Friday, November 19, 2021

Day of Infamy...


© November 19, 2021, the Griot Poet


Twenty four hours before,

A death sentence was commuted for Julius Jones in Oklahoma,

To life, without the possibility of parole,

For crime evidence says acquits him,

For a crime, he adamantly says he didn’t commit,


I sat in Sanford, North Carolina,

On a highway named for Confederate insurrectionist president Jefferson Davis,

With the LARGEST “stars and bars.”

Flag of sedition

That I’ve ever seen,

As the infamy came:

Kyle Rittenhouse became George Zimmerman redux,

Acquitted on all five counts,

John Adams’s words are bullshit!

We’re not a “nation of laws and not of men,”

As some laws have loopholes [for] some of them,


It’s now legal for vigilantes,

To use the Second Amendment to suppress the first,

The Black Lives Matter supporters

Were white,


Unless you count skateboards,


Confederate soldiers would have called them


“Race traitors,”

Carrying a long rifle is only illegal

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, for gang members,

Translation: black men,

I guess lying that you’re an EMT is acceptable,

As is riding from Illinois to Kenosha, Wisconsin,

Where if you had stayed your seventeen-year-old ass at HOME in your state,

You wouldn’t have SHOT anyone!

Like Trever Noah, I call bullshit!

You never got excited about any small business or the rights of a big chain outlet,

Your MISSION was to put yourself in the conditions,

Where shooting ANYONE was possible.

The defense for George Zimmerman said Trayvon Martin’s “lethal weapon?”

Was the sidewalk,


Kenosha, Wisconsin

Just put a bullseye,

On the backs of every social justice activist,

With the “get out of jail free” card


Crocodile tears in court,

And pleading “self-defense.”


I was holding my breath,

On the superfluous bullshit,

To justify the hunting and slaughter,

Of Ahmaud Aubrey,

For the criminal act of jogging,

 (His murderers thankfully found guilty, the trigger man on all counts)

Do you want a history lesson?

The Nazis got their inspiration,

From southern segregationists,

But some of the black codes were TOO deep for THEM to replicate!


I’m too numb to be afraid, angry, terrified: my emotional well is spent.


Stop calling it “American exceptionalism,”

This so-called verdict is what sadism looks like!

Change Kyle’s hue to brown,

And see how “justice” would be meted out,


If Matt Gaetz gets his way,

He’ll probably make Kyle a congregational aide,

And bring him to the next State of the Union address,

Because: if the laws only apply to certain men,

He’ll escape accountability for underage sex trafficking,

An eight-hour blathering howler monkey in a suit will be Speaker of the House,

And the State of the Union is leaning fascist!

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