Sunday, June 25, 2023

Codependent Symbiosis...

Clownfish (Amphiprion) amid sea anemones (Heteractis magnifica), Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The two species protect each other from predators in mutual symbiosis. Britannica

© June 22, 2023, the Griot Poet


Sean Hannity complained about “voter turnout.”

A fig leaf for the fact that their ideas aren’t palatable,

The GOP has lost 8 of 9 presidential elections in the popular vote,

The last popular vote “win” was W in 2004!

[This] means that no one is buying their party’s political joke,


The party, like the “Lost Cause” narrative,

Is codependent on its [own] victimhood,

They couldn’t admit to losing the Civil War,

Any more than they admitted to losing the 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections.

Expect this scratched record in next year’s presidential,

A mature party practices addition.

Voter suppression is subtraction.

Immature parties don’t bother having a platform or positions.

Eight Republican senators met with Vladimir Putin on July 4, 2018, before the US midterms.

I’m sure that was purely coincidental!


In risk of democratic governance working for despised “others,”

The break-glass fail-safe was always insurrection.

They whine about being replaced,

When the only family they’re members of is the human race.


How can a political construct “disappear” when before 1681, it didn’t exist?


The party is codependent on a fantasy that they have effective policies,

Every time they have power in the House or Senate,

And the Executive Branch isn’t their party’s president,

We go into a scripted hostage crisis,


Because getting rid of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and SNAP benefits,

Doing absolutely NOTHING about rising temperatures,

Will hurt all those brown “others” they want to offend,

Not realizing that active duty military use those benefits,

Since the ever-increasing military budgets never translate to salary increases,


The only time the military gets a bump in pay,

Is when they get orders for temporary duty in a hot LZ,

The worst outcome for the family is their loved one coming home in a flag-draped box,

Or suffering from depression and PTSD,


Sean ranting that the problem is all those mean liberals are “rigging the system,”

With early voting and mail-in ballots,

Purposely ignoring the historical record,

The Republican Party used to dominate this space,

Until Orange Orangutan blew it to smithereens!


Fun fact: the Republican Party hasn’t had a platform since 2016,

Despite the protest from Mitt Romney,

They removed opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014,

Illegally annexing the Crimean peninsula,

A change at the behest of Paul Manifort,

Legal counsel to Russian oligarchs,

And the Kremlin’s Manchurian Candidate!


We are in symbiosis to a grift:

The foundation was the ‘71 Lewis Powell Memo,

Nine years later, Ronald Reagan stole the presidential office using the Iran Hostage Crisis,

A newsman admitted it as Jimmy Carter’s in hospice.

They cut taxes for corporations and the rich,

Knowing full well that “trickledown” is bullshit,

Social Security isn’t solvent because Ronnie stole it!

This GQP is no different.

They made the trillion-dollar bill in the previous administration,

And like people skipping out on their meals, or jewelry thieves, they refused to pay it!

That’s when we get Jon Stewart’s “bullshit mountain” of gaslighting,


Ask yourself these questions:

How is banning drag shows helping us with gun violence?

For that matter: How are “thoughts and prayers” working?

How has eliminating bodily autonomy for women ended ectopic pregnancies, rape, or sepsis?

How does banning books and history help us with the climate crisis?

How did going against “woke” in Florida help your upcoming presidential campaign announcement?

(Oh! You lost your state a billion dollars in revenue. So, we should give you the nuclear codes, Sparky?)


Being “anti-woke” is a colossal joke,

Rhonda and Casey got MARRIED at Disney (look it up)!

His mini-me sadism is his path to the presidency.

He’s a more efficient fascist than his Orange Sith Lord.

He doesn’t want to “make America great again.”

He wants to make the United States the Rosewood massacre!


Codependency disorder results from dysfunctional relationships with others. Therefore, people who struggle with codependency often find it difficult to maintain healthy relationships. Codependency disorder is often referred to as a “relationship addiction.” Due to low self-esteem, each codependent person may feel they cannot be without the other.


Symbiosis is defined as a close, prolonged association between two or more different biological species. This relationship can be symbiotic (mutualistic), where both parties benefit from the interaction, or parasitic, where one party benefits while the other is harmed.


America is a codependent symbiosis.

We have a dysfunctional relationship with one another.

From its inception,

We have not had a healthy relationship with the land, First Nations people, or the environment.

Yet, we have a symbiotic (mutualistic) and simultaneously parasitic yin and yang going.


We’re not Goshen.

We’re not Canaan.

We’re not a “New Heaven or a New Earth.”

We’re not Utopia.


We are less “exceptional” but more influential.

Countries mimic us for good or for ill.

Democracy will rise or fall in imitation of ours.

Climate mitigation won’t happen until WE do it!

The survival of the species hinges on us.


We’re not perfect, but we can work together in cooperative symbiosis.

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