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President Joe Biden holds his first formal news conference at the White House on March 25 in Washington. (CNS/Leah Millis, Reuters) Source: National Catholic Reporter |
© June 23, 2021, the Griot Poet
Catholic bishops,
And the Vatican,
During WWII,
Gave cover,
In a Zeig Heil salute,
To Adolf Hitler,
(Google it),
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops,
Aren’t the least bit interested,
In removing,
Pedophiles and rapists from their ranks,
They would rather,
Shuffle them between dioceses,
Hide their crimes, and silence their critics,
They’re spending their valuable, “spiritual” time,
Weaponizing the Eucharist,
Denying it,
To a decent man,
And by extension, his entire family,
And other Catholics worldwide like him,
Because he supports the rights of women,
To choose what’s done to their bodies,
Especially after the forced error of rape,
Instead of being in the words of George Carlin, “broodmare for
the state,”
Not that they’ve ever cared about,
The bodily autonomy,
Of assaulted altar boys,
And the strange sound of crickets,
Over aborted fetuses,
Found under shell game dioceses,
Impregnated nuns dismissed for impropriety,
And temptresses of heterosexual bishops,
After Emperor Constantine,
Had a battlefield conniption,
Adding a symbol of state torture,
The Cross: a Latin noose,
To Roman shields,
The Vatican potentates had a private meeting with him,
Establishing the never-before precedent,
Of never taxing the churches,
“The Way”
Convoluted from its focus on the poor,
And “least of these,”
To lining the pockets,
Of a monied aristocracy,
Thus began an unholy marriage,
Between church and state,
Bewildered masses, and potentates,
Spiritual freedom now narcotic,
Karl Marx’s
“Opiate of the people,”
By Magna Carta,
Political evolution,
Or US Constitution,
Controlled by those who,
Are the gatekeepers of information,
Owning technology,
From quill pen,
To Internet,
The boondoggle,
After the Protestant Reformation,
To every “religious” entity,
With a 501(c)3,
Corporations have been people,
Since the passage of the 14th Amendment,
And robber barons and their lawyers finagled it,
Billionaires consider their businesses cathedrals,
Besides their stolen wealth, it’s the only thing they believe
Amazon and Southern Baptists are tax-exempt,
One supported slavery, apologizing LAST century finally for
The other anti-union, scuttling efforts in Alabama at worker
Subjecting them to harsh, unsafe work conditions,
Workers [literally] needing a pot to piss in,
Drivers relieving themselves in bottles and buckets,
As he rides a spaceship on a narcissist’s joy ride,
Self-publishing his escapade in the Washington Post,
Shell gaming his wealth in overseas tax havens,
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops,
Weaponize the Eucharist,
Against those who believe in [the] bodily autonomy,
Of women and altar boys that grow up to shattered men,
With all this political action,
Don’t you think it’s high time we started taxing the churches,
And by logical extension, its corporate equivalent?
One square meter of the Vatican ceiling can end world poverty,
Jesus rode into town on a donkey, not Leer Jets, Mercedes, or
And I think Bezos with spaceships, half-billion-dollar yachts, and a SPARE for the helicopter can fix a few potholes on Earth and aptly pay for it!
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