Sunday, May 21, 2023

Quid Pro Crow...

Clarence Thomas Secretly Sold Mother's Home to Harlan Crow, The Real Deal

© May 4, 2023, the Griot Poet

Twenty-three years ago,

The Supreme Court,

Despite the corruption and debacle of the 2000 election,

Decided 5-4 to give the electoral college victory to George W. Bush by the conservative majority,

That included Clarence Thomas,


His noble predecessor,

Thurgood Marshall fought for civil rights,

As an attorney for the NAACP legal defense fund,

He argued and won 29 out of 32 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, eventually becoming the first black Associate Justice.

In the most notable of cases,

Was Brown vs. Board of Education,

To make “separate but equal” constitutional,

Southern states would have to decide to fund all schools equally,

The old South balked at this.

They preferred instead to birth “Christian academies” to avoid being integrated.

Thurgood Marshall won a 9-0 unanimous decision.

He served from 1967 - 1991,

Retiring, because the warrior was tired,

He transitioned two years later.

Asking if he preferred his replacement to be African American,

Thurgood said something that proved to be prescient:

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a black snake or a white snake: a snake is a snake!”

George Herbert Walker Bush looked high and low for his reptilian replacement,

His chosen token was Clarence Thomas:


Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office of Civil Rights, June 26, 1981 - May 6, 1982,

Chair of the Equal Opportunity Commission, May 6, 1982 - March 8, 1990,

Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, March 12, 1990 - October 23, 1991,


The first of two Associate Justices credibly accused of sexual misconduct,

Anita Hill was profiled as a woman scorned,

When her file was with all documents about Thomas his legal career and life,

Two other accusers [were] ignored at the hearing,

He survived his confirmation, invoking a visceral image that his hard questions were a “high-tech lynching.”

Thomas didn’t get his first extravagant gift from billionaire Harlan Crow until [after] he survived it.

When he took his seat, Thomas went silent.

For decades, he was a meme for judicial mediocrity,

The lone dissenting voice on things that should have been a layup: Affirmative Action, the KKK, an insurrection involving Ginny (recuse, you idiot).


Harlan admitted in the Dallas Morning News that he “doesn’t know if he’d be friends” with Clarence if he weren’t a Supreme Court justice.


Friends don’t have conditions.

Friends grow up in the same neighborhood.

Friends go to school together.

Friends are in the same scout troop.

Friends play on the same sports team.

Friends vibe off each other at poetry venues.

Friends have things in common, like “The Golden Girls.”

Clarence and Harlan have none of this,


Clarence and Harlan aren’t “simpatico.”

Clarence may be the only black man to admire Harlan’s Hitler memorabilia.

Harlan paid for Clarence and Ginny Thomas’s lavish vacations,

He bought Thomas’s mother’s home and the block she lives on and lets her live rent-free in it,

He paid for a boarding school for Thomas’s grandnephew,

Who’s paying large under-the-table sums to Ginny Thomas?

(Oh! That would be Leonard Leo, a conservative activist in the Federalist Society through Kellyanne Conway.)

In the vernacular of slavery: the Thomas’s are “owned.”

Thomas is [a] flunky for “Quid Pro Crow.”


As fast as John Cornyn and “Cancun Cruz” jumped to Crow’s defense,

Texas: ask to see your senators’ tax returns!

And vote for Colin Allred to “repeal and replace” Ted!


While we’re at it:

Who bought Neil Gorsuch’s property?

Who paid Brett Kavanaugh’s high debts?

Why is the richest multimillionaire on the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts?

Or, his wife, Jane Sullivan Roberts, a ten million-dollar-a-year conservative lobbyist?

(It might explain why he refused to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee under oath voluntarily!)

Why doesn’t the highest court in the land have a board of ethics?

How can you expect them to follow ethics when it’s just nine people spitballing?

How many other billionaires own their own Supreme Court Justices?


As the scales fall from our eyes, we have to ask:


Did we EVER have the “rule of law?”

Were we ever a federal republic?


The “Supreme Court” is neither.

This self-description is gaslighting.


Once you accept that they “sit high and look low” to pontificate about how laws can reinforce white supremacy,

They’ve been doing this since Dred Scott and Chief Justice Taney,

Once you accept this,

Everything makes perfect but grim sense.

Clarence Thomas is step-n-fetch in judicial robes,

Uncle Ruckus from “The Boondocks”

Lying about having “reverse vitiligo,”

Working on the desires of his corrupt benefactor, Massa Quid Pro Crow.

Clarence is just a token add-on, and he’s quite happy to fill his role until his last breath.


Jim Crow 2.0 is Quid Pro Crow.

IBM gave calculators to Nazis to count the bodies of Jews in concentration camps,

The Koch brothers’ dad sold products in WWII to Nazis and Soviets,

Hitler made Volkswagen,

Coca-Cola made Fanta soda for the Nazis,

Harlan Crow in Dallas, Texas, has Nazi memorabilia and Hitler portraits,

Stop looking for German accents, swastikas, and Hitler mustaches,

Goose steppers are caricatures:

Real fascists have checkbooks!

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