Saturday, April 24, 2021



'God particle physicist and Nobel laureate Leon Lederman dies at 96, Stephen Johnson, Big Think

© April 22, 2021, the Griot Poet


Leon Lederman

American physicist,

Won the Nobel Prize in 1988,

For his “groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of the particles of nature,”

Coined the phrase: “God particle,”

A precursor to the discovery of the Higgs Boson,

Ushering in a new era of physics,

At the CERN Hadron Collider,

Instead of Waxahachie, Texas,

(Gutted for budget cuts),


Due to failing memories,

And mounting medical costs,

He sold his Nobel medal

For $765,000,

At auction,

Because he lived in the U.S.,

Where universal healthcare

Does not exist,

Dying in a nursing home,

His Nobel Prize now belonging to someone else.


There are

Thriving, prosperous nations,

Treating their citizens more magnanimous,

More gracious,

Or, at least, more human,


Universal healthcare


Isn’t a conservative boogie man,

It isn’t stymied

In racist opines


“What if ‘those people’ get it?”


Racism is in the fabric of the state,

Making Native Americans,

Hopeful immigrants,

And kidnapped Africans,


Needing them,

While despising them,

Because of the knowledge

They wouldn’t have made it to “American exceptionalism” without them,

The ultimate narcissism:

Cutting off their noses,

To spite their faces,


Tiki torches

In Charlottesville,


“You will not replace us,”

“Jews will not replace us,”


Showing up to “freedom rallies” with AR-15s,

Armed to the teeth with small penises,

“Mask holes” refusing to wear them,

The same mental giants

With chugging smokestacks

On the back of trucks

To “own the libs,”

Living on the same planet,

Without a single starship,


Too narcissistic to admit:

Maybe we’re all Africans,

Who migrated to different locations,

On the island called Pangea,

Before it separated

Into different continents,

Different elevations,

Different climates,

Different foods for consumption,


Humans migrated

From Mother Africa,

To other places,

Humans subjected to such stresses,

Have no need for a preponderance of Melanin,

It doesn’t make one superior,

Or the other inferior:

It just means as species; we’re highly adaptive,

In one hundred years of settlement,

Would we recognize a Martian?


Damned insane,


Opiate addiction,

Suicide affliction,

By Second Amendment,

Increased mortality,

Reduced birth rates,


Shooting their feet,

Slitting their wrists,

Cutting their noses,

To spite their faces,


Nobel laureate winners

Should NOT be,

Selling their medals,

To pay medical bills,

In the richest nation

Ever to exist,



Who can’t see,

Their towering hypocrisy,


Something is wrong with this,

Their stupidity

Slew a Nobel laureate,

In the wealthiest nation that’s ever existed.



Like Narcissus,

Their pathological “self-love,”

It will [be] their Waterloo and the planet's Entropy.

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