Friday, July 26, 2024

One More Thing...

Image Source: Wikipedia

© July 25, 2024, the Griot Poet 


“The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being. Somebody says you have no language, and you spend twenty years proving that you do. Somebody says your head isn’t shaped properly, so you have scientists working on the fact that it is. Somebody says you have no art, so you dredge that up. Somebody says you have no kingdoms, so you dredge that up. None of this is necessary. There will always be **one more thing**."

Toni Morrison


“DEI hire” and “colored” are both their “one more thing.” Don’t get distracted.

They’re trying to get you mad, so you’ll be defensive.

They based their efforts on pointing out the age of their previous democratic opponent.

They now have the distinction of having the oldest candidate in history,

Who also happens to be a 34-count convicted felon.

Who also has an election interference, insurrection at the Capitol, and an espionage case (once it’s reinstated) pending.


When you must urge your House members to stop using racist language, it’s probably because (Occam’s razor) they’re racists.

DEI, for them, is the N-word.

DEI means diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“Diversity isn’t their issue.

They don’t have a problem with tokens.

Their issue is with the last two words of the acronym.

Adding “accessibility” brings out their closet eugenics.

Their convicted felon candidate told his brother’s son that he should let his grandnephew DIE rather than financially help him,

After all, he must focus on grifting off his cult to afford the court cases I mentioned.


It’s a distraction. That’s why they’re doing it.

Seeing the Crypt Keeper, Stephen Miller, freaking out on Fox Propaganda is worth it.

For a Masters graduate from Duke University, he’s obtuse.

It’s sad that their only election strategy is to scare white people and “own the libs!”


But don’t get distracted!

They’re focused on Project 2025.

We’re about a week or a month out from their removing all doubt and calling our candidate both the N and B-words.

Ignore it!

Put your head down and work on through November 5, 2024.


Don’t get extracted!

Project 2025 is what they’re after.

This is a dark political synthesis of a shell game, whack-a-mole, and WHATABOUTISM.

They’re focused on what they’re doing.

If whites are going to be the next minorities, they’re planning to be the minorities who rule.

Project 2025 is the blueprint.


Don’t get distracted!

“But we’ve never had a black president.”

Problem solved. Next!

“But we’ve never had a woman president.”

We would have it if not for the Electoral College.

“She’s a DEI hire!”

We know that’s your latest “let’s go, Brandon.” We’re ignoring it. We have to work.

“She slept her way to the top!”

Your convicted felon:

Sexually assaulted E Jean Carroll and myriad others.

He raped his first wife and had an affair [against] her with the second.

He had an affair on his second wife with the third,

Then he had an affair on the third with a porn star,

As she was nursing their infant son, his FIFTH child by three women,

And paid the porn star $130,000 for sex he said didn’t happen!

“She’s antisemitic!”

Her husband’s Jewish!

“She’s anti-Catholic!”

Eh: Joe Biden?

“The lonely cat lady used to be a man!”

Your “lonely cat ladies” are Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott!

A political earthquake happened on November 4, 2008,

When we elected the first black president.

Until then, their gaslighting assured a hegemony of forty-three white male presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush!


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

Paraphrasing the pig in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” white men have been more equal than others![1]


New definition:

DEI = Delusion, Entitled, Idiocracy (hat tip: Charlemagne, the god).

Delusion, because your desperation led you from The Constitution to a deranged demagogue and convicted felon.

Entitled, like Brett Kavanaugh crying under his confirmation, cross-examination by soon-to-be President Kamala Harris!

Idiocracy, that didn’t take 500 years to come to fruition,

It won’t be a comedy starring Maya Rudolph and Owen Wilson.

Project 2025 will END the American experiment.


We are an essential nation that is consequential to the health and survival of the planet.

Remember what our ancestor, Tom Morrison, said:

“The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being.”


Call for candidates.

Phone back.

Pass out flyers.

Post signs.

Check your voter registration.


“One more thing”:

Your “black job,” your white job, your Asian-Pacific Islander job, your Hispanic/Latino job, your LGBTQIA job, your naturalized citizen job, and your men’s and women’s work are to VOTE!

Vote down the ballot.

Vote for your Congressional Representatives and hold them accountable.

Vote for your Senators to represent your interests.

Vote for children and common sense gun laws.

Vote for women’s bodily autonomy.

Vote for the future and democracy.

Vote for the planet and the human species.

Vote for freedom and “the soul of America.”

Vote against tyranny and fascism!

White male patriarchy is terrified of losing power.


“One more thing”:

“We’re not going back!”

Not to the back of the bus, back in the closet, back in the fields, and back in the kitchens.

We’re ALL American citizens who know our power and who’ve had our taste of freedom.


“Do your work!”

We’ll rest later.

We’ll sleep better on November 5, 2024, when we all become their worst nightmare!

“We, The People,” have the power!

This is our finest hour!

[1] “All animals are equal, but some [animals] are more equal than others.”
― George Orwell, Animal Farm


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