Sunday, September 27, 2020


 © 23 September 2020, the Griot Poet

“(The police) are a very real menace to every Black cat alive in this country. And no matter how many people say, ‘You’re being paranoid when you talk about police brutality’ – I know what I’m talking about. I survived those streets and those precinct basements and I know. And I’ll tell you this – I know what it was like when I was really helpless, how many beatings I got. And I know what happens now because I’m not really helpless. But I know, too, that if he (police) don’t know that this is Jimmy Baldwin and not just some other N***** he’s gonna blow my head off just like he blows off everybody else’s head. It could happen to my mother in the morning, to my sister, to my brother… For me this has always been a violent country – it has never been a democracy.”


-- James Baldwin (1969)

194 days later, after a murder during a pandemic:

One officer - Brett Hankerson

Charged with reckless endangerment,

Of Breonna’s neighbors,

In other words: fault found for not shooting straight!

Her fault was being asleep in her own bed,

“Sleeping while black” can leave you dead!


The other two were apparently justified

In their malicious homicide,

No aid rendered,

As Breonna staggered bleeding out,


A 12-million-dollar taxpayer bribe is a poor resurrection,

Daniel Cameron genuflected, preached about,

“Law and order,”


After breaking the Hatch Act law,

On the White House lawn,

For his illegitimate, Putin-installed puppet president,


1,000+ people a day are dying,

From a pandemic,

Breonna as an EMT was a first responder,

Her fellows did not render aid,

After a botched, no-knock raid,

Because Breonna’s LIFE didn’t matter!


“Atlas Shrugged” isn’t an Ayn Rand tome

It’s the name of the Fox TV radiologist,

Unqualified to be an epidemiologist,

Instead of Fauci and Birx,

Who tell him the worst,

Because sometimes, the truth in life hurts!

We’re under Bill Barr’s Department of Injustice,

Like Flava Flav said: “can’t trust it!”

Justice only looks like,

A living, breathing Breonna Taylor,

And the arrest of her assailants!


I am tired of “saying their names!”


Should not be at the price

Of a rally,

Or a hashtag,

There’s efficacy in BREATHING!


The only conclusion that has me reeling,

Is he’s trying to kill me,

And all of us in this democracy,

Like Steppenwolf for Darkseid,

He’s peppered the landscape with tear gas, flash bombs and racial fire pits,

Smashing 240 years of self-governance,

Into his twisted, authoritarian Apocalypse,


Converting American citizens to “lowlies”

Orange Judas Iscariot,

Fosters a proletariat,

From democracy to kingdom come slavery,


The reality of who Antichrist is,

Is he who is antithetical to what Christ did,

He’s fulfilled every single one of the 7 deadly sins,

Support from white evangelical supremacists, henceforth known as anti-Christians,

The “meek who will inherit the earth,”

Probably wear masks, and

Don’t possess AR-15 clips!


From citizens to serfdom,

Weary of his fantasies,

Zoning out with streaming online movies,

Citizens will begin tuning out, post

Coup de tat,

The Washington Post says:

“Democracy dies in darkness,”

And sadly, exhausted apathy.

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