Thursday, November 03, 2022

Stochastic Terrorism...


Image Source: Instagram


The stochastic terrorism against the Constitution and people by Donald Trump

Public Intellectuals

© November 1, 2022, the Griot Poet


John Wilkes Boothe

Read the pamphlets published by

Dixie oligarchs sent southern peasants,

Who fashioned themselves as southern gentlemen,

Like them, he believed that printed gaslighting,

The peasants took themselves

To the war front for the protection of the institution of African enslavement,

That made the plantation oligarchs wealthy in the first place,

They didn’t own the pavement they marched to war on,

All Confederate soldiers got for their troubles was: PTSD (shell shock),

And the ensign that was flown by North Virginia’s Robert E. Lee regiment,

Who told them after surrendering at Appomattox,

To “fold it up and put it away.”

Nathan Bedford Forrest pulled it out of the drawer,

He got some bed sheets,

Put some holes in them,

Set fire to crosses to terrorize freed black people,

Put together the first domestic terrorist organization,

That STILL isn’t designated as such by the United States Department of Justice!

His BUST was at the U.S. Capitol for over a century!

The oligarchs didn’t lift a finger,

Lived on to age in grace and dignity,

And still got reparations from the U.S. government for “loss of property.”


Like Pontius Pilate,

They could walk away from any responsibility,

Wash their hands of any guilt,

Influence violence by remote control,

As a fanatic, they launched screamed:

Sic Semper Tyranus,

Assassinating Abraham Lincoln, the 16th and first Republican President,

Now, his former party advocates it.


It is the formula for stochastic terrorism.


Stochastic terrorism (noun): the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:

Example: The rhetoric of stochastic terrorism influenced the lone-wolf attack.


“Don’t retreat: RELOAD!” Sarah Palin, summoning the mentally disturbed [being] Jared Lee Loughner,

“Tiller, the Baby Killer,” Bill O’Reilly, sending Scott Roeder like a missile to his church while he served as Usher,


“In the old days, folks, they would take them out on a stretcher!”

“Do me a favor: [just] knock the crap out of them, will you? I promise you that I will pay your legal fees.”

“There were very fine people on BOTH sides! I know it, and YOU know it too.”

“Stand back and stand by!”

“Come to the Capitol on January 6th: it WILL be wild!”


They say what they WANT to happen,


And absolve themselves of any responsibility for the consequences.


In spy parlance, it’s called “plausible deniability.”

On the streets, it’s abject cowardice.


It is the proverbial “shouting fire in a crowded theater” where none exists,

Then, getting off sexually like a pyromaniac from the mayhem proceeding from it,


This poem is now my eighth piece mentioning it,


There’s blood on the streets, yet no laws against it,


227 million dollars spent over the last four years,

Denigrating Speaker Nancy Pelosi,

Engulfing her face in flames,

Calling for her execution (Marjorie Taylor, the ex-Mrs. Greene),

Shooting an AR15 in a gun range, tweeting it, with the caption: “FIRE PELOSI!”

When questioned, they’re evasive and dismissive:

“Can’t you liberals take a joke? Geez!”


Her possible, inarticulate successor, suggesting that he might hit her with the Speaker’s gavel,

Like John Boehner and Paul Ryan NEVER did!

Laughing it off

Deflecting the origins of the violence

To conspiracy theories about:


A spat between gay men (obviously, they haven’t met any: ask Lindsey Graham)

The attack was staged,

High crime in blue states (red states have the highest murder rates),

It’s “deep state,”

He overstayed his Visa (so, now we have to build a wall on the Canadian border?),

The Arizona fascist, Kari Lake, making a joke onstage,

Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin, touted as the “normal republican,” doing the same,

And, the last gasp of desperate gaslighters: “he had it coming.”


This obfuscation is a multiverse of B.S. Mountains!


This madness is Karl Rove’s “created realities” on steroids!


The reality:


The 82-year-old husband of Speaker Nancy Pelosi,

Grandfather and great-grandfather, “Pop” of their family,

Attacked in his household at 2:30 in the morning by David DePape,

A disturbed man, a conspiracy theorist, not a male prostitute,

The shortlist is as follows:

Breaking and entering,

Attempted murder,

Elder abuse,

And a laundry list of federal crimes to choose from,

Inspired by a Big Lie and other obfuscations,

David confessed: saying that it was a “suicide mission,”

But somehow, he was going to survive to wheel the Speaker into the Capitol,

As a warning to democrats and quite a few republicans,

And NOT get arrested,

Only if the “rule of law” is WHATABOUTISM and irrelevant.


These people are Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane incarnate!

It’s gone beyond the Big Lie Orange Satan sputters on podcasts,

Paul Ryan and John Boehner were driven insane and into early retirement,


How do you think you’ll fair with MAGA, Kevin McCarthy?

You would be a SINO: Speaker In Name Only.

You’d be on the hook to Orange Satan and the MAGA Insanity Caucus,

You wouldn’t be able to make deals with Nancy Pelosi,

You wouldn’t pass any legislation beyond tax cuts for the wealthy,

Financial physics would send the economy crashing,

Within three months, we would be shut down because you absolutely wouldn’t know what you were doing,

Nor does your party have any cogent ideas for governing,

You would be in a state of sheer sweating, televised panic,

Nancy would have to save you from your [own] incompetence and plug the holes in the Titanic!


No one would watch any sporting events if they erupted in riots,

Political discourse would devolve into disgust and indifference,


We have two choices in this election:


Harmony, or dystopian fascism,

Autocracy, or federal republicanism,

Democracy, or the Wild West.


There’s no way back if we go over this cliff!

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