Sunday, September 27, 2020

Baptisms and Bar Mitzvahs...

 © 25 September 2020, the Griot Poet

Executive orders for preexisting conditions,

Sounds like the right prescription,

For already existing Affordable Care Acts,

You’re trying to eliminate

During a pandemic,

Eliminating preexisting conditions,

That could be things like diabetes, hypertension; complications from the Coronavirus,

When your chances are more heightened,

To get struck by lightning,

Than re-election for president.


He’s “pledging” to make Juneteenth a federal holiday,

(Beyond his Article II powers)


And designate the KKK domestic terrorists,

The same he referred to as “very fine fellows,”

Because of his meditation,

Is on the inclination,

Of SDNY, State District Attorney, and Manhattan DA

To bring about several indictments,

For state crimes, he cannot pardon,

Himself from,

For his crimes against humanity,

And violation of emoluments,

“Orange is the new black.”


He started his carnage campaign in birtherism,

Questioning the legitimacy of the country’s first black president,

Jealous of his intelligence, lovely family, and Melanin,

Telling Michael Cohen,

That our ancestry,

Originated from shit hole countries,


Not a student of anthropology,


Or migratory patterns of humanity:

200,000 years ago,

Africa is where Adam originated,

Now a grim statistic:

200,000 lives lost in America is sixty-seven 9/11s!


“Reading is fundamental,”

His is at the third-grade level,

He chooses to take in information,

From the most passive-aggressive persuasion,

Affectionately called: “the boob tube,”


Which he spends an inordinate amount of time in front of,

Absorbing Fox propaganda garbage,

Like the median age of its viewers,

He doesn’t want his archaic worldview challenged,

Or, women with autonomy,

Over their own bodies,


A black president,

Same-sex equality precedent,

Equal Rights Amendment

Phyllis Schlafly meant

All white women to be unemployed, married, barefoot and pregnant,

Darth Vader to anything progressive,

Fairing to share white supremacy powers

As long as everyone else remains caste pariahs.


He’s promising baptisms and bar mitzvahs,

Two things he cannot deliver,

Epitomizing all of the seven deadly sins,

Whether theist or agnostic,


We’re all Alice Through the Looking Glass,

Musing Mad Hatters and Cheshire Cats,


Jared Kushner’s strategy,

“Ride the chaos and absurdity,”

Seeing where everything lands,

The spaghetti or feces hits the wall, or chopped in the fan,

Either fix, deny, or dismiss it,

In the aftermath of a tragedy,


The only resurrection,

Or, a rite of passage foreseen,

Is democracy to fascism,

A republic (Ben Franklin said: “if you can keep it”),

Or proletariat serfdom.

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