© 7 July 2016, the Griot Poet
“Racism has gotten worse under Obama,”
Because as “head negro in charge”
He was supposed to be
Their post-racial-society-in-blackface step-n-fetch
He was not supposed to comment on the conflicts that’s taking place
In streets and alleyways
Almost weekly and daily
Without skipping a beat:
After Alton Sterling
Was shot for selling CDs (not loosies)
Like Eric Garner in New York streets;
We couldn’t catch our breaths
Until another King: Philandro Castile
Was gunned down for a busted tail light
Both men carrying LEGAL concealed handguns
But, I guess not the “good guys” the NRA had in mind...
And like burning in effigy,
Their previous criminality
Is researched heavily
To justify
The public lynching
Of black bodies
On modern poplar trees bearing “strange fruit”;
We don’t have to look up in the sky
For Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind:
The transatlantic slave trade
Was the first “alien abduction”
Black bodies loaded into the bowels of mother ships
The inaugural christened “The Good Ship Jesus.”
Examined and prodded like cattle
Kings watched their Queens impregnated by hostile aliens;
Royalty watching their progeny sold off like furniture;
Their names, language, religion and culture
Beaten out of their appropriated bodies
By the vultures of capitalism
That refuse to pay reparations
For centuries of Jim Crow, sharecropping and free labor
For terrorism from the KKK and the NRA that inaugurated themselves on the SAME DAY!
Slave patrols being the progenitor of the modern day police force
Occupying lands stolen from Native Americans,
Policing the appropriated bodies stolen by their ancestors,
No: Obama didn’t make racism worse – he revealed it.
Every success despite regressive resistance to his presidential agenda
Was a slap in the face of their mother’s milk of white supremacy;
It’s a terrible thing when you see your god pulled down
From his lofty perch like an Ashtoreth pole
So, in a desperate move
Some have sold their souls
Pulling off their robes
To bow at the feet
Of a reality real estate tax cheat
That’s had more bankruptcies than marriages
Only topped by his “tough guy” five Vietnam draft deferments;
His “telling it like it is,” an abandonment of the gentile “Southern Strategy” wink-and-nod
That gave the party plausible deniability
Flashing small hand sets like a mad mime wasting our time,
Talking off teleprompter and laying out Word Salads
Not making any sense at all to his thronging herd worshiping
A demagogue,
Because hell-on-earth
Apparently has its worth
To the impotent!