Sunday, May 26, 2024



© May 3, 2024, the Griot Poet



When asked how fascism starts, philosopher Bertrand Russell said:

“First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent.”


They never use facts and reality to justify their opinions; they use conspiracy theories to justify their “alternative facts!”


Because just wearing the red hats wasn't enough to convince the rest of us that they live in Arkham Asylum for the Criminality Insane.


They went from “I’d rather be red than Democrat,” pushing fealty to fascist Russia,

To now wearing Adult Depends in public ON purpose!

(We can all be thankful that they haven’t, like January 6, thought to fill them - yet!)


To recap:

They went from [rather being] Russian to championing incontinence!

Open rebellion and insurrection are now the hallmarks of “patriotism?”


Because the patriarchy astroturfing them is losing its gaslighting grip on society and shaping reality.

American oligarchs are panicking because they may have to pay the taxes they’ve been stealing and share resources!


The Dow Jones average crossed 40,000,

Unemployment hasn’t been this low since the early 1970s,

But that’s a complete disaster for oligarchy,

Because without high unemployment rates, starvation, inflation, poverty, and anarchy,

The self-proclaimed “masters of the universe” aren’t in control of ANYTHING.


The right attacks education for the same reason Frederick Douglass’s former enslaver said his learning to read “ruined him!”


But don’t call them a cult.

They get genuinely offended when you say that.


They use racist epithets, berating Asians,

Thinking that they did a mic drop on TikTok.

(They haven’t caught up to the irony of that yet.)


At Ol Miss, they make chimpanzee sounds in counterprotest to Palestinian students.

But don’t call them racists, and don’t call them a cult.

Fascists have feelings too, you know.


They are the shock troopers of wealthy marionettes,

Who manipulated their forefathers with pamphlets,

Gaslighting southern men to go off and fight for plantation oligarchs to own the enslaved labor of kidnapped Africans,

On land stolen by their fathers from Native Americans,

None of the poor fools would have the money to own real estate or humans.

Neither they nor the formerly enslaved would receive reparations.

Plantation oligarchs, however, did!

“Shell shock” and missing limbs were their only wages.

And, as a “booby prize”: the battle flag of Robert E. Lee’s North Virginia Regiment,

They continually misidentify as representing the ENTIRE Confederacy!

Read a book on actual history.

Now, their largesse lives on in the libertarian refrains: “state’s rights” (to own the enslaved), tax cuts, and my favorite: “family values” that they have never displayed.


“First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent.”

He said he could “shoot someone on Fifth Avenue” and get away with it.

He said he “loves the poorly educated.”


Daily Kos said, “Nothing says ‘presidential ambitions’ like hush money schemes and secret recordings.”


They made a graven, golden, sandaled image of him in Florida,

Some kneeling to worship it,


Please don’t make the Adult Depends-wearing people upset by calling them what they obviously are:

A cult. And a heavily armed one at that!


Jacob: etymology, Hebrew, “supplanter,” which is often interpreted as someone who seizes, circumvents, or usurps. 

The “Sons of Jacob” in “The Handmaid’s Tale”

Slaughtered their fictional versions of the Congress and the Supreme Court,

(Looking at you, Sam Alito!)

Usurpers and supplanters,

Looking like rabid cultists,

Who had LOST in their fictional world “a free and fair election,”

But what would it matter if they could match arsenals with the police and the military?

But what would it matter if elements of the police and the military JOINED them?

“Under his eye” becomes a possibility.



The polls are all over the place.

The only thing that matters now is that we #VOTE and volunteer for local campaigns if you can.

Phone bank,

When going to doors, knock carefully,

Work at polling stations,

The only way the fascists will win is if they cow us by fear into submission.

The Koch brothers and other oligarchs are interested enough,

To fund astroturf candidates who will guarantee them forever tax cuts.

To send armed mobs into school board elections,

Just like their fathers did the mob to crack down on unions.

Shakespeare said: “What’s past is prologue.”


Because the original philosophy of “Plato’s Republic” was not ruled by a people’s plurality,

But rule by an aristocracy,

It was a stratified society consisting of the ruling class, which had gold; the merchant class, which had silver; and the rest, which had brass.

The gold hoarders empower themselves to tell the “Noble Lie,”

A national myth promulgated by an elite to “maintain social harmony,”

A term called “pseudos” by Socrates,

Because, as far as truth,

Jack Nicholson said in “A Few Good Men” that the people “can’t handle it.”

This gaslighted pandering was.

Raised to Olympic levels when the Washington Post tabulated over 30,000 ignoble lies BEFORE the pandemic!


I will continue to repeat:

We’re fighting for democracy because we haven’t achieved it yet.

We’re currently participants in our own gaslighting,

Which dumbed down civics to “social studies,”

And history to standardized testing!


“We The People” must fight for reproductive democracy,

“We The People” must fight for representative democracy.

“We The People” must vote in numbers so large that they cannot manipulate the outcomes,

Or tell us ignoble lies that won’t satiate,

A desire for fairness, justice, and equality,

Or, we will have remote-control fascism by American oligarchs like Harland Crow.


And cult shock troopers swaddled in Adult Depends, whose only wage and solace is,

They are making us miserable in the process.


Made popular by the ADP or the Adult Depends Posse!

It will be the equivalent of them outfitting their gas-guzzling trucks with smokestacks to “own the libs,”

These “stable geniuses” never realized they were on the same planet!

It will be the equivalent of them shooting themselves in the foot, looking at our horrified faces, and laughing!

I, for one, am voting to prevent this dystopian nightmare from happening.

Merrick Garland: Use the Insurrection Act to put these psychopaths in prison!

I end this piece by encouraging you to VOTE!

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