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In Trump's Plot to Seize the White House, Who Will Be Our Smedley Butler? Jonathan M. Katz |
© August 23, 2021, the Griot Poet
Hillary Clinton,
In a moment of clarity with Greta Van Susteren
When Fox Propaganda was actually “news,”
A video that has recently gone viral,
She detailed how
Dr. Zbignew Brezinski,
With the peanut farmer,
President Jimmy Carter,
Gave the Soviet Union
Their [own] version of Vietnam,
The United States and Pakistani intelligence created,
The Mujahideen,
A young Osama Bin Laden,
And my Aggie classmate, Khalid Sheik Mohammad,
Gave them training from the CIA,
Courtesy of the School of the Americas,
Enabling butchers like Pinochet, the Contras, and others,
Supplying stinger missiles in Pakistan,
As they, with Saudi Arabia,
[Bought] the free press,
News dumbed down to the common denominator: fomenting rage,
Radicalizing the local people and clerics,
In each instance, telling “good Muslims.”
To kill the atheist Soviets,
To kill the atheist serving the Iranian Shah,
In the 1960s, women wore miniskirts,
Not burkhas in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran,
What happened?
Check out the formula:
Get control over the news outlets,
Radicalize some religious zealots,
Overthrow the democratic government,
Install a puppet dictator,
Defense contractors,
And weapons manufacturers,
To bribe corrupt politicians,
And cash in on this Golden Calf,
Drink Courvoisier Cognac,
Smoke stogies lit with "hundred dollar bills y'all" in their White
Citizens Council Cul de Sacs,
It works well when you target some usually brown, un-godless
Rinse. Lather. Repeat!
“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the
oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious.… It is the only
one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”
Major General Smedley Butler penned this,
In 1935,
Earned two Congressional Medals of Honor,
Fighting wars for the racketeers,
Whistleblower for the corporate fascists,
Who tried to overthrow the US government,
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
And install Butler as a dictator,
Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes apply it,
Nightly as a rage manufacturing machine,
For the altar of Moloch Nielsen ratings,
It’s why we can’t reduce mass shootings,
After each massacre,
Check out the stock value of Smith and Wesson,
Gun manufacturers aren’t “free-market capitalism,”
Less than one percent of our population,
Owns enough firepower,
To outfit all the rest!
When are you going to accept that you’re being gaslighted?
News flash:
Franklin Roosevelt didn’t take your guns,
Harry Truman didn’t take your guns,
John F. Kennedy didn’t take your guns,
LBJ didn’t take your guns,
Bill Clinton didn’t take your guns,
Barack Obama didn’t take your guns,
For your manufactured fear, you have corporate robber barons
to thank,
Weapons and gun manufacturers are “kissing cousins,”
Laughing all the way to the bank!
Rupert Murdoch will continue this game,
As long as your eyes stay glued to his and Roger Ailes’ refrain,
Of grievance minstrelsy as propagated,
By Sean Insanity, Laura Ingrate, Tucker "Three Stooges" Curly, and Steve Doocy,
With a name that already sounds like a pejorative,
Without adjustment or artistic commentary,
Fox Propaganda has a vaccine mandate,
For every employee at Avenue of the Americas,
Rupert Murdoch can self-isolate,
He and Orange Satan got the vaccine, for goodness sake!
What “Twilight Zone” episode are we in when you’re willing to
Shine a light up your ass, drink bleach,
De-worming medicine for cows and horses,
Rather than just getting vaccinated?
We could have let you eat Tide pods, but we didn’t!
Along with hydroxychloroquine and drinking bleach, we could
have left you in the loving arms of Darwin and Karma, but we didn’t!
Because unlike you, we’re compassionate.
What are you proving with your sacrifice?
Death cults encourage such tripe,
You’re being radicalized for violence,
For overthrowing a democratic government,
Geoffrey Chaucer in “The Parson’s Tale,” and Malcolm X said:
“Chickens come HOME to roost,”
Religious zealots,
Here in America,
Want to kill atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Deists, liberal
Christians, Muslims, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender,
And a multicultural democratic government,
They don’t want to participate,
Since they know, no one wants to vote for their hate,
Instead of wearing burkas,
These fascists fancy red coats and nun habits,
Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” has tried to warn us,
Evil deeds, and curses,
Boomerang back,
And hurt the originators who launched them,
Celie told Mister this in “The Color Purple,”
Blood baths can enrich no one in their aftermath,
If your functional republic is a pile of crap,
Oligarchs raided in their cul de sacs,
The rebellion led by their well-paid security staff,
That is the recipe for dystopian nightmares,
Humanity’s progress wasted,
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