Sunday, July 24, 2022

Worthy of Trust and Confidence...


People: Robert Conrad, Sammy Davis Jr., Hazel Court, Ross Martin, Titles: The Wild Wild West, "The Night of the Returning Dead," Photo by CBS Photo Archive/CBS via Getty Images - © 1966 CBS Photo Archive, IMDB

© July 22, the Griot Poet


They are America’s oldest law enforcement agency,

Originating in 1865,

To stabilize America’s financial system,

And stamp out rampant counterfeiting,


After the assassination of President Lincoln,

Counterfeit money almost bankrupted the nation,

(Cryptocurrency, anyone?)

They were originally attached to the Department of Treasury,

(Now, they supposedly work for Homeland Security),


On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by actor John Wilkes Boothe.

On July 2, 1881, President James Garfield was shot by lawyer Charles A. Guiteau,

Garfield succumbed to his injuries and medical malpractice 79 days later.

On September 6, 1901, President William McKinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist, dying of gangrene infection on September 14.


After the assassination of President McKinley in 1901,

The Secret Service was tasked with the full-time protection of the President of the United States.


On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald (supposedly).


Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan were both wounded,

The Secret Service has thwarted numerous assassination attempts,

They’re efficient when not on “wings up, rings down” strippers and sex worker expeditions.


In 1998, President Bill Clinton signed Decision Directive 62, establishing the Secret Service as the lead federal agency for coordinating the development and implementation of security plans for National Special Security Events (NSSEs).


Jim West,

Artemis Gordon,

The fictional characters in the television series:

“The Wild, Wild West,”

(No wilder than women losing their bodily autonomy first in Texas, then the nation)


But I digress:


Jim was the nineteenth Century’s James Bond before the birth of Ian Fleming,

Artemis was analog to Q, the genius inventor,


As we were thrilled by their contrived adventures,

The Entertainment Industrial Complex was propagandizing us,

To look at the Secret Service always as “the good guys,”

Archetype heroes thrust at us,


Question: What happened to the text messages?

What was Tony Ornado going to do with Mike Pence?

Kidnapping a Vice President is a federal offense.


Twenty-four agents en masse erasing their cell phones to factory settings are either obtuse or complicit.

No presidential call logs listed for 187 minutes,

The White House photographer was prohibited from taking historical pictures,

Aren’t you the agency responsible for defending us from cyber criminals?

Aren’t you supposed to know how to RECOVER text messages?


While I’m at it, why don’t we YET know who planted pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters?


One of the functionalities of law enforcement agencies is the preservation of evidence.


As a former Communications Officer with the US Air Force, I have to ask:

What was your Comms Plan?

Does it call for eliminating evidence when Congress specifically asked for that traffic on or before January 6?

Is that process explicitly in writing?


Your excuse is the 21st Century digital equivalent of “the dog ate my homework.”

President Biden brought back agents from the Obama administration to protect him!

Did you get the order from Director James M. Murray, appointed by an insurrectionist president for his “loyalty”?

Director Murray: Your agents assigned to Vice President Pence,

Were all calling their families on where to find their last wills and testaments,


Do you remember your oath of office?


“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me, God.”


I took that oath 38 years ago and still remember it,

We are not unified by language, culture, or religion, but an evolving document,

That didn’t count my ancestors, immigrants, Native Americans, or women as citizens,

We do not kowtow to potentates, kings, or deities,

Our unity is by a document: The Constitution,

One unprecedented, malevolent, orange-skinned spirit was determined to shred it,

That is not sane,

That is not a president,

That is trying to be a strongman,

After that, we would not be a republic.


Restore your honor to be worthy of trust and confidence:

Turn over the text messages and stop protecting a fascist idiot.

You’re not anywhere near

The fictional valor of Jim West and Artemis Gordon,

But “loyalty” to a mob boss is not part of your oath of office,

The Secret Service isn’t the “SS,” but it looks like you’re [awfully] complicit.

Last chance: turn over the text messages before you're on the cell block with him!


Anonymous said...

Truth has power-your lines ring true as Liberty Bells-warning of demise of democracy unless and until full texts are revealed and we learn January 6 in civics classes..

Anonymous said...

Liberty depends upon full release of information-suppression and control kill democracy!
THANK YOU for exposing the "Secret Service"(loss of text messages)incompetance
or was it malice?