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Damien G Jackaman, Facebook |
© August 13, 2021, the Griot Poet
“No shoes, no shirt, no service,”
“Click it or ticket” after its implementation in 1973 dropped
highway fatalities from a high down to 17%,
When working in high-risk areas, it’s advisable to wear personal
protective equipment,
Before getting on a plane;
It would help if you took off your shoes, belt, laptop,
Walkthrough an x-ray machine and metal detectors,
Wear your seatbelt, and place your tray tables in an upright,
locked position before landing,
Where are my civil libertarians?
Oh, yeah!
Please wear a mask,
While in the store shopping
To stem the spread of a deadly pandemic,
How DARE you take away my [personal] liberties and rights?
Please [go] fly a kite,
In a lightning storm,
With conducting wire,
Since you “don’t believe in science,”
Death Santis:
What the hell is a “biomedical security state?”
You had to back-the-fuck-up on the “no masks” mandates,
As will your Texas Wheelchair Nazi idiot clone,
Neither of you is going to be president,
Or governors for long,
We have this thing in 2022 called elections,
Charlie Crist in Florida,
Beto O’Rourke in Texas,
Are your replacements,
The Census your president slowed,
Ended early,
Reported karmically:
So-called white people are shrinking,
Probably because rural moonshiners,
Don’t trust the GUB-MINT revenuers,
There’s a simple explanation for this gap,
It might be less about sex and more about math,
Russian disinformation is capitalizing on it,
Rather than telling the truth,
To their rural constituents,
The “gang of Putin” is lying to them,
Since they’ve lost seven out of eight popular votes in
presidential elections,
They’re taking their marbles home and not participating,
More willing to blow up democracy,
[Than] moderating their message,
Deplorable ingrates,
Yelling at medical professionals,
Trying to keep children,
Who can’t get a vaccine,
From getting sick,
Or dying,
Because you think William Wallace cried “free dumb.”
(That’s two words, he only said one),
They forget Will was drawn and quartered,
His kinsmen fought for freedom in his name like Scotsmen,
But you’re
At a piece of cloth,
Over your nose and mouth,
Trust me: no one likes this shit,
But you’re the ones extending this pandemic,
Needlessly by not wearing it,
Or getting a FREE vaccine,
You act like you’re constantly insulted,
This fact is why we call you a death cult.
Don’t interrupt!
You were the same “stable geniuses.”
That wanted to open up the classrooms
Unmasked during the alpha variant,
With NO vaccine [in] sight,
When you were saying that it was all a hoax,
That it would magically “disappear.”
After November 3,
Well, Einstein,
“Reinstatement” is [apparently] a moving target,
The Delta variant is here,
What’s your “plan B?”
You “don’t trust what’s in the vaccines,”
But you’re in the drive-thru on Fridays at Wendy’s,
You shovel Big Macs
Like there’s no tomorrow:
“Two all-beef patties,
Special sauce,
Lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions,
On a sesame seed bun.”
What’s in the “special sauce?”
What are you swigging that’s in moonshine?
You “did your research.”
Ahem: I can quote chapter and verse:
Did you read papers,
Summarize them in a literature review,
Cross-check references,
Ask questions,
Form hypothesis,
Alternative hypothesis,
Design experiments,
Analyze results,
No? You just saw a video?
By definition:
“Critical thinking is the
intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing,
applying, analyzing, synthesizing, [and/or] evaluating information gathered
from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or
communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is
based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions:
clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good
reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.”
The Foundation For Critical Thinking: Defining Critical Thinking
If you did none of this,
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