Saturday, November 21, 2020

Baby Huey...


Vintage Cartoons, Ed Naha, Pinterest

Inspired by Laine Thompson, AKA "Lost in Thought"

© 21 November 2020, the Griot Poet

It’s sad, really:

We are coddling the tantrums of a sociopath,

“America’s Mayor” is in an illicit scene in the second run of Borat,

Ending a chaotic presidency,

And, any claims after 9/11 to legitimacy, or his legacy,

At a press conference between a crematorium and a porn shop,

Almost sounds like a plot from “Animal House,”

Sweating hair dye that should have dried,

Lying about election conspiracies,

Using every racist, Jewish cabal trope

For an audience of ONE sad narcissist,


It’s sad, really,

Orange Satan is more concerned with the 30+ frivolous lawsuits,

Than hospitals overrun with the sick and dying,

Patients suffering from heart attacks, strokes,

Broken arms, or welcoming newborns into the world,

Bigger cities like Austin, Houston, Dallas, or Greensboro have dedicated COVID wards,

Rural Americans might be lucky if they have 20 beds, ONE doctor and a nurse,

All stretched to their limits, and overworked,

THIS is how he treats the people who statistically were more likely to have VOTED for him!


It’s sad, really:

We’re giving “Childish Gambino,”

The epitome of white, Anglo Saxon Protestant, Cisgender male privilege TIME: to “process” his loss,

His fake toupee is finally its natural, rat gray,

His embarrassing orange spray tan tossed,

As our death-to-infection-rate is 2.5%,

Translation: at 12 million, that equates to 300,000 future deaths projected at no low cost,


It’s sad, really,

Because the United States

Is now known infamously as having the HIGHEST death rate,

Of ANY western nation,

Because he refuses to concede he lost this election,

Because he exists in a universe impenetrable to science, poetry, or knowledge,

He’s ironic, in his desperation, trying to invalidate the undemocratic electoral college,

To stay away from accountability and the rest of his life in prison,


It’s sad, really,

Any parent trying to remove a toddler from Chuckie Cheese could have predicted this,

His consigliere, Michael Cohen, testified to this,

He’s pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq,

That will leave billions of dollars in equipment for our adversaries to hack,

While other G20 world leaders,

Including Vladimir Putin,

Are on a Zoom call to solve the Coronavirus problem,

Mr. Five-Deferment, six bankruptcies and, over two dozen accusations of sexual assault,

Is on his 302nd round of playing hooky-golf!


What’s REALLY sadder than this:

Seventy-three million Americans wanted to “make America great again.”

Quoting Saint Reagan and terrorist klansmen,

Because they can’t stand the thought of a black president, or

A female, biracial Vice President, or



Reducing income inequality,

Universal healthcare, like other western countries,

Alternative energy,

Solving climate change on the only planet, we have ever known that is in distress,


73 million Americans cheered for fascism, evil, chaos, and white, Anglo Saxon Protestant, Cisgender male privilege,


Are ALL living in this alternative reality WITH him!

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