Friday, December 11, 2020

The Event...

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 © 11 December 2020, the Griot Poet

He was wearing a Trump 2020 hat,

With rebel “stars and bars” on his jowly face as he stared back at me through our shared space,

Either, trying to either intimidate or take me to task,

The only GOOD thing I can say about him: he was at least wearing a mask!


I was wearing the mascot mask,

And the alumni hat, of the school where A&T Greensboro Four attended,

That popularized the sit-in movement,

February 1st, 1960,

Ninety-nine years after the beginning of the Civil War,


He made the Pillsbury Dough Boy look svelte,

His belly had long lapped over his belt,

His shoulders so rounded, it merged with his rotund neck,

“White supremacy” looked like a physical wreck,

He had no idea I just buried the Sensei,

That forty years ago taught me the “art of war” on the A&T Dojo - “place of the way,”

That like poetry, I practice daily.


He was the picture of a contradiction:

He didn’t realize,

In his enthusiasm to troll grocery patrons,

He symbolized TWO defeats of racism.


“The south will rise again!”

They say with ironic chagrin,

Gollum deep-down knows it’s bullshit,

The first line of self-gaslighting,

It started immediately after the oxymoronic “Civil War” ended in 1865, with the slaveholding south’s defeat!


It was a “war of northern aggression,”

Not the savage aggression,

Of slaying the Native Americans,

Who helped the European,

Colonists survive

Their first winter that could have been their demise,


Of kidnapping Africans from the mother continent,

Raping their women,

Snatching their children,

Customs and Border Patrol reenacting the tradition,

They never accepted the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox,

Raising his North Virginia Battle Regiment’s flag during the Civil Rights Movement,

Wearing the ensign of defeat across his grimace,

So, why should he believe his Orange Satan golden calf lost the 2020 election?


He’s probably sending him $20 every time he screams emails at him,

Thinks “this is the big one” that will overturn a democratic election,

Because like Chief Justice Tandy in the Dred Scott Decision:

My vote was automatically “fraudulent,” as he and “Mango Mussolini” don’t see me as fully American,


He probably believes in “stop the steal,”

And attends super spreader rallies,

Maybe later, he drove up to D.C.,

And participated in violent melees,

He ironically can’t see,

He's wearing the ensign of treasonous sedition as a mask,

And his Neo-Confederate red Klansman hat,


Was a pitiful admittance:

Of utter ignorance,

And stunning defeat.


He trembled.

I stared back, unmoved, supported by my ancestors.

Martin Luther King said: “a man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent,”

Not giving a shit about his intimidation attempts,

Back straight: I kept walking.

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