Friday, December 03, 2021

American Exceptionalism...

© November 30, 2021, the Griot Poet


A fifteen-year-old child,

Killed four of his classmates,

Injured seven: one of the injured, a teacher,

Three of the shooter’s victims are in surgery,


We’re a nation of sadists.

No other nation on the PLANET has so much violence that it’s become “routine.”




Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut,

Remembering the sadness of Sandy Hook,

Twenty babies and six teachers,

Pictures too gruesome to publish,

The human puss sack, Alex Jones, lied about it, saying it was a hoax,

Only to admit it was an act under oath,

Losing millions in the civil lawsuit,

Senator Murphy,

Got in the well of the Senate,

Blasting his colleagues who waxed poetic

About the possible desolation of

Roe vs. Wade,

And the “sanctity of life,”

Forty-eight years of legal precedent

Ignoring Stare decisis,

Autonomy for women whose future could be limited,

By a forced rape resulting in an unwanted pregnancy,

Forced impregnation by lover, or close relative,

The rapist has the right to visitation,

You don't believe me? Ask the state of Texas.

Once this precedent falls: all others are irrelevant!


“Don’t lecture me about your love of life,”

That only extends to the unborn,

Post-birth: children are worthless to the corrupt and pious,


The North Carolina wheelchair fascist,

Representative Madison Cawthorn,

He wants his constituents “armed, and dangerous,”

He wants mothers to “raise monsters,”

Jennifer and James Crumbley said, “mission accomplished!”

Jennifer penned an open letter to Orange Satan,

Thanking him for protecting her 2nd Amendment rights

That was NEVER under threat!

Ethan Crumbley,

Will be tried as an adult,

Spend the rest of his life in prison,


He’s not going to be attending his senior prom,

Outweighed by the scrawniest inmate,

Any mental health issues he has,

The prison will exacerbate,

His internal demons,

His parents ignored that,

Who found out his teacher saw him,

Searching for ammo on his phone,

Drawing bloody fantasy ideation,

That would give Paul Gosar a hard-on,


His “responsible gun owner parents.”

Were on the lamb from the feds,

What responsible parents leave their child in prison?

The same “mom” on finding Ethan was looking for bullets on the Internet at school,

Texted him, “LOL: next time, don’t get caught.”

For four students, there won’t be a “next time.”


We labor under the weight of three legal fictions: borders, corporations, and racial categories.


You are NOT in our borders: Mecca, ‘Murica, “the promised land,” the European Union, Wakanda forever. We are “us,” and you are “them”: you do not count. You are un-persons.


No Mitt Romney, “corporations are not people.” The robber barons used a boondoggle of the 14th Amendment to confer unlimited power to themselves and their progeny. People have lifespans: corporations are practically immortal psychopaths.


Until we find evidence of intelligent Martians, the only race is the human race. Taxonomy leading to eugenics is a failure of the enlightenment.


E Pluribus Unum: out of many, one.

Is the first Latin anyone ever sees,

It’s part of our self-deluded fantasy,

“Manifest destiny,”

Global kidnappings,

Colonizing inhabited territories,

Subsuming religions, languages, cultures,

Yet skillfully separating everyone into camps of “others,”

This gaslighting was the violence before the high-tech weapons,

Like the handgun Ethan used in Michigan,


Middle finger to King Richard,

Dumping his tea in Boston’s harbor,

For the only god, they worship the almighty dollar.

The Founding Fathers were thus the country’s first tax dodgers!


Perhaps another language that’s alive,

With a more profound meaning:


Ubuntu (Zulu): meaning “humanity,”

Or, more explicitly:

“[Extend] Humanity towards others,

“I am because we are;

“I am because you are.”


It will not be benevolent aliens, a United Federation of Planets, superluminal space drives, or Heisenberg-defying matter re-sequencers that will spur the elimination of class struggle (and money, apparently).

It will be global cooperation heretofore unseen.


Such a world revolves around Ubuntu.

We sadly seem bereft of its precepts.


Since it begins with “u,” it must be associated with utopia: “nowhere place.”


This nation is steeped in violence,

The soil of four hundred years soaked in the blood of innocents,

No nation refusing to face its past can approach repentance.


Constitutions can be updated and amended,

E Pluribus Unum should evolve to Ubuntu,

For any future of this nation to approach exceptionalism.

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