Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Four Questions Plus One...


Hundreds of UT Austin students and faculty gather on campus for pro-Palestine protest, Ren Leija, Senior News Reporter, The Daily Texan, April 24, 2024

© April 25, 2024, the Griot Poet 


Opinion: A new set of ‘Four Questions’ for anti-Israel protesters

by Congressman Steve Israel as reported by The Hill: https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4619331-a-new-set-of-four-questions-for-anti-israel-protestors/

(Summarized for brevity)

“Question 1: On Oct. 7, the terrorist group Hamas slaughtered young Israelis at a music festival as well as other civilians in surrounding communities. They murdered, stabbed, shot, raped, beheaded, burned. They forced children to watch the butchering of parents. They cut off women’s breasts, killed the defenseless elderly, abducted, and continued to hold innocent civilians hostage. Did you protest that massacre in the days, weeks, months after Oct. 7. At least once? Did you fly flags, wave banners, and demand justice?


“Question 2: In the ongoing civil war in Sudan, at least 13,000 to 15,000 people have been killed and 33,000 others injured. Over 6.5 million are internally displaced and more than 2 million others have fled the country as refugees. Here too, innocents have been beaten, burned, raped, tortured, murdered. Meanwhile, according to the human rights group Oxfam, Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine has killed more than 10,500 civilians, including 587 children, “as constant bombardments, mines, and drone attacks have left a generation traumatized, displaced, and fearful for their lives.” Have you protested the grotesque and persistent war crimes in Sudan or Ukraine? If not, why not? Why do civilians in Sudan or Sevastopol seem less important to you than in Gaza?


“Question 3: In Gaza, Hamas violated international law with a heinous military doctrine that forced its own innocent civilians to become Israeli military targets. It embedded weapons systems in hospitals, schools, and residential apartments. (Many foretold the strategy on day one: Hamas massacres Israelis, Israel responds by targeting Hamas weapons in civilian infrastructure, casualties skyrocket, the world turns on Israel, and the university protests ignite). Have you protested Hamas’s illegal tactics of deliberately putting innocents in harm’s way? Have you demanded boycotts, divestment, and sanctions for nations that fund, enable, and empower Hamas’s crimes against humanity?


“Question 4: You chant: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” In fact, the Hamas charter continues to insist that the geographic borders of Palestine extend “from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and the north to the south,” i.e., the entirety of Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. And while I’m asking — why is it that while I support a two-state solution in which Jews and Palestinians live with full rights, your chant seems to support the purging of one?

If not, why not? Why do you protest only Israel?

“Two-state solution is the only resolution.” Chant THAT!


My plus one:

Have you read “Perceptions of Palestine” by Kathleen Christison?

Who asked this insightful question: “If a broader frame of reference on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict had been employed, allowing a less warped public discourse, might not years of warfare have been avoided and steps toward peace achieved much earlier?”

Or did you read a post on the Internet and join a “flash mob” in response?

Or anything else other than your own curated news feeds?


This piece is not for getting me snaps.

It’s about encapsulating for you digestible facts.


Anger is a powerful emotion.

The adrenaline rush can be overwhelming.

Some researchers have suggested that it may [even] be an addiction.

Source: https://psychcentral.com/lib/is-anger-an-addiction


News outlets no longer have the independence of getting all the advertising dollars.

Investigative journalists are rare and have given way to valuing access.

Probing the powerful too much will get them dismissed.

Thus, the genesis of “softball” questioning.

The daily newspapers have been reduced to magazines.

The Yellow Pages can be ripped apart by prepubescent teens.

So, the only card the “fourth estate” must play is from the prescient movie “Network”:

“I’m mad as HELL, and I won’t take it anymore!”


They do it on your news feeds and your favorite network news channels,

Bonus Read:

“Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business,” by Dr. Neil Postman.

Your anger is managed and part of the programming.

Thus, we have the “warring factions” George Washington warned us about in his farewell address.


Nuance (noun): a slight difference in sound, feeling, meaning, or appearance. It's often used to describe the more delicate aspects of something, especially in language, writing, or interpretation.


I understand your passion.

You’re the generation that has had to endure the sadistic spectacle of endless school shootings.

You’ve had to endure endless RUN-HIDE-FIGHT drills and ZERO gun control legislation.

You had to endure “Zoom fatigue,” which wasn’t a THING before the pandemic.

By design, you’re strapped with debt before you graduate college, and people wonder why you’re not starting families or buying houses.

You’re watching a warning Earth, and it’s a coin flip between political parties on whether we’ll survive it.


But, as someone old enough to remember Kent State and A&T,

Seeing what is happening from Columbia, Emory, and UT,

Like many college campuses in the 1960s,

Protesting the Vietnam War vigorously,

The Civil Rights Movement, Star Trek, a Man on the Moon, and the “Dawn of the Age of Aquarius” were pregnant with possibilities.



It led to the election of Richard Milhous Nixon on a “law and order” ticket.

He did some GOOD things:

The EPA,

Enforcement of anti-discrimination laws against the father and son New York real estate developers refusing to rent to black residents (the son, astonishingly obtuse, would become president),

And he appointed one of the seven republican justices who voted FOR Roe vs. Wade in 1973.



He proceeded to break almost every law that then existed.

It led to the deaths of over 50,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese citizens.

It led to the prolonged injuries and deaths of troops exposed to “Agent Orange.”

It led to the Watergate scandal and our current mistrust of government institutions.

It led to mostly black, white, Jewish, and Hispanic GIs coming home to be spat upon and called “baby killers.”


Because it’s easy to get behind any Pied Piper with a bullhorn or a podcast.

“TikTok” was never a part of the First Amendment,

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act needs to be amended.

So that Mark Zuckerberg and other tech moguls can stop wasting our time, “apologizing” and doing nothing.

Flash mobs don’t require much attention,

Or thinking about the consequences,

Adrenaline, like any drug, is a hell of a fix.


It’s not easy, I realize, to consider the nuances of a situation.

Your satisfaction with pimp slapping “the system” might lead you to the election of a narcissistic psychopath bent on “retribution” who will have the nuclear codes.

He tried to nuke a hurricane, oblivious to the consequences.

His solution to fires due to climate change was to “rake the forests.”

He told us to inject bleach,

Shine lights up our rectums,

And ingest the horse dewormers Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

He killed over a million citizens during a pandemic.

He’s bent on retribution and imprisoning anyone who goes against him.


“Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

Hell yeah, pilgrim!


“Two-state solution is the only resolution.”

Or the sixth mass extinction WILL be the “final solution!”


This election isn’t about Democrats vs Republicans.

This election is about whether we’ll ever have another one.

This election is about whether women are citizens or state-owned broodmare cattle.

This election is about if the government goes “1984” and invades our bedrooms.

This election is about Democracy vs Fascism.

This election is about empathy vs cruelty.

This election is about survival vs extinction.


There is “world peace” on Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (maybe a planet) because there are no HUMANS on them!

As Earth once was, “peaceful” without us.


After Armageddon, any argument you tried to make about the “lesser of two evils” will be [horribly] irrelevant.

There will be no Palestinians, Israelis, or humans left to lament.

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