Monday, November 29, 2004


© 3 February 2004, The Griot Poet

Lady Justice and Janet share the same sin:
A bared breast causing much chagrin.

The first not animated; the second broadcast live,
in a bump-and-grind seen on MTV, BET and "Sex in the City."
The self-righteous, ultra-right in Ashcroft's vein use the timing to shout their disdain
despite the bared breast in Somalia, Mogadishu, Iraq and Afghanistan
that can no longer nurse without the fear of passing the curse of
depleted Uranium, diarrhea and Kaposi’s Sarcoma... from war.
World Bank and IMF looting leaving children without parents;
mothers without life-sustaining AIDS vaccines to sustain their lifeline.
We build oil pipelines to sift/thieve oil from the Congo;
we search lice and WMD in the head of that louse Saddam: a strongman long ago.
To steer clear of prewar intelligence inquiries,
we pretend to despise what caused most men watching the staged conflict to shout and grin.

Janet and Lady Justice share the same sin:
A bared breast causing much chagrin.

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