Saturday, August 26, 2023

Collective Psychosis...


© August 20, 2023, the Griot Poet

Inmate number: P01135809, Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia, or,

If “fucked around and found out” got a mugshot!


“4 indictments, 91 felony charges, 2 impeachments, 1 act of sedition, and threatening civil war, 26 women alleging sexual assault. 1.13 million Americans dead from COVID. And he IS the frontrunner of the Republican Party. This is why I call it a collective psychosis.”


Quoting Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee,

Formerly of Yale University, warned us.

She gave her expertise in what used to be a tweet,

She, and 26 other psychological professionals broke the “Goldwater Rule” and published “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.”


The cost was her tenured position, that’s supposed to be beyond reproach.


Collective, or shared psychosis “can also happen in groups of people who are closely involved with a person who has a psychotic disorder (called folie à plusiers, or "the madness of many"). For instance, this could happen in a cult if the leader is psychotic and their followers take on their delusions.”






What does tenure mean?

It used to mean that academics were free to speak “truth to power” without fear of retribution.

I guess in Dr. Lee’s case, being Asian and female, there was an exception made, but not for her 26 other coauthors and colleagues.


What is the “rule of law,” if a scion who lucked out in the “Sperm Lotto” can wriggle out of felony charges that would put any ONE of us under [the] jail?


Justice HAS to prevail!


“But: He didn’t participate in the insurrection,” you say?

Well, Bin Laden didn’t fly any planes!

Charles Manson didn’t murder anyone!

Your point?


Stochastic terrorists don’t “do the deed.”

They just plant the seeds so that some numbskulls carry out their bidding.


For Osama, it was 19 hijackers, 15 from Saudi Arabia.

Charles Manson had his twisted “family” do it.

“Hold my beer” said he “loves the poorly educated.”

(Because they can be easily manipulated.)


This is not a cartoon on Saturday mornings,

Where the tension is scripted,

Where Wile E. Coyote falls off a cliff with an anvil from Acme, Inc. into a ditch,

Crumbled in the denouement of the scene,

And reconstituted without a scratch in the next.


Real life has consequences!

Real life has monumental decisions that will result in whether our planet is hospitable to human existence,

Or having thousand-year mega-storms every week.

Try maintaining a high Dow Jones Industrial Average on THAT recipe!


By the way:

The Dow isn’t a measure of the economy.

It’s an indicator of stock trades on Wall Street,

89% of which is owned by the 1%.

So, the Dow is more accurately, a mood ring for rich people, or an oligarch Rorschach test!


They’re not banning books to spare white kids’ feelings:

They’re banning books so they won’t learn empathy!

Because “walking in someone else’s shoes” means learning what you didn’t know about them.

Knowledge breeds empathy; ignorance breeds violence.


George Santayana said that “those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”

The book banners want us to be ignorant so they can easily repeat it!


71% believe that what “Big Lier” says is true.

63% believes their family and friends.

56% believe conservative media.

42% believe religious leaders.




Now, out of 46 presidents, he’s the ONLY one who has a mugshot!


It’s. A. Cult!

Conservative Judge J. Michael Luddig said “there IS no Republican Party” as he previously understood it.

He, and liberal Harvard emeritus professor, Lawrence Tribe, Grok to it.

This is what a constitutional crisis looks like!

When one major party is marginally democratic,

And the other major political party exists in Zones beyond Twilight.

Both are shouting as loud as they can:

This “man of sin,” this “son of perdition” is a “clear and present danger to American democracy.”


A cult leader has risen to godlike status.

A warning:

All cults, from,

Jim Jones in Guyana, South America,

David Koresh Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas,

Marshall Applewhite of Heaven’s Gate Cult in San Diego, California,


All dead.

Poisoned Flavor-Aid. Fire and shootouts. Cyanide to “beam up to the mothership.”

All because they gave godlike status to a FLAWED human.


And eventually, it all comes to an end.

The survivors will comprise three camps:

The sane among us, like Dr. Lee, who tried to warn us,

The same people who will be responsible for repairing what’s left,

The embarrassed, waking up that they were duped by a conman,

Pretending that they were never on “team crazy,”

And the “true believers” who will deify his remains on Mount Olympus.

(They’ve already constructed a graven image in Florida, not a desert)


Hopefully, they will be in small enough numbers, and self-identify so that we can ignore them!


My hope is this: history illustrates that after every dark age, there is a renaissance.


Let’s vote for our future and get to it!

Sunday, August 20, 2023


 © August 17, 2023, the Griot Poet

“The JR-15 is a .22 Long Rifle that functions like a modern sporting rifle; however, most importantly, its small size, lightweight, rugged polymer construction, and ergonomics are geared towards smaller enthusiasts.

“Our goal was to build a truly unique shooting platform that a Parent or Coach can safely use to teach a younger enthusiast. The JR-15 is smaller, weighs less, and has a patented safety.”


Source: www dot w-e-e number one tactical dot com.


A website for which you must be 18 years or older to log in.


This is what I get:

My dad bought me a BB Air Rifle.

I did target practice in my backyard in a cardboard box stuffed with old newspapers against the backdrop of our garage.

I could recover the BB pellets, using them over and over again.

I was practicing for the JROTC rifle and pistol team: we took second in the state, beaten by an all-female team.

Some of my friends’ dads took them deer hunting.

I like venison, but orienteering with a map in the dark of night was as much of the forest as I was interested in.

Winchester and Remington were the standard brands of rifles back then.


I get owning Air Guns.

I get dear rifles.

I get the idea of responsible gun ownership.


I don’t get giving assault rifles to five-year-old children.


“In 2020 and 2021, firearms contributed to the deaths of more children ages 1-17 years in the U.S. than any other type of injury or illness. The child firearm mortality rate has doubled in the U.S. from a recent low of 1.8 deaths per 100,000 in 2013 to 3.7 in 2021.


“The United States has by far the highest rate of child and teen firearm mortality among peer nations. In no other similarly large, wealthy country are firearms in the top four causes of death for children and teens, let alone the number one cause.”




Dear www dot w-e-e number one tactical dot com:


What the FUCK is wrong with you?


This “American Carnage” wasn’t enough:

In state capitols,

In churches,

In colleges,

In neighboring houses,

In malls,

In post offices,

In k-12 schools,


We have more guns than citizens.

We have more murders than other comparable nations.

We call Chicago “Chi-Raq,” but that’s now our ENTIRE nation!

Political violence has now become a tactic when one side can’t legitimately win elections.


Sandy Hook and Uvalde weren’t enough,

So, now you’re taking this sadism to nurseries and kindergartens?



Which families are going to be able to afford these wee tactical death instruments?

What zip codes do their parents live in?

What happens if a little girl simply doesn’t feel the affections of a five-year-old would-be suitor,

Who just can’t take NO for an answer?


What if a five-year-old little boy has two mommies or two daddies?

And what if his kindergarten classmate, Beaufort Beauregard Robert E. Lee Jackson, the FIFTH,

The byproduct of generations of cousin coitus,

Fresh from a propaganda tent revival [just] ain’t feeling Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?


I’m sick and tired of hearing about “thoughts and prayers” you’re not even thinking or uttering!


The Ku Klux Klan’s main reason for existence was to scare newly freed (then only) black men from voting.

Their spiritual descendants are hellbent on anyone other than white cisgender men fearing for their [own] existences!

Now, their domestic terrorism is extending into the brief lives of our children.


I get pistol and rifle teams.

I got BB air pistols and rifles.

I got wildfowl and deer hunting.


What I don’t get is the question that is alarming,


Dear www dot w-e-e number one tactical dot com:


What targets are you using to groom these children? Would-be terrorists for hunting humans?


Sunday, August 06, 2023

Narcissistic Collapse...


© August 2, 2023, the Griot Poet

“Narcissistic collapse occurs when a narcissist’s ability to uphold their grandiose, confident image is threatened. As a result, they often become enraged, resulting in impulsivity, intense lashing out, or harm to others. While this reaction isn’t typically intentional, it’s a way for the narcissist to re-establish a sense of control.


“People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often look down on others to maintain the positive images they hold about themselves. If their behavior is called out or challenged, their fragile self-esteem is damaged, resulting in intense reactions and abuse toward others.”




Half of the country experienced a narcissistic collapse in 1861,

The previous year, Stephen Douglas, the candidate for the presidency representing the South, lost to a lanky lawmaker from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln.

Not able to accept the outcome of a free and fair election,

Starting with South Carolina and ending with Texas,

Each entered into history,

Their disapproval of the new Republican Party,

And the President-Elect, Abraham Lincoln,

Offering Articles of Secession,

Patterned after the Vice President of the Confederacy, Alexander H. Stephens’ “Cornerstone Speech,”

Each elucidates the false narrative of the “inferior African.”




Illustrating the difference between the North and the South,

And a full-throated defense of Antebellum enslavement.


The same who plowed their fields and made their wealth,

The same whose flesh was so “wretched,” they sired Mullatto children and practiced “buck breaking” of men in front of their families.

History is whitewashed because of its depravity.


They engaged in an act of “creative fiction.”

After losing the war against the North,

It became the first “Big Lie” in the “Lost Cause” narrative.

Nathan Bedford Forrest formed a domestic terrorist organization,

Haunting the newly freed women and men as evil spirits.


Cyrus I. Scofield,

In an extension of this literary tradition,

Without education or training in theology,

Wrote a study Bible,

Used today in seminaries,

Popularizing the rapture,

An escape hatch for the losing side in an uncivil conflict,

That eschatology, prior to the Civil War, did not exist.

It was to escape for them a world that had become a hellscape,


The War was over, and they were supposed to treat Africans, Asians, Hispanics, Immigrants, and Native Americans like citizens and not beasts.


The once dominant caste’s self-esteem was based on the lesser classes’ debasement.


Then came Charles Darwin and “Origin of the Species,”


They suddenly were not “God’s chosen,”

They weren’t special or divine.

The Scofield Monkey Trials began.

Dressing in sheets, castrations, and burning crosses, they had clearly lost their minds.


Racism is the ultimate narcissism.

Every ism and phobia their natural children.


When the narcissist’s culture, or individual’s “ability to uphold their grandiose, confident image is threatened. They often become enraged, resulting in impulsivity, intense lashing out, or harm to others.”


Like a Civil War.

Like lynching.

Like medicine practiced on enslaved women without anesthesia.

Like razing Black townships, Black Wall Street, and Rosewood out of existence.

Like not bothering to pay any of the survivors' reparations.

Like using Black children in Florida as crocodile bait.

Like Jim Crow.

Like Emmitt Till.

Like Trayvon Benjamin Martin.

Like Jordan Davis.

Like Renisha McBride.

Like Breonna Taylor.

Like Sandra Bland.

Like Tamir Rice.

Like George Floyd.

Like stochastic terrorism.

Like Wilmington, North Carolina, 1898.

Like Red Summer, America, 1919.

Like January 6 at the US Capitol.


This brief history is giving a few of you cognitive dissonance.

If it was hard for you to hear it, think how gut-wrenching it was to write it.

If it was hard for you to hear it, think how it was for my ancestors to LIVE it!

The solution isn’t to “ban books,” but to man up to our shared history and face it!


Peep this:

He’s thrown business partners, lawyers, and close associates under the bus to save his [own] ass: What makes you think that you’re not next?


I keep spitting facts because we can’t have peace in this country or on Earth unless a sizable portion of MAGA gets psychological assistance.


I am “the voice calling in the wilderness” because you THINK you want a dictatorship, but you, like me, if we’re still alive, will be its servants!


I keep challenging your ignorance because we are fifty states, but right now, not united.


If we save ourselves from this narcissistic collapse, we can save the planet!