Saturday, December 05, 2009

Holiday in Afghanistan

© 1 December 2009, Thom the World Poet, © 5 December 2009, the Griot Poet

and while we are there-take some holiday pix-
of civilians handcuffed to bars being struck with rifles
while post-traumatic stressed soldiers bomb wedding parties
Maybe we will in-curse into beautiful Pakistan
fly in on a drone with a camera in its nosecone
and bomb people in their houses
Perhaps we can cross borders undercover
in that phantom zone where guerrillas meet
In caves near Tora Bora, where the bones of Osama
are splattered beneath 500 lb bunker busters
We have the freedom to invade for no reason
send more troops in like those before us-
British, Russians-both of whom lost
They withdrew when their overseas jaunt grew deadly
They imported their weapons back to their front line homelands
Now we have terror bombs going off in Britain
when all the bombs we sent out overseas
want to come back home
to deal like our National Guard with New Orleans
Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City
so we might never have to worry about terror again
we exported it(it returned to us!)
now we holiday at home(nervously)
Take off our shoes and belts and laughter on airplanes
and try not to remember when
we were free to holiday in foreign lands.
Without fear or favor/greeted as saviors
now no longer the flavor of the month
and all our dollars turn to Yuan.
and we cannot afford even to live at home.
WE ARE CIVILIANS! on December 1,2009

© 5 December 2009, the Griot Poet

we voted for change...
other than melanin, we get more of the same
clap trap gunboat diplomacy
encouraged by those less evolved than
intellectuals, scientists, poets, prophets...


ditto heads, hockey moms, birthers, deathers...

volume transcends reason
past summer "tea bag rallies" and
in this Yuletide season they shout:
"I want my country back!"

When the sad news is... it has never been.
Democracy is a dream we've lacked for a long, long time
that disappeared when the first robber barrons
used lawyers to interpret the 14th Amendment
to give person-hood to ex-slaves
for themselves


isn't it so self-evident-obvious?


which has more influence over our so-called politicians than votes
which is why health care reform is not a "no brainer"
but, a shouting match joke
invoked by insurance companies (busing in roughnecks) that require us to carry same
and blame the person
seeking care
for continuation of
their lives and welfare
of defrauding a system
they set up only
for maximum profit.

but, I digress...
in a country that broke ground on a "creation museum"
instead of planetariums
or presidential libraries
for C+ students-cum-motivation-speaker ex presidents that left us with a massive deficit…
brains are what we're lacking!

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