Sunday, February 07, 2021

Q-Bacca, Q-California, and QAnon Sense...

Jacob Anthony Chansley, a QAnon believer, speaks to a crowd of Donald Trump supporters in Phoenix on Nov. 5, 2020. | AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills. Article by Ben Leonard, Politico

 © February 6, 2021, the Griot Poet


Jacob Chansley, a sham Shaman,

Demanded organic sustenance,

An injunction filed by his defense,

As a condition for his confinement,

Relating to his participation,

In the insurrection against the Capitol,

On January 6,


It was a month ago from this writ,

He and 30,000 insurrectionists,

Spurred by the urging of their fake president,

To storm the Capitol,

Deliberately disrupting,

The “peaceful transfer of power.”


From George Washington,

To Joseph R. Biden,

With the exception of one psychopath,


Jacob, whose name ironically means “trickster,”

Wearing the helmet of the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos,

Bastardizing my childhood memories of “The Flintstones,”

Believed the QANON lies he was sold,

He participated in spreading lies, feces, and urine,

In the halls of US power,

He participated in the hunt.

For the Vice President and Speaker of the House,


He denied the 1619 Project,

Aligned with the 1776 lie,

A pitiful middle school project,

Dropped on Martin Luther King Day,

As if gaslighting written,

Erases actual history,



The “lost cause” narrative,

Is historical bullshit,

Kept alive with the dodge of “state’s rights,”

To own fellow humans as slaves,

Their state documents

Talk to

Dismissing Africans as savages,

Their reason for treason to the Union,

Was the right to keep that “peculiar institution,”

In perpetuity,


Kevin McCarthy,

Is never going to be Speaker,

He’s just a squishy surfer dude from California,

Who thinks that the only talents he needs,

To succeed,

Is to wear expensive designer suits,

And jutting out his chin,


For press cameras and videos,


Stripping Marjorie Taylor Greene,

Of her committee assignments:

It was a layup,

That he flubbed,

He went from last summer saying,

“QANON has no presence in the Republican Party,”

To complete cowardly capitulation,

To a woman

Who looks like,

Flashpoint Joker,

The speedster hero

Created in an alternative timeline,

Going back in time,

To save the life of his mother,


Speaker Pelosi,

In her official press release,

Labeled him “Q-California,”

And the party he fecklessly administers,


No one believes his lies,

Not even Marjorie Taylor Greene,

Who now feels free,

Since she’s not on any committees,

Wasting the time of the constituency,

Who sent her to Washington, DC,

To spout her conspiracy theories,

Violating Twitter policies,

Fundraising for a long shot re-election


In 2022,

For a “job NOT done,”

Because the first priority

For any elected official

Is to “bring home the bacon.”


The Republican Party is dead.


The first death pangs were in 1968,

When Lee Atwater and Richard Nixon,

Spearheaded the “Southern Strategy,”

Pulling dispirited Dixiecrats,

Who disapproved of Civil Rights,

And, Voting Rights,

For those, their fathers taught were “inferior beings,”

The second assassination of the Party of Lincoln,


Then, Phyllis Schlafly,

A conservative attorney,

She conspired to keep her sisters,

Barefoot and pregnant,

Deep-sixing the Equal Rights Amendment,


Jimmy Carter was America’s,

First evangelical president,

Who ran afoul with Bob Jones University,

Who had a policy against interracial dating,

Known by the arcane word miscegenation,

He said they violated federal policy,

Against discrimination,


So, they turned on him, and elected,

Their first secular president,

A “B-Movie” actor named Ronald Reagan,

Whose faculties were already declining,

In his first term as president,

We got Iran-Contra,

Financed by selling crack in Compton,


He ignored the first coronavirus pandemic,

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus,

Became Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,

Ravaged the LGBT community,

Except for his friend, the criminal lawyer, Roy Cohn,

Frontman for Joe McCarthy, and Donald Trump,

Only Cohn received AZT therapy,

A little too late for him,

It didn’t become a priority,

Until it crossed to heterosexuals,


After plumbing the depths of gun nuts,

They’re left with birthers, crackpots, flat earthers, fascists, homophobes, racists, and science deniers,

They wonder why their electoral chances are dwindling,

Purging voter rolls, closing precincts,

In districts of BIPOC,

If you’re a fascist,

A  diverse future is an existential crisis,

“Free speech” to them is the ability,

To freely express their bigotry,


Only ten voted for impeachment,

For a psychopath inciting insurrection,

Against his own government,

Because he lost a free and fair election,


Sixty-one voted to strip Liz Cheney,

Of her House leadership duties,

Because she was one of the ten,


One-hundred and ninety-nine (including Liz Cheney),

Voted to keep Flashpoint Joker,

On the Education Committee,


This party can’t read the US Constitution,

Past the Second Amendment,


This insurrection started with Sarah “mama grizzly” Palin,

With Michelle Bachman’s “Betty Davis Eyes” crazy,

And a chaser of a one-hit-wonder,

Ted Nugent pedophilia,



Is just another monster from the echo chambers of Breitbart, Fox, News Max, OAN, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity,


[And] The only human in existence where, if you switched the first consonants in his first and last names, it sounds like a dirty word: Tucker Carlson.


Either GOP or GQP,


The Republican Party can be,

The party of limited government,

Strong military,

Fiscal discipline,

Personal freedom,

Social mobility,


As documented in their own,

2021 autopsy,



They can be the party of Neo-Confederates,

Birthers, crackpots, flat earthers, fascists, homophobes, racists, and science deniers,

Led by a disposed of, malevolent president,


The minority leader isn’t Kevin McCarthy:


It’s Marjorie Taylor-Greene.


You have to choose:


Rationality, or insanity,

True reality, or gaslighting,

No matter what pretzels they twist themselves in,

They can’t support democracy AND fascism.

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