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Infotainment Systems Can Turn Some Car Owners Off, Wards Auto |
© August 26, 2021, the Griot Poet
We are living in a “Twilight Zone” episode,
Rod Serling never wrote,
You went from hydroxychloroquine,
To drinking bleach,
Shining flashlights up your ass,
To “Billy Bob, Cooter, and Skeeter’s” medical advice,
In your “dimensions of sight, sound, and mind” Facebook
On the horse dewormer, ivermectin,
Instead of wearing a mask or taking a FREE vaccine,
Are you all insane?
Facebook meme: “insisting on your rights without acknowledging
your responsibility isn’t freedom; it’s adolescence.”
Laura Ingrate, Sean Insanity,
And The Three Stooges Curly Howard’s distant cousin, Tucker
Have all been vaccinated,
As well as their oligarch boss, Rupert Murdoch,
Yet, they’re encouraging you not to.
That is the textbook definition,
Of sadism: “the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual
gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others,”
Laughing at you in the coffee room,
After passing company-mandated COVID protocols,
On the Avenue of the Americas,
They are fascists,
Like Ingrate’s father, Nazi sympathizers,
Mike Lofgren and George Will were the first to leave this
None of Fox Propaganda’s anchors are conservatives,
They aim to overthrow our democratic republic,
Penguin Random House book description lead:
“What happens when media and politics become forms of
Neil Postman’s central research question in his polemic,
“Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of
Show Business,”
Ted Turner’s “great idea” of 24-hour “infotainment.”
Attractive, model-like female news anchors like Robin Meade,
Misogyny well before Roger Ailes,
Ted tried to get the same cinematic effects,
Like“HBO,” “Star Wars,” and the “Rocky Horror Picture Show,”
CNN’s “Crossfire,” the prototype of orchestrated conflict,
He largely succeeded,
The infotainment echo chambers followed as clones of him,
It’s easy to blame everything on social media,
It’s just a digitized version of Postman’s warning screed,
Richard Nixon,
Won re-election,
On his “law and order” mandate,
Instituted the racist “war on drugs,”
Sweeping 49 out of 50 states,
Watergate felled him,
Due to Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward’s,
Investigative journalism,
With the help of
Three television stations,
Radio and print media,
The corporatists had to control the flow of information,
Were the same fascists who substituted,
Civics with what Frank Zappa pointed out as “social studies,”
Began a decades-long campaign,
To shape the opinions of citizens,
Consolidating ownership,
From 150 independent media outlets
To six, controlled by:
AT&T (who bought Time Warner), CBS (Big Bang, and Star
Trek), Comcast (think MSNBC), Disney (owns ABC), News Corp (Fox Propaganda),
and Viacom (BET, MTV, VH1, all of who no longer plays videos),
But cheered on our failed deployments,
In Iraq and Afghanistan,
As it lined war profiteers pockets,
Apocalypse: It’s a great title to a movie, story,
supervillain, or blog post.
It means “to uncover” or “to reveal.”
Here’s your revelation:
This nation has profited from war and carnage since its
Looking forward to a rapture,
Encourages laziness,
No need to solve climate change by applying science,
“Mutually Assured Destruction” in this warped Cartesian thinking
isn’t madness,
All Americans, Native Americans, African Americans, Asian
Americans, Hispanic Americans, LGBTQ Americans, Women, immigrants
Are all being affected by the anti-democratic efforts of
Republican legislatures to either pick the voters they want to be counted or if
elections don’t quite go their way, THROW out the results!
Dr. King referred to that as “interposition, and
The filibuster has been adjusted, carved out, flipped,
manipulated for less than our ability to call ourselves a federal republic than
for billionaire Oligarchs’ tax cuts.
Both parties are invested in the “status quo.” It is ghoulish.
Continuing it would be self-extinction and foolish,
The whole intent of Dr. Neil Postman’s warnings of simply 24-hour
“infotainment” cable news;
Before social media proliferated;
Before phone apps were invented,
Before our news outlets consolidated,
And morphed into self-deluding echo chambers kowtowing to
Nielsen ratings,
Before politicians became craven liars in stark evidence of
And would instead rule over a smoldering ruin of feces than
serve in an actual democracy.
Democracy (noun): a system of government by the whole
population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected
representatives: rule BY the people,
Our nation and the world deserve better.
Our nation and the world get better when “we the people”
demand better.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, Margaret
Atwood, “The Handmaid’s Tale,” translation: Don’t let the bastards grind you
Do comedy,
Sing songs,
Write poetry,
Perform skits,
Speak the truth about reality, politics, and science,
Come to venues like “Spoken and Heard” to fight for democracy,
and above all:
Put the bastards to flight,
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