Monday, September 16, 2024



Image Source: "How Othering Contributes to Discrimination and Prejudice," Kendra Cherry, MS Ed. Very Well Mind Dot Com

© September 14, 2024, the Griot Poet 


King Leopold,

Othered the Indigenous people of [the] Congo,

For the harvest of sugar cane, ivory, rubber, and minerals,

He commissioned the chopping of hands and limbs when they fell behind in production,

Making him insanely rich because of his callous disregard for them.

His monstrous behavior resulted in his murdering 10 million people.


Blood libel,

Was the false accusation that Jewish people used the blood of Christians in religious rituals.

Particularly, the blood of children.

Using it with Passover bread,

This lie was perpetrated throughout the Middle Ages until the early 20th Century.

When the othering by the Nazis resulted in 6 million deaths.


Labeling abortion healthcare as murder, “other’s” women who were the victims of incest, rape by biological or stepfathers, brothers, uncles and cousins.

It others the OB/GYN who went to college to provide it.

Self-righteous extremists screaming at women getting healthcare at abortion clinics.

Leading Scott Roeder to slaughter Dr. George Tiller in his church, on a Sunday, serving as an Usher.

Because Bill O’Reilly nightly referenced him as “Tiller, the Baby Killer” on Fox (not) News.

Like Sarah Palin’s “don’t retreat, reload” and gunsights on her website over Democratic headquarters causing Jared Lee Loughner to fulfill her twisted mantra,

Causing the permanent injury to Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, Senator Mark Kelly’s wife, and the death of a nine-year-old girl on her ninth, and last birthday.


“Furries” was an Internet rumor.

It’s the crazy, insane notion that some children want to only defecate in litter boxes.

I didn’t believe someone could believe it until I heard this at a dinner party.

Most of us have photographic instruments in our pockets.

Where’s the evidence of this unique phenomenon?

It’s a tactic to other the trans community, especially children who we now know have Gender Dysphoria.


It sounds insane for a presidential candidate to accuse Haitian immigrants of eating dogs, cats, and recently added, geese.

Another Internet rumor that was fed to him by a 9/11 “truther.”

That he had with him at the New York memorial.

Question for evangelicals: Where was his wife?

9/11 “truthers” are as insane and othering as Obama “birthers.”

It sounds like the insane ranting of a madman.

Fun fact: “MAGA” means sorcerer in Latin.

His dark incantations have a desired outcome.

Haitian immigrants are being forced to pull their kids out of school,

In Springfield, Ohio, due to bomb threats.

Ohio is an open carry state, with self-appointed vigilantes anxious to “be a hero” and exercise the Second Amendment.

Haitian immigrants are legally in the United States for employment.

Fleeing the hell hole left behind by Europeans.


Othering (verb): view or treat (a person or group of people) as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself.


Oneself is a member of the dominant culture.


Leopold was a proto-capitalist cum fascist.

Blood libel endangered the Jews.

Abortion as a monstrosity fostered bomb threats and murder of providers in churches.

“Furries,” that don’t exist.

Now, a new blood libel on Haitian immigrants, whose only sin is being descendants of the only successful rebellion against French colonizers.

Haiti is poor because of having to pay Paris “reparations” for lost property - ironic.


This is stochastic terrorism.

This is a mob boss “speaking in code,” as pointed out by Michael Cohen.


You can’t directly blame him for the heinous actions of his cult followers.

He’s several degrees of separation from the mayhem his dictation causes.

He’s going to exercise the emotionally disturbed, who have the same Second Amendment rights as normal citizens.

The same access to bomb-making materials.

Leaving him technically innocent.

Because his tiny hands are bloodless,

You legally can’t blame him.


“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44


Jesus was bearing witness to the active plot to assassinate him.

After pointing out that his accusers were sinful when they wanted to stone a woman,

A woman caught in “the very act of adultery” they all had participated.

Before a kangaroo court of his Jewish peers in front of the Sanhedrin bruised him beyond recognition.

Before handing him over to the Roman state, which was occupying Jerusalem.

Before the Roman state hung him on a tree in an act of terrorism.

As lynchings for any man of color, betrayed by his own, has always been.

Southern, and Near Eastern trees have always borne “strange fruit.”

“Blood on the leaves, blood on the root.”

And no amount of pious handwashing by Pontius Pilatus, or feverous gaslighting by Combover Caligula absolves either of them of guilt!


Making your enemies monsters is the first step towards killing them.

Sometimes you must bear witness to the callous and evil act of othering.

Vote. Let’s end this.

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