Tuesday, December 21, 2021


© December 7, 2021, the Griot Poet 

Dans ton lycee francais: pourquoi? (Or, in your high school French: why?)

On this 80th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor invasion,

I have to ask this:


Why does Black Lives Matter demonstrators have to answer for looters, but the NRA never answer for school shooters?


Does BLM need lobbyists?

Maybe a GoFundMe to grease the skids?

The US Constitution nor common decency seems to motivate elected officials not too long for the planet,

Chuck Grassley voted against a resolution,

To take up debate on gun control in the Senate,


For what?

So it won’t interfere with his quail hunts or skeet shooting?

 Here's a suggestion Chuck:

Do doubles with Dick Cheney,

As his daughter attempts to save democracy,

From members of hers and her father’s former party,

"Republicans in name only,"

It isn’t a joke anymore,

They’ve given up on winning votes,

And are hellbent on blocking them,

Because after 41 years of “trickledown,”

We’re hip to the shtick,

It’s consummate bullshit,

To believe it, you have to be on a severe acid trip,


The GOP used to be the party of:

American exceptionalism,

Strong patriotism,

Traditional “family values,”

We should have seen the signs when they mainlined the gateway drug, Sarah Palin!

Who could see Putin’s back porch from her house in Wasila, Alaska,

Where the Inuit are interlopers like Conus First Nations people,


From the gateway, they went full-crackhead fascist!

Electing a failed human with three failed marriages (the third one in progress),

Speaking of Russia:

He has five kids and the mating habits of Polar Bears

Who drops their wad, and like him, take off out of there!


Why do we have an electoral college here,

And coalition parliaments everywhere else?

Noun: "an alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states."

Sounds like the ideal formula for grown-ass people to cooperate.

Nelson Mandela: "Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. While poverty exists, there is no true freedom." United Nations

News flash: Joe Manchin isn’t president any more than Vladimir Putin is.

West Virginia, like Kentucky, is one of the poorest states with the wealthiest senators!

Elaine Chao and Moscow Mitch are the Queen and King of shady business deals,

Maserati Man-chin owns a coal mine, flaunts a yacht in a state with the nation's lowest life expectancy,

Textbook examples that wealth is built on the foundation of boots on necks of misery!

Term limits would require E Pluribus Unum ("US"),


Instead of complaining,

About beyond 65 retirement age geriatric legislators

Obviously getting paid under-the-table


174 thousand doesn't get you in less than one term to multimillionaire status,

Ask Arizona Senator Kirsten Sinema about that!

Lobbing witty bombs on social media only gives a temporary endorphin lift,

Study civics and start RUNNING the government,

Chuck Grassley was a young man when the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote,

He probably still doesn’t understand there was a problem before it,

And questions the necessity of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments,

So does “Aunt Lydia,” Justice Amy Coney Barrett!


Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t have a problem with insider trading,

That’s how a lot of our lawmakers have gotten wealthy,

Acting for their self-interest on classified briefings,

Instead of protecting their electorate,

Republican Senator Richard Burr of NC, and Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein of CA,

KNEW about the alpha variant,

Investing in Zoom before anyone HEARD about it!


I repeat:

The problem with Congress and the so-called “Supreme Court” could be solved by term limits!

Justice Steven Breyer is making the same mistake Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did that got us [her] “Handmaid’s Tale” polar opposite,

Another appointment like that, the end of Roe and precedent, would make the judiciary irrelevant.


On this 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor,

I have to ask this:


Why did we fight fascism in World War II in the 20th century,

Only in the 21st century to embrace it?

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