satire, poetry, comedy, etc. is supposed to ridicule power.

For the “strongmen,” that is violence to their feeble egos pretending to be bigger than their fears.

Because of how they feel, they respond with actual violence.


By poisoning former agents in foreign countries.

Or, by gunning down opponents in red square or throwing them out of building windows.

By ignoring the death toll of a pandemic.

By tying assisting states with ventilators on which ones voted for him.

Or by pointing a mob at the Capitol to murder his Vice President.

Or by terminating The Constitution as soon as it’s inconvenient.


Treason (noun): betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


Like on January the Sixth.

By the way:

Private citizens doing diplomacy is a violation of the Logan Act.[2]

Yo, Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland!

He’s stacking more crimes than he’s stacking Benjamin’s!


4,500 FBI tips, the previous administration said to “not find any corroborating evidence” of Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulting Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.[3]

Which put “I like beer” Brett on the Supreme Court,

Overthrowing 50 years of precedent,

And bodily autonomy for every single woman.

Remember, remember the 5th of Roevember.

Because he wants poor women to die in childbirth,

And brute-forcing rich white women to goose the number of white babies to stave off the demographic time bomb set after the 1676 Bacon’s Rebellion.[4]


“Benedict Arnold’s” indebtedness led him to betray his nation in an act of treason.[5]

The Bard said in The Tempest, “Past is prologue.

Reversing this Manchurian Candidate’s name is an action verb: “Trump Donald!”

This is what every cognizant citizen has to do with their votes this election.


Eugenics = great replacement theory.

Which was a philosophy of racist South Afrikaners.

Famous billionaire South Africans who “fled” as children:

PayPal founder, Peter Theil,

David Sacks, anti-Ukraine troll and fundraiser for the orange fascist,

And Elon Musk.

All left Apartheid South Africa after Nelson Mandela’s inauguration.

Which probably means they were okay with his 27-year incarceration.


Who joked with Tucker Carlson about the sitting president and vice president hasn’t been in an assassination attempt, because “why bother?”

I guess to the destroyer of the platform formerly known as Twitter, they’re not “important” enough.

Who leaped like a jelly-belly fanboy in Pennsylvania.

(Probably the ketamine kicking in on all cylinders)

The only reason “X” is his social media site’s symbol is because the swastika was already taken!


In case you were longing for “the party of Reagan,”

“The Gipper” gave us “young bucks,” “welfare queens” and “African monkeys” as racist tropes.

Bishop Desmond Tutu called Reagan’s policies towards his country “immoral, evil, and [totally] un-Christian.”


What conservatives call “freedom” is deregulation that benefits their rich donors.

It rips away bodily autonomy from women.

It means defining marriage as between one white man and one white woman (exception: their side-chicks).

Everyone else is serfs in this neo-confederate republic where the only votes counted are cast by “rich, propertied white men.”


It’s why they went from a B-Movie actor to a has-been reality show business grifter,

After six bankruptcies, THREE from casinos!

The original idea was to have rotating billionaires: no one else wanted to do it.

Mark Burnett gave a platform to a malignant narcissist.

In the SNL skit, “Hillary, Actually,” the actress, Kate McKinnon, gave a prophecy on cue cards in 2016: “But keep in mind, if Donald Trump becomes president, he will kill us all.”

After Leopold’s 10 million and Hitler’s 6 million murders, Mr. Fix It proudly declares “Hold my beer!”

His followers are a lethal combination of sociopathy, stupidity, bigotry, evil, and a chaser of willful ignorance.


Biggie Smalls said: “If you don’t know, now, you know!”

His cult says, “We don’t know, and we don’t want to know!”


His cult ignores his crimes as he openly admits to them.

All conmen despise their marks for being stupid enough to believe them!

By lying about FEMA in North Carolina and Florida, he’s jeopardizing areas that would vote for him!


“Owning the libs” might be our species’ epitaph.

“Dictators for a day” tend to extend their tenures to infinity and their progeny.

“The Handmaid’s Tale” is utopia for morons!

Vote against this treasonous being.

Vote and save the human species.

I end this piece with the same quote I began with:

“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

[1] Kremlin Confirms Trump Sent Putin COVID-19 Tests While President, TIME

[2] The Logan Act, 18 U.S. Code § 953.

[3] Trump White House curtailed FBI's Kavanaugh probe, report finds, Avery Lotz, Axios

[4] Inventing Black and White, Facing History and Ourselves

[5] Benedict Arnold: A Name Synonymous With Treason, source: